Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 5-21-2022


DoTalktoMe:  Nothing to exciting will happen until they seat government. Why would anyone want to do business with a backwards Unstable bunch of goons. 

PattyCakes77:  I truly believe in my heart that what Iraq is putting out is nothing like it seems. I believe Iraq has a formed government and the rate is going to pop up when we least expect it and it will surprise everyone. These people play mind games and love it. I believe they feel some kind of power, this is the middle east we are talking about. I feel good about this month, too much good news coming out.

Popeye7:  Imo, in agreement Patty... All of this work, and attention being paid to Iraq is not being achieved, and exercised for naught... With the great info we have been receiving here at KTFA, is seems they are revving the economic engine, and will be putting the pedal to the metal...

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From Holly’s Site Administrator Today:

Guys, I'd like to remind everyone to keep realistic expectations about what's going to happen (or not) this weekend wrt the RV.  Yes, everything suggests we're close. 

Yes, Holly and other intel providers have received really positive information.  Yes, many intel providers have been asked to take time off / go dark for a few days.  

Does this mean it's going to happen this weekend?  Not necessarily.

There could potentially be more final sting operations, additional tasks to complete or unexpected events that delay it for a short while again.  We simply don't know yet.

As we've been saying all along, keep the knowing in your heart that this has already haven taken place.  Visualize it happening, and raise your vibration up to the level of the RV (or higher) and keep it there.  

I would urge everyone to try not to get drawn into the emotional rollercoaster of expecting it to happen tomorrow, even though I know that so many in here desperately need relief from a very stressful and difficult situation - some more than others.   

This will happen, and it looks like soon, but I would suggest that it's best to try view these events from a position of neutrality and knowing, and to focus on what we can control in the now.

Sending love and blessings to you all.


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Report  5-21-2022

By Judy Byingtton

Judy Note: I have been asked to take a break and not post again until next week. A lot of things are happening across the US and worldwide. I encourage you to do your own research so as to make informative decisions for your future.

[Latest Recap]:

Global Currency Reset: No significant new Intel on the Global Currency Reset has been released lately:

Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the codes will be entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments. That would be decided from calculations of the Military Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

The gold-backed Chinese Yuan has replaced the fiat US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The King Pin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – has been removed from the International Sanction’s List and Iraq has been told they could revalue their Dinar at any time.

On Tues. 17 May the funds were moved into place for Tier 3 Bond Holders.

Tier4B funds were already in place according to Bruce.

At any time all Reno subgroups would have 100% access to new ISO 20022 USN accounts for immediate payout, while the Wells Fargo Group (formerly General 64) and Abbott Downing private invitations could start, along with Tier4B notification and appointment scheduling at 7,000 Redemption Centers.

Redemption Center Staff have said that this week will be a great week for all of us.

On Fri. 20 May 4pm EST a Big Event was scheduled.

The US Note asset-backed currency would be available by the end of the week.

The General Public would likely start around a week after Tier4B exchanges began, according to Bruce, while Banks were now saying that they were set up to begin the first week in June.

To obtain the special rates and in order to redeem Zim Bonds, your exchange/ redemption must be accomplished during a specific ten day time period and done at a Redemption Center that has been set up for that purpose.

Later the General Public will be able to exchange their foreign currencies at the new rates by going to a bank.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/05/21/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-21-2022/

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militiaman  Article:  "Al-Ghazi: Establishing welcome yards at border crossings contributes to simplifying procedures and reducing corruptionThey have been working on this for some time and are in the advance stages now, imo. Likely to be a key factor now in the implementation of a new exchange rate to come from the CBI.

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...information out of Canada – One of their major banks has given us information that suggests that they are waiting in Canada at their redemption centers for an email Saturday morning that would indicate that they could bring in their staff and have set appointments possibly for exchanges to start as early as this weekend which could be Saturday afternoon/evening or Sunday. Now we don't have that here in the so called lower 48 states - we don't have that yet - but...I don't see Canada going ahead of us or behind us - I think we'll all start at the same time - It's just interesting that the information they got today is pointing towards Saturday - for their notifications to the redemption centers...


Iraqi Dinar update for 0520/22 - There's hope

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  5-20-2022


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