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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 11-21-2020


Tishwash:    The first batches of US forces leave Iraq

The official spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Operations Command, Major General Tahsin Al-Khafaji, announced today, Friday, the withdrawal of the first batch of US forces from Iraq, according to the agreement with Washington.

Al-Khafaji explained that the US forces in Iraq are not combat, adding: “We only have those who meet support with air strikes to target ISIS remnants, as well as logistical and advisory services.”

And Abizaid: “Today the American forces began to withdraw and the number is 500, who were announced according to the agreement between Baghdad and Washington recently.

And the Foreign Minister, Fuad Hussein, revealed during a press conference, last Wednesday, that Baghdad and Washington had reached an agreement to withdraw 500 American soldiers from Iraq, after talks that took place during a phone call between the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The new acting US Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller, expressed his intention to accelerate the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and the Middle East, saying, “The time has come to return to the homeland. All wars must end,” in his first message to the US armed forces.”

Many are tired of war, and I am one of them, ” Miller wrote in a message on the Defense Department’s website , but it is the crucial stage in which we transform our efforts from a leadership role to a supportive one.

The acting US Secretary of Defense concluded: “Ending wars requires concessions and partnership. We faced the challenge and did everything we could. Now it is time to return home.”   link

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Tishwash:   Deputy for it: Kurdish blocs will attend the session on Saturday

The House of Representatives will hold its regular session on Saturday to discuss a number of draft laws, the most important of which is the Information Crimes Law.

The Kurdish blocs withdrew from the voting session on the borrowing law on Thursday, 12th of this month, due to the Kurdistan region’s share.

The deputy of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Hassan Narmo, confirmed in a press statement that "all Kurdish representatives will participate in tomorrow's session, Saturday," noting that "there are no directives yet to boycott the sessions of the Council of Representatives by the Kurdish blocs."

The agenda, which is scheduled to be held at exactly 12 mid-Saturday, includes "a general topic for discussion in the presence of the Minister of Education and Scientific Research regarding {expansion of scholastic seats}, an oral question addressed to the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq by Representative Faleh Al-Sari, and an oral question addressed to the Chairman of the Council Federal service by MP Kazem Al-Shammari.

It also includes “the report and discussion of the draft refugee law, the report and discussion of the draft law on information crimes, the report and discussion of the draft law of the third amendment to the Law of Implementation of Irrigation Projects No. 138 of 1971.

The agenda will also include general discussions for a period of 15 minutes.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...We know that we are in a very slow roll out of this RV – but it has started – it started last week...So – I’m excited that the rough idea of the timeline – I believe we will go around Thanksgiving at this point we could do something but as of right now I think we will get started before hand...

Jeff    Article:   "Al-Kaabi:  The President of the Republic does not have the power to veto laws and return them to the Parliament"  ...this article is telling you that once parliament approves a law, whether the president signs it or not, it's automatically ratified in 15 days after its date of delivery to the president of the republic...they approved it [Borrowing Law] last Thursday...


Fleming Update:

Question:    If Reset is held up by someone in the treasury. This person needs to be exposed first, then replaced and only then there will be a reset. Predictions are march/april

Fleming  Answer:        Our military intel contact that is misinfo. No way it will wait till march/april & they would be arresting anyone in UST now not taking 5.5 months to replace them. Like POTUS replaced Esper & his bunch in DoD immediately last week when they were only trying to delay for 2 weeks

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U.N. chief warns 'developing world on precipice of financial ruin

November 20, 2020

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Friday that “the developing world is on the precipice of financial ruin and escalating poverty, hunger and untold suffering” as the world struggles to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

His message came ahead of a meeting of the leaders of the Group of 20 rich nations and big emerging powers this weekend.

“We cannot let the COVID pandemic lead to a debt pandemic,” Guterres told reporters.

He has been pushing the G20 to further extend and expand debt service suspension to help developing and middle-income economies recover from the pandemic and for the allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) and a voluntary reallocation of existing Special Drawing Rights.

In excerpts of a draft G20 communique on Friday, leaders note that the coronavirus crisis had hit the most vulnerable in society the hardest, and said some countries may need debt relief beyond a temporary freeze in official debt payments that ends in June 2021.

“I am pushing for a further extension through the end of 2021 and, critically, to expand the scope of these initiatives to all developing and middle-income countries in need,” Guterres said.

A final statement will be released by leaders from the United States, China and other Group of 20 nations after they meet by video conference on Saturday.

“We face epic policy tests. But ultimately, there is a moral test. The trillions of dollars needed for COVID recovery is money that we are borrowing from future generations. Every last penny,” Guterres said.

“We cannot use those resources to lock in policies that burden them with a mountain of debt on a broken and dangerous planet,” he said.




Samson:  King Salman Inaugurates The Summit Of Leaders Of The G20 Countries Virtually

21st November, 2020

The work of the fifteenth session of the summit meetings of the leaders of the Group of Twenty (G20) began virtually, today, Saturday, under the chairmanship of King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

King Salman said in the opening speech that the year 2020 was exceptional due to the new Corona pandemic, as it represented an unprecedented shock that affected the whole world in a short period. He added, "This pandemic has caused economic and social losses to the world, and our peoples and economies are still suffering from this shock, but we will do our best to overcome this crisis through international cooperation."

King Salman said: “We must continue to support the global economy and reopen our economies and borders to facilitate the movement of trade and people, and we must provide support to developing countries in a coordinated manner to maintain the development progress made over the past decades.” He added, "We must, at the same time, be better prepared for future epidemics."

Inaugurating the meeting of leaders of the world's twenty largest economies, King Salman said that work should be done to create conditions that allow access to vaccines in a fair and affordable way to provide them to all people, along with other tools to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

King Salman stressed the importance of creating the conditions to create a more sustainable economy, and said: “We have therefore strengthened the principle of the circular carbon economy as an effective approach to achieving our goals related to climate change, and ensuring the creation of cleaner, more sustainable and affordable energy systems.”

He concluded: “We realize that trade is an essential engine for the recovery of our economies. Therefore, we approved the Riyadh initiative regarding the future of the World Trade Organization. With the aim of making the multilateral trading system more capable of meeting current and future challenges ”.  LIN

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