Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 5-16-2020


DELTA:  Two billion dinars from the United Nations to serve Al-Baghdadi in Anbar

UN GIVING IRAQ...... 2B DINARS ...NOT $$$.(dollars) .....

CAN WE SAY ARTICLE 8.......(smile)

Papito:  Why give any funds much less $2B DINAR to a former ISIS leader?

MW:  In this instance I think Delta is referring to a CITY called Al-Baghdadi in the Province of Anbar!!!

DELTA:  Al - Baghdadi IS A  district, IN  Al –Anbar

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You will only find it in Iraq .. a hard currency that is wasted through the auction at a difficult time

 Saturday 16 May 2020 - 16:00 (Alsumaria News) -

It appears that the Central Bank’s continued daily auction to finance imports described as miserable and fake through banks, some of which have never practiced credit work ... will sooner or later lead to depletion of hard currency, especially with low oil prices, which is the main financier of the bank’s reserves from This currency, which seems to be wasted at a difficult time, according to the specialists.

Banks, to say the least, were established to live on the currency auction and to be more like offices for financial transfer. Most of their doors are closed to citizens and they carry banners for the names of banks, but they do not practice their banking activities.

The auction is a drain for hard currency  

Financial expert Mohamed Al-Khuzai said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "the average of what the Central Bank sells annually to finance private sector imports exceeds $ 40 billion, which is a large amount compared to what Iraq imports, which does not exceed $ 30 billion annually," noting that "the drop in oil prices significantly It will inevitably lead to a depletion of hard currency. "  

Al-Khuza’i added that “the auction has become a place for profit for banks and out of the hard currency for imports, some of which are fictitious, by providing some banks with forged documentary credits on the pretext of covering commercial deals.”  

Al-Khuza’i pointed out that “some banks obtained a license to practice the profession without checking the eligibility of these banks, which completely refrained from practicing their credit work, while their only work was limited to participating in the currency auction.”  

Expert: The contribution of banks to development is less than 13%  

Economist Dhargham Muhammad Ali said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "the contribution of the banking sector in Iraq is still 13% less by indicators of financial inclusion that place the local banking sector in the tail of the sector in the Arab world and in a late world ranking according to World Bank indicators and despite raising the percentage of financial inclusion after Localization of salaries, but it is still much less than expected. "  

He adds that "private banks in Iraq do not have real development, but are a consumer sector similar to the rest of the sectors in Iraq, where they moved away from the credit development role and went to trade in currency and give limited loans with high benefits."  

And Ali points out that "the large increase in the number of private banks without real economic feasibility is offered in a way that cannot be doubted that their establishment came against the background of auction profits and not the practice of regular banking activity," noting that "until now the percentage of private banking system participation does not exceed 15% Of the total volume of deposits in the Iraqi banking system. "  

"Miserable" goods import  

For his part, the economic expert, Adel Mohamed Saeed, considered in an interview with Alsumaria News that "millions of dollars are released daily through the auction conducted by the Central Bank to import goods and goods that are not useful and described them as" miserable ", noting that" these goods flooded the market and harmed local production. " .  

Saeed adds that "a lot of private banks in Iraq have moved away from credit work because of the low return from it, and therefore have gone to get their share from the Central Bank of Iraq auction, which keeps them away from their banking competence and makes them closer to the banking offices."  

Saeed calls for "the central bank to re-check the licenses of these banks and seriously stand on the ability of these banks to operate banking and finance imports of goods and goods for the benefit of the citizen."  

The Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar to private banks and money transfer companies through the auction that it conducts daily at an amount of 150 million dollars, which increases these numbers or decreases according to demand by these banks, which affects in one way or another the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq, which was affected significantly in recent times As a result of the lack of symmetry between what he gets from the dollar and the auction sale process.  

A large number of financial policy professionals opposed the currency auction, which they considered to be a waste of public money in this circumstance if it was not organized and used properly to serve the public and economic interests and led to the conversion of hard currency out of the country.  

It is noteworthy that the frequency of accusations escalated regarding the currency smuggling operations that cast a shadow over the selling prices of the dollar in local markets and led to an increase in its exchange rate a few months ago, while deputies called for the government to stop selling the currency at auctions of the central bank, others confirmed that Iraq was losing Significant money from being smuggled daily out of the border.  LINK

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...we know they need more purchasing power.  That's the direction I feel they're going in but we will soon find out.  All right you guys don't feel negative....IMO a decrease in a rate is what we want.  And what I mean by a decrease - I don't want to see that number [1190 dinar rate] increase... what I mean is I want to see 1190 decease - go down.  The lower that goes the closer it gets...

Mike Cottrell   people ask me when is the RV going to happen …I do not know ...There is no way this reset is not going to happen…watch the G-20…when the G-20 make a decree that China and the communist party owes us for all the death and trauma caused in the world and to all countries. I think that is when we will see the rollover/reset happen. If not before...



Doc:  Does Iraq really want to change? Seems like they have every reason to change their economy for now many months but do nothing

Briona:  They never had a completed government until now, so there was no way they would revalue until that was done

Mocha2u:  I'm hopeful that we have made it to the finish line....not sure how long before we cross it though


Tishwash:  Kurdish lawmaker: positive signs between Baghdad and Erbil regarding the oil agreement

Member of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament, Othman Karim revealed, on Saturday, what he described as positive signs from Baghdad, regarding the activation of the previous federal government agreement with the region, which provides for the delivery of 250 thousand barrels of oil in exchange for the federal government sending salaries to employees.

Karim said, in an interview with “Al-Masala”, that there were good signs and we got from Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi that Kurdistan employees are an essential part of the Iraqi employees, and they cannot be left without salaries, and there are signs of a quick agreement.

He added that there is a technical committee from both parties, which is considering reaching a certain mechanism, before submitting it to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, for approval, and that the region’s government will fulfill all of its obligations towards Baghdad, and it is ready for any method that puts the latter on the issue of oil delivery.

Kareem suggested that the signing of the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government regarding the handing over of employee salaries will take place after the upcoming Eid Al-Fitr holiday.   link

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Keiser Report | Turning junk into $$ | E1541

May 16, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the similarities between Charles Saatchi and the US Federal Reserve, where junk is turned into ‘value’ through showmanship and public deception.

Stacy also creates some ‘valuable’ hair art. In the second half, Max continues his interview with Raoul Pal of Global Macro Investor and Real Vision Group.

In this segment, they discuss sophisticated investors' packaging risk and dumping it into pension funds.


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