News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 3-6-2023
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 6 March 2023
Compiled Mon. 6 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset:
Judy Note:
The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the Iraqi Dinar, was said to have revalued and working it’s rate upward in the Markets.
When that Iraqi Dinar International Rate settles, it will have no affect on the special rates Tier4b will receive, which has already been determined based on a percentage of Crude Oil Contract pricing.
Evidently all Tier 1 Banks have received the Source Codes and were preparing to do exchanges after certain security issues were addressed.
After the Quantum Financial System was in full swing, the role of the banks would drastically change from that of using your money in order to make their own, into being service centers for the population.
As the new QFS functions on the StarLink Satellite System, individuals will have full control over their own monies; money transfers will take place in seconds, not days, and all countries’ currencies which were gold/ asset-backed will be at a 1:1 with each other – there will be no need to exchange currency when you are visiting that foreign country.
As Banks changed over to the new QFS system, they were either converting into being service oriented only; assimilated into other banks; or closing. One bank reported they would close for a day to make that change on Wed. 8 March 2023.
Sat. 4 March “RV Update” by Okie (not OkieOilMan):
“We are simply waiting on the Banks to acknowledge the rates. They are hot and live, but not on Teller Screens. One cannot cash out ‘til that occurs, period. Disregard rumors. The only thing we were waiting on were the banks – Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America – to acknowledge the rates. Seemingly, the final barrier was crossed. We wait with anticipation.
I know your questions and this post seems a little vague to some, but to those who have been following the Events in the last two days will appreciate my reserved approach to addressing exact details.
We cannot place the fresh corn into the barn until all rats are gathered. That’s almost over. The cats are after the rats, which have scrambled out of the barn and into the public airports and waterways around the world. Sic ‘em. You are the winners.
The only thing I must address is the imminence of this Event occurring.
There are a myriad of security issues involved that can’t be discussed for the protection of the USA, as well as certain citizens.”
Sat. 4 March MarkZ:
“I’m loving the bank stories this week. We got somebody who just went to work for upper mid management in bank logistics and her supervisor/boss told her up front that she should start looking for another job….because the entire banking sector is changing completely. There was not going to be need for them anymore.”
Another Bank Story: “I was having difficulty accessing my online account this morning so I went into the bank to find out what the problem was. I asked the tellers if they were familiar with the QFS and gold backed or asset backed currency? One teller had no idea what I was referring to…but, the other one, an older lady, said “Oh yes I do!!” and she said “Very soon – lots of changes.” And she smiled great big. Then when I went into another office for a lady to help me with my banking problem ..I asked her the same questions and she said “yes, we are in the process of switching things over as we speak” She also gave me a big smile and said “Changes are coming very soon.”
Another Bank Story: “A number of active military have reached out to me in the last day or so and have been asked to “re-swear” their military oath and an oath to the constitution. They said they are re-affirming things in the military. This really makes me feel good. They are not coming up with some new “whatever” but they are once again taking a constitutional oath.”
A member SW Iowa: “Bank just notified me that bank cards will be unavailable for use on March 9th till noon for updated maintenance!!!!!
Another quick story: A number of active military have reached out to me in the last day or so and have been asked to “re-swear” their military oath and an oath to the constitution. They said they are re-affirming things in the military.”
“On the banking side we continue to hear positive things…Rates are still bouncing all over the place when you ask the bankers. Rates do not seem to go below $1.51 now…but they have seen up to $5 or $6 bucks. Hopefully this gives us an idea on possible ranges.”
Thurs. 2 March Bruce: “We know our rates are going to be really stellar. We’re going to be good… we’re going to get started here – not this week, I don’t think but you got to keep an eye on for the possibility of surprise. Just keep an eye out…Dong rate that I heard a few days ago was excellent – probably three times where we thought it was going to be.”
Sat. 4 March Walkingstick: “The monetary reform process is actually happening right now…the citizens, the economic reform investors and you and I all know what’s going on. It’s not complicated anymore. The IQD is set and it’s poised to de-peg and float and pair in a basket.”
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Militia Man International transfers, international withdrawals, international haven't done that before and you haven't done it at an official rate of 1460, 1190, 1310 or 1166. They have never done that. Never been allowed to do that. Why would they do that now a 1310? My view they won't...all of really fascinating because it means going from a public country to a private sector. It's phenomenal.
Mnt Goat Article: "AN OIL AGREEMENT PAVES THE WAY FOR ANNOUNCING A COMPREHENSIVE BUDGET IN THE COMING DAYS" Quote: "...there is a presence to deliver Kurdistan’s oil to Baghdad to proceed with an oil agreement within the terms of the 2023 budget..." Can you see now how the oil and gas law and the budget are interconnected? Now let’s also add the rate of the dinar on top of it all.
All Roads Lead To Higher Inflation and Hard Landing - Ep 875]
Peter Schiff: 3-5-2023
Strong week for the stock market and gold stocks.
· ECB’s inflation goals were asinine.
· The Fed will soon break its money losing record.
· Debt is going to spiral out of control.
· Big money is leaving crypto.
· Markets don’t get that inflation isn’t coming down.