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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 8-13-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 Aug. 2022

Compiled Sat. 13 Aug. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

This Week we were told that monies were releasing from the Rodriquez and other Trusts. Tier 3 recipients were likely being bound to silence through their signing of strict Non Disclosure Agreements. Rumor was that in at least one case, millions of dollars in loans were awarded based on what was present (but not yet released) in certain bank accounts.

Mon. 15 Aug. was a suspected deadline for GCR liquidation, as the date was not only rumored by various sources to be set, but a while back Charlie Ward said Mon. 15 Aug. was a date the public could possibly exchange, plus Iraq, the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, was also talking about completion of their government organization and public release of their new Dinar Rate by next Mon. 15 Aug.

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Thurs. 11 Aug. Bruce: Three different sources confirmed that they want Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to start our appointments before Mon. 15 Aug, which means we should be getting notification Fri. 12 Aug. or Sat. 13 Aug. They want to process the Zim Bond Holders as soon as possible (Zim Bonds were backing the whole GCR). Thurs. 11 Aug. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

MarkZ: “A contact in Iraq said the goal was still the 15th or before.”

Iraq had a new Dinar Rate that was trading in the international community, though it has not yet been made public.

We will have about 10 days to exchange or redeem our currencies and bonds (Zim) for the special rates. …White Hat Intel


White Hat Intel:

Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach.

China heading into near Civil War: The Fall of the DS money in the Chinese Communist Party Regime connected to the U.S. $ dollar and European Euro falling as Military tanks and soldiers surround banks and 100 of millions of Chinese civilians try to withdraw their own money as the 2nd world strongest economy collapses.

What isn’t known was that XI, Putin and others have staged these Events to bring down the CCP Communist Regime and their banks. (I have long ago told you all these EVENTS would happen worldwide and China would began it’s collapse of the Communist Regime through the banks and civil unrest (near war).

After the collapse, the new Gold backed system will be in FULL EFFECT throughout China.

The current banks that have collapsed were the hundreds of thousands of banks that run on money laundering and owned by Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the several Chinese clans that created the CCP.

In the past six weeks several military generals have been replaced and President XI has installed loyalist among the 31 provinces.

The World Storm is among us as China begins collapsing the Banks connected to the Fiat System.

The long overdue collapse of the Central Banking System:

As Discover Card falls and with Visa falling (several companies in Delaware going under), along with the implosion of the fiat system Nancy Pelosi and DC Elites started dumping Stock!

The fake and false market reports have done their job giving HOPIUM to tens of Millions of sleeping sheep, who were about to wake up to a collapse (not a Recession or Depression).

 Alex Jones was fear mongering in his podcast because he’s going to lose billions with his investors and they can’t pull out. What Alex Jones isn’t telling his listeners is that when everything collapses, the American dollar – the real origins of the American coin (precious metals) is coming back.

Unknown to most around the World: The U.S. military that confiscated the Vatican gold and tunnels in Switzerland with over 600 military carriers carrying the Gold has already been divided into major countries. The UK, Europe, Canada (has silver backed), but the rest of the world was given Gold (and it is in secure locations around the World).

The Golden Age of NESARA/GESARA is upon us: The Great Awakening. The Best is Yet to Come.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/08/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-august-13-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  When they do make the announcement  that they have a seated government and dissolved parliament... when you have those two you have a new exchange rate.  IMO Kazemi is going to be the one to make the announcement of the new exchange rate...not Mustafa from the CBI...

Tivon  ...The dissolution by default will activate Al-Kazemi...He will officially hold all power to activate reforms at anytime he sees fit. So it doesn't matter if he does it before or after the 15th...all banks will be ready for the new digital platform by that date...he already told the citizens...that the citizens will have their demands met in days...They are waiting for Al-Kazemi...Let this guy bring it home for us.  We don't need the UN, IMF, AMF, World Bank, CBI, or US Treasury to tell us that. You should be ready regardless. On the 15th and afterwards. Imo

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Kevin Muir: Are We Heading for a Decade of Inflation?

Palisades Gold Radio: 

Tom welcomes back private trader and newsletter publisher Kevin Muir of "The Macro Tourist" to the show.

Investors seem to be having problems understanding the current economy and inflation. Those in charge are arguing that this past month had no inflation. The reality is that month over month figures may be indicating that inflation has peaked.

This may cause the Fed may to be less hawkish than most investors are expecting. Kevin argues that bond markets are assessing the economy and the possibility of a recession differently than stocks. Kevin cautions against selling stocks at this point. Over the long-term, stock markets should reflect the economy, but over shorter periods they can get ahead of themselves.

Kevin is more of a bull on the real economy because of our past monetary policy. We've forgotten that fiscal policy can provide some benefits to the economy. Inflation can't be fixed by spending more on fiscal policies. He expects inflation to continue for at least a decade, and this will be a big factor that investors will want to consider.

He's more concerned with bonds than the stock market. Should the Fed decide they don't need to reduce growth, then we could see a huge shift away from bonds. We could have a 1987 style setup with bonds triggering a crash.

Bonds aren't providing the safety hedge that they did historically. The monetary environment is shifting rapidly, and investors may be overlooking this looming issue. Kevin contrasts the differences between the Canadian and U.S. housing markets. Canada appears to be contracting, but the United States could see higher prices.

 He believes the only way the Fed is cutting over the next year is if something critical breaks. Gold has a role to play as a way of mitigating risk and hedging low real rates. Gold has suffered for the last few months because of Fed policy on rates and the dollar's rise.

Lastly, he outlines why this coming inflationary decade may be an opportunity for carefully positioned investors.

Time Stamp References:

0:00 - Introduction

0:34 - Markets & CPI

2:08 - A Turning Point?

6:24 - Stocks & Growth

9:36 - Bearish Sentiment

12:50 - Pandora's Box

16:25 - Stimulus & Recovery

18:24 - More Bond Concerns

25:20 - Counterpoints

30:04 - Housing Bubbles?

32:52 - Tech Equities Sell-Off

35:08 - Crypto Thoughts

37:00 - Fed Objectives

41:55 - Supply Chains

45:37 - Inflationary Opportunity?

51:54 - Golds Role & Doom

59:06 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode - Inflation outlook and the market's expectation of a recession. - Why bond markets are carrying considerable risk. - Differences between the Canadian and U.S. housing markets. - Golds role of mitigating risk, and it's ability to hedge rates.


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