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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 12-24-2022

“Bank Story from Telegram” by Woof – 12.23.22

Bank Story: By the way , I just spoke with my bank today after I was finished paying a credit card payment . When they asked me is there anything else we can do for you ?

 I said , Yes I have a question.  Did you guys switch to the Synergy Quantum system yet . I ask because I heard that all banks will have to comply with Basel 4 by Jan 1st, 2023 to have all their assets backed by Gold ! 

The guy was silent for a few seconds and then said , um, yes we are switching to that system next year.  I don’t know the exact details on everything , but we are definitely switching. 

I told him it’s going to be great for all of us. He agreed and said have a great day !  Im so damn excited I could scream lol


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KTFA: Vietnam News

Henig: Vinh Phuc, a peaceful destination

16:39 | 23/12/2022

(VEN) - As a land with many scenic spots and charming mountains painted with many sublime emotions of nature, Vinh Phuc has a quiet, charming, and profound beauty with gentle, friendly people. Coming to Vinh Phuc is coming to new and peaceful discoveries!

It takes a whole journey filled with tears and austere sweat from centuries ago that the French are willing to accept to see a dreamy, peaceful Tam Dao for meaningful days. Thousands of rides and classic surveys to find a special area like Tam Dao - a climate with four seasons in a day, dew spreading all year round, a rich ecosystem with many species of rare animals and plants – this place always pleases people in entirely enjoying the magnificent beauty of nature, the mysterious freshness brings a sense of peace to the soul!

The land of Tay Thien also did not coincidentally have the first steps of the Indian delegation - King Asoka came to contemplative and propagate the Buddha's teachings, then built Nele Citadel (Temple of Hell) and erected the Asoka tower.

The ancient pagodas left traces of thousands of years showing the first place of Buddhism... And there are many ancient vestiges with hidden wild beauty: Bird Island - Dai Lai, Bat Cave - Ngoc Thanh; Binh Son Pagoda - Song Lo, Huong Canh Communal House cluster - Binh Xuyen, Flying Waterfall - Lap Thach, Phu Da stone Temple, Tung Van Temple - Vinh Tuong, etc.

Not only the government and agencies but also a lot of people who love Vinh Phuc have spent a lot of mind and money to build it, with heart, enthusiasm and concern to preserve and restore landscapes and monuments to turn each land, each destination into a worth living place for themselves and visitors all over the world.

It seems that both to keep up with the times while always keeping the tradition, respecting the natural landscape and the hard-working past, which is the point of view of Vinh Phuc's leaders and authorities, has been a boon for tourism during the past time.

By resolution 01, action program No. 41 is a ladder for tourism development, contributing to increasing the average service growth rate of more than 10 percent per year; service economic structure increased by more than five percent, contributing to the average economic growth of the province.

From the resolution, trade-service development programs are suitable to the actual situation and potential of each region and locality; in the 2011-2022 period, Vinh Phuc has developed nearly 200 planning projects, in particular, there have been many large and important projects related to tourism such as North Ngoc Thanh area, Lang Ha Lake, Van Truc Commune, Bo Lac Lake, Sang Mountain, and Tam Dao I and II tourist areas, among others, with effectively mechanisms and policies, thereby attracting many interested and visionary investors, creating tourism products in harmony with Vinh Phuc; prominent are the 5-star Flamigo Dai Lai projects with a total registered investment capital of nearly VND5 trillion, the Tam Dao II project of SunGroup Group with the total investment capital of phase 1 of nearly VND3 trillion; phase 1 of FLC Luxury Resort Vinh Phuc project with a total investment of about VND600 billion; Tay Thien cable car project of Lac Hong Investment Joint Stock Company with investment capital of nearly VND250 billion; scale of tourist accommodation establishments in the province developed synchronously with 544 establishments; four 5-star hotels; two 4-star hotels and 75 accommodation establishments are rated from 1 to 3 stars; other accommodation facilities are all up to national standards, proof of the land has a magical attraction and a safe and stable landing.

Joining hands to support tourism businesses, in the 2015-2019 period, the province invested VND2.285 trillion in the tourism sector, of which investment in infrastructure in the tourist area is more than VND159 billion, accounting for 6.9 percent of the province's investment capital. In the “COVID-19 control campaign”, the province has accompanied businesses, creating many “soft” mechanisms to flexibly welcome guests; try to improve the investment environment, reserve land fund for tourism projects.

Vinh Phuc's tourism development is associated with various types of tourism targeting the needs of the guest market, which are ecotourism products, resorts, seminars (MICE), discovery, and sports tourism (golf). It is a strength that attracts domestic and foreign tourists. Destinations that are invested with attractive tours with typical regional tourist products such as yellow flower tea, cordyceps, pollen honey, etc. have made visitors want to come back – this is the enduring attraction of Vinh Phuc tourism: creating a feeling of nostalgia, nostalgia and freshness! Therefore, the talented French artist - Yves Coueslant took the journey from afar to return to the land of Tam Dao to find the memories of a time when he used to take his family to relax, avoid the summer heat. Summer and this enchanted land inspired him to create a famous perfume around the world. From the raw materials Sandalwood, Tuyet Tung and Bach combine to create relaxation and wild memories of Tam Dao... so far, the “Tam Dao” brand has become one of the leading perfume lines of Diptyque.

From a faint province on the national tourist map and an unnamed province on the world tourism map, Vinh Phuc tourism has now risen to become a bright spot through the titles of Flamingo Dai Lai Resort - Top 10 of the world's most popular tourist destinations, ASEAN tourism award; Tam Dao National Tourist Area or Top Impressive Destination in the World. Since 2011, Vinh Phuc has only had 1.7 million tourists, by 2019 it has had nearly five million visitors, tourism revenue reached an estimated VND2 trillion, an increase of 2.5 times compared to before. From 2020-2022, when facing the COVID-19 pandemic, but with an open mechanism to ensure safe pandemic prevention and control, tourists still choose Vinh Phuc as a destination; In 2022, tourists to Vinh Phuc reached 8.2 million, quadruple the 2021’s figure, including 73,500 foreign visitors, bringing in total revenue of almost VND3.6 trillion, 2.3 times that in 2021.

Vinh Phuc tourism brand has been confirmed, but how to make the brand always shine? That is the question that Vinh Phuc is proposing a series of specific programs and a focus roadmap. Tourism promotion is associated with domestic and international cultural and sports events; organizing tours, and routes to introduce tourism products to friends and tourists around the world; continuing to exploit the strengths and potentials of ecological, cultural, and spiritual tourism, community tourism (homestay), tourism combining conferences and seminars (MICE tourism), resort tourism Weekends, rural tourism; bringing more tours and new routes to meet the diverse needs of tourists; improving the quality of tourism services, products and tourism infrastructure in the direction of modernity and professionalism, making a difference on the basis of preserving and promoting national cultural identity, and protecting the ecological environment; innovating tourism investment promotion, focusing on promoting the image of Vinh Phuc tourism.

In Vinh Phuc's tourism development strategy with a vision to 2030, resort and ecological tourism is associated with entertainment, cultural and spiritual tourism and service tourism for seminars and visits, and experiential learning are identified as the three main pillars creating motivation for sustainable development of tourism in the province. Vinh Phuc's current policy is to promote and attract strategic investors to build new complex service zones and large-scale tourism projects to create a large influence. Vinh Phuc is going to a promising path that opens up opportunities to turn the province into a world-class tourism center.

Thu Thuy  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26    [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  The HCL is still being worked on.  They are back in Baghdad meeting right now.  This has no final agreement signed now.  We're not too concerned about it because we know they're going to agree.  As of yet there is nothing that has been signed.  This is a sticky point and has to be signed and activated.  They have signed article 140 but HCL and Article 140 are different items. [Post 1 of 2...stay tuned]

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  News here talks about the meetings and the HCL all day...they're saying the only thing Iraq needs is this HCL signed and activated to make Iraq have ability to advance in the International world.  This HCL is the final key...  FRANK:  They just told you the moment they have the HCL signed your currency is going to go International.  That's why you have so many platforms already established internationally... [Post 2 of 2]

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Naughty Or Nice! Is Santa Coming To Broad And Wall? Not If Risk Continues To Rise...

Greg Mannarino:  12-23-2022


Amid System Reset, They'll Come After Your Gold | Francis Hunt

Liberty and Finance:  12-24-2022

Francis Hunt is expecting the elite to confiscate people's gold in a system reset scenario. He discusses ways to prepare for whatever kind of gold confiscation may happen in the future. Geographic diversification of holdings and maintaining privacy are key, he notes.

0:00 Intro

1:35 Gold confiscation

14:40 Geographical diversification

21:58 Don't get shaken out

25:30 Gold/silver update

32:45 The Market Sniper


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