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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 1-13-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 Jan. 2024

Compiled Sat. 13 Jan. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Thurs. 11 Jan. MarkZ: There are great expectations of last minute changes to compliance over this weekend. The chatter is notifications early next week….There has been some incredible chatter, gossip and rumors today. Group contacts have erupted through the day. Will it happen? We don’t know yet. …Other contacts are saying the same thing …one contact has planted misinformation in the past ….so I’m not sure if its misinformation now or not. …But you are probably seeing it all over the boards already- the chatter is notifications early next week. Just cross your fingers and hope it’s accurate. I’m kinda excited but going to stay grounded.

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Thurs. 11 Jan. Wolverine: The Codes have been (Allegedly) locked in. I received a confirmation yesterday, but it was confidential.  Carlos Petas actually put it in the telegram channel so I decided to place it in the room. The funds might get released tonight or may get released tomorrow, we just don’t know. Everything is ready to go. There is nothing more to do, we just have to sit back and wait for the Green Light. ANOTHER THING Medbeds are(Allegedly)  ready. I spoke to someone, actually a few days ago, who is in charge of the Medbeds in Colombia. They are just waiting for the Green Light for this to happen. THERE ARE(Allegedly)  150 MEDBEDS IN COLOMBIA!  This was confirmed by Charlie Ward as well.  That is all I can tell you at the moment. …Wolverine.

Thurs. 11 Jan. Bruce: An Intel person said Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would (allegedly)  get notification to set appointments by Fri. 12 Jan, but that might not happen because the Whales have completed what they needed to do and expect to be notified of when they get access to their funds over this coming weekend. A major Paymaster said they were working over the next 48 hours to Sat. 13 Jan. to get a Mediator paid. Another source said Tier4b should (Allegedly) get notification to set appointments sometime between Friday 12 Jan. and Mon. 15 Jan. The R&R should happen in January and that will come out a week after the Tier4b start exchanges. Social Security increases should still happen in this month of January.

Thurs. 11 Jan. Wolverine: Yesterday morning Wed. 10 Jan, RC leaders, managers and banks throughout the United States (Allegedly) entered their access codes at the US Treasury and around 11:30 (noon) EST. Now they just need to be given the green light to proceed and send the emails to Tier 4b (us, the Internet group) to arrange our appointments. Some Bondholders have (Allegedly) received emails and some are still waiting for emails. I think most should have them tonight for access to accounts, obtain 10% of those funds, with access to the remaining 90% in 90 days.

Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Al Allaq would both be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland for the annual meeting January 14th to 19th. “Everyone is expecting the RV on Sun. 14 Jan.” according to Sudani. The IMF, which is in charge of timing, said, “Anytime Friday to Sunday.”

Judy Note: Bond liquidity has to(Allegedly)  happen first, which is going on right now.

Wolverine: People are traveling. I was on a call with a huge Whale who is going to Bogota for his blessing. We are definitely close. Notifications ARE (Allegedly) coming out for bond holders. Rumor is that the notifications for T4B have started going out.

Thurs. 11 Jan. 2024 US Congress Financial Services Subcommittee on Digital Currency: The Financial Services subcommittee has issued an official statement regarding digital economic adoption and Stable Coin payment implementation in the United States. It is increasingly clear as we have been stating in this room that the United States of America is embarking upon a new Digital asset-based Trading System supported by the Commodities Market. Our new tokenized assets going forward will be coordinated with new Basel 3 compliant Banking Protocols. A Gold Standard set of rules and regulations will begin to guide this process as further benchmarks are achieved to solidify this new Global Financial System.

Fri. 12 Jan. Vietnamese Dong: The State Bank of Vietnam has directed their Banks to strengthen anti-money laundering controls. https://www.regulationasia.com/vietnam-directs-banks-to-strengthen-aml-controls/

Fri. 12 Jan. Indonesia Financial Services Authority OJK Issues New Rules to Support Banking Digitalization. The new regulations aim to provide a level playing field and guidance for banks in developing digital services and assessing digital maturity. https://ojk.go.id/en/tentang-ojk/pages/tugas-dan-fungsi.aspx#:~:text=The%20Financial%20Services%20Authority%20(OJK,sustainable%20and%20stable%20manner%3B%20and

Global Financial Crisis:

US Budget soars by 50% under Biden, estimates a fiscal collapse: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-budget-deficit-soars-50-crushing-estimates-fiscal-collapse-under-biden-accelerates

Thurs. 11 Jan. Barclays announce 20 more bank branch closures: https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1745756903085363541?t=T7-68lyYp6FRx3CtnuEHaQ&s=19

On Wed. 17 Jan. was the Basel III endgame. Banks that are not Basel 3 compliant as of Tues. 23 Jan. would collapse. England & Israel will attack Boston when this flip happens. www.americanbanker.com/list/basel-iii-endgame-5-things-to-watch-in-2024

Tues. 23 Jan: It was rumored that JP Morgan would collapse on Tues. 23 Jan. when it is ruled not to be Basel III compliant (monies were not gold/asset-backed). JP Morgan was the creator of the Ethereum Digital Money (Home | ethereum.org) infrastructure and own the majority of international shipping.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/01/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-13-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man  Al-Alaq said he was going to delete the zeros/the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rateWhat did Al-Sudani sayHe said the dinar would be stronger than the dollar.  What did Salih say?    He said they were going to have a major announcement.  We're going to see if all three of those guys are telling the truth or not.  I have a feeling they are...

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...This time ...is really an interesting time for us. We are right in...the throes of the final days of this... what we're hearing from a major paymaster with Wells...that we should receive our notifications within the next four days... Friday, Saturday, Sunday, to Monday ...Now, they may take this to the  very end...Let's see what happens for us Over the next four days 

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Back to 2010? Knapp's Economic Time Warp Prediction

Kitco News:  1-12-2024

Jeremy Szafron, Anchor at Kitco News, interviews renowned economic strategist Barry Knapp, Ironsides Macroeconomics, about the 2024 economic landscape.

Discover Knapp's expert predictions on Federal Reserve policy changes, the surge in the tech and industrial sectors, and the implications of deglobalization on global trade.

0:00 - Introduction

1:10 - Federal Reserve's 2024 Policy Predictions

4:30 - 2024: The Year of Tech and Industrial Growth

8:20 - Labor Market Trends and Economic Impact

12:45 - Big Banks vs Regional Banks: 2024 Financial Forecast

17:30 - Deglobalization and its Effect on Global Trade

22:10 - Knapp's Perspective on Asia's Export Model

 27:00 - Q&A Session

32:00 - Closing Remarks


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