Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 10-30-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 30 Oct. 2021

Compiled Sat. 30 Oct. 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

The countdown has begun.A World Changing Event was about to happen – that would turn into a BQQM Week to Remember, complete with a Blackout and release of the Emergency Broadcast System across the world to support the Global Currency Reset.

Nick Fleming: D Day is upon us. The Military Alliance recently reported that they have completed more than 100,000 arrests.

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Fri. Evening 29 Oct. MarkZ:

A certain US Redemption Center has started paying out German bonds. Four or five weeks ago they had glitches, having problems with transfers. Things were not happening when they were trying to transfer Historic Bonds from Redemption city to Redemption city. It was causing some issues. So now it looks like they are targeting one area at a time. For example, Zurich would exchange for a couple days and then maybe Miami, or Reno for a couple days. There is considerable bond movement on one area right now. Things still appeared to be moving forward.  

My contractor guys who were expecting full use of their funds yesterday, were now told they would not have full access until Sunday or Monday. I think that tells us a lot on what they expect our weekend to be like. I am starting to hear some rumors of possible Sun, Mon, or Tuesday for possible CMKX and Prosperity package deliveries. I hope to have updates by tomorrow with a homeland security contact of mine. .

Originally I was told we would have 30 days to go to the banks. The new currency will be running side by side the fiat for about 90 days. We will exchange our fiat for the new bills within that 90 days. We will be able to trade it in 1 for those days. As you spend it at stores it will get taken off the markets. So, there are no worries about that unless you are a drug lord in Columbia. You would have a tough time showing up at the bank with millions in 20’s and 100’s to exchange. After 90 days fiat will be useless.

QFS – A Big Weekend Coming: https://drcharlieward.com/the-latest-update-of-the-qfs-a-big-weekend-coming-with-pryme-minister/

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/10/30/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-october-30-2021/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...it has been very quiet...the bankers are quiet...kind of a gag order...a lot of them are under NDA’s – some of the other people we talked to are laying low...I don’t know if we’re going to get this before the weekend...this Monday November 1st could be a different story all together...we are very very close – so I am not going to write off the weekend yet – let’s see if something magical happens tonight...A lot of good things are going to be happening very soon...


The Green Lantern

Hello my friends 

 I have just received news that our blessing will be on next week as it will be our Christmas bonus

 It is anytime next week and for Zim holders the  schedule is on 9th to 11th November.

 Please pray that this happens as we are all tired of the rollercoaster ride and we want this done so we can start helping humanity.

 God bless 

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Vietnam Dong update for 10/29/21

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:   Oct 29, 2021


Iraqi Dinar update for 10/29/21

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:   Oct 29, 2021


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