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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Morning 1-6-2020

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (1-6-20): "Impact"


 Operation Disclosure   RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 6, 2020

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

A court case was recently filed against multiple colluding US corporations who financed Taliban for terrorism causing ten's of thousands of deaths.


Also, Julian Assange has incriminating evidence that will expose the treasonous actions of the Deep State Cabal within the US government and other governments.

Meanwhile, President Trump has made a Proclamation on National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, 2020.


Sources suggest that President Trump's actions on Iran will lead to specific events that will fabricate blame on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia (SA) is currently the largest global supplier of oil.

SA is also a major sponsor of opposition/terrorism against Bashar Al-Assad's regime in Syria whom Iran supports.

The US must become the largest global supplier of oil in order to assume control of the Fiat Financial System and dismantle it.

Further intel on this matter is currently unavailable as the situation develops.

The first phase of the China Trade Deal is expected to be signed on January 15th.

Brexit is expected to be effective by January 30th.

Both events will significantly impact the global economy.

The European Union (EU) is expected to collapse after Brexit occurs which will aid in crashing the Fiat Financial System.

Once the fiat monetary system crashes, the transition to a asset/gold-backed monetary system begins.

Massive changes are coming to the Middle East, China, and the US in 2020.


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Red:  I just heard from my source that it’s highly possible for us to see the 800 numbers Monday or Tuesday and be in the bank by Wednesday, they were very confident this is coming from at least three different directions. Treat as rumor until Thursday

Fuze:  Here are a few facts we do know. Dr. Shabibi was nearly killed by Iran's agent P.M. Maliki for not yielding to Malik's demand for CBI $ for himself and Iran.

2. A few days ago, it was revealed that the 1st Iranian condition for a new Iraq P.m, is that the auction does not stop.

3. Iran's 2019 take from CBI auctions is down to 49 billion for 2019 from 100 billion avg....

There was no way in "H" we were or are going to see a RV as long as IRAN has dominance in Iraq.

The moves that the current USA Govt is making is absolutely necessary... We're closer now than ever... No matter what media says... IMHO

The whole idea of trying to placate to Iran By offering them international status and unfreezing there $140 billion was foolish, why? They were stealing a 150 billion a year from Iraq!!! Opening them up for international scrutiny at the legitimate table, was not a great enticement!!!

That's why when Shabibi tried to launch the reforms Maliki tried to kill him!! We're are dealing with hypocritical gangsters hiding behind religion!!!

No thy enemy, then you can dominate... and beleive me... The end game is to just get ENOUGH latitude to get this through... The Iraq's will have to clean up there own house.. we want our ROI....

The USA investment is north of 4 trillion.not to mention the blood, which there was a sizable deposit made the other night.. ... It's time to collect..



Look how hard it is to free the iraqis & RV the currency....no way Obama or any liberal that are iran apologist would have ever freed the iraqis to RV..........Trump risking his life, and families rich life to free the iraqis and free the currency from iran.

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"Rick Gervais 'Destroys' Hollywood in Golden Globes Speech" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.5.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 10:30 PM EST on January 5, 2020

Wow! Rick Gervais just destroyed Hollywood in its own backyard - the Golden Globe Awards.

In his seven minute introduction speech, Gervais outed Hollywood pedophilia, calling the audience 'perverts'. He even talked about Epstein and Prince Andrew. It's electrifying. What is incredible is that the audience laughed! See for yourself...


Excerpts from Gervais' Golden Globe speech...

'Epstein didn't kill himself. I know he's your friend but I don't care...'
'The licence plate on my limo tonight was made by Felicity Huffman...'
'You are all terrified of Ronan Farrow. He's coming to get you. He's coming to get you...'
'Look, talking to all you perverts, it was a big year for pedophile movies...'
'Leonardo di Caprio might get a call from Prince Andrew (about his preference for very young women)...'

Some background information...

Actress Felicity Huffman is currently serving a short prison sentence for bribing a prestigious college to accept her daughter. Ronan Farrow, son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, wrote articles for the New Yorker in 2017 that lead to the arrest of Harvey Weinstein. Interestingly, Weinstein appears in court in USA tomorrow (Monday).

This is perfect timing for the truth about Hollywood to emerge. There is a lunar eclipse on 10th January - lunar eclipses are about endings, new beginnings and exposing secrets. The eclipse precedes the big Saturn/Pluto conjunction going Direct on 12th January. This is one of the most powerful astrological times for hundreds of years.

Meanwhile action is heating up in Iran and Iraq. President Trump and the Alliance are making their final stand against the Deep State. They will not be swayed. Everything is unfolding exactly as intended. TRUST THE PLAN.

The Iraqi dinar is the trigger that starts the RV/GCR. I see the current military action as necessary for stabilizing ahead of the RV. Once again, TRUST THE PLAN. Everything is steadily moving forward.

Finally, wave after wave of extremely powerful energies are flooding humanity as we prepare for Ascension. The veil between dimensions has now virtually gone. There are great opportunities for those with ears to hear and eyes to see, to interact with benevolent beings in other dimensions and galaxies.

Get plenty of rest. You need to be ready to assist as these waves of energy bring in shocking truths to awaken humanity.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)



Economic News - Gold Soars Towards $1,600 As Bullion Banks Create 1,224 Tonnes Of Paper Gold

SilverReportUncut:  Jan 6, 2020

First, we look at what's going on with stocks and gold. Gold has taken off and is floating near $1,600 an ounce.

Dow futures are down 150 points so far we may be in for an interesting day on markets.

We also look at some of the dynamics of the gold markets physical and paper contracts. We find digging through the data there has been a massive increase in the m2 money supply.

There has also been a rising interest in gold despite volatile price action as of recent. So much that they created 1,224 tons of paper gold in an attempt to suppress the price. It hasn't worked in fact Gold returned 18% in 2019 and we see is off to a great start for 2020.


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