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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Afternoon 3-8-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 8 March 2021

Compiled Mon. 8 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Dates shown below could easily change as per an analysis of possible events by the Quantum Computer and dependent upon how certain events played out.

A Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Shotgun Start was expected around Mon-Tues 8, 9 March, with Zim Bond redemption and foreign currency exchanges under the higher rates going to Sun. 14 March.

On Mon. 15 March the general public would be able to exchange gold/ asset-backed foreign currencies at the new international rates.

Implementation of the Global Currency Reset having taken away the Cabal’s money supply, their retribution was likely to come through Cyber Attacks, a Stock Market crash and causing the Internet to go down, along with a worldwide Social Media blackout.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_8.html

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru   https://www.dinarguru.com/

Jeff  Article:  "The British Ambassador: Iraq will witness a great openness to the world". Why is he saying this?  He knows that Iraq is on the cusp of going international again.  That's why the pope arrived on Friday...He's telling you Iraq is preparing to open up to the world again.  This type of information did not start coming forward until the [2/20 Saleh] article by the #2 man of the Central Bank.  Saleh told you Iraq was on the brink of economic recovery...

Mike Cottrell  [via PDK]  [Is there anything we are still waiting for or do you think it could be “any moment”.]  I think it could be any moment…I think sometime this month they have to kick it off. We are very close.

Jeff  Article:  "Representative economic:  The conditions are ready to adjust the exchange rate and the oil barrel in the budget"  This is a great article...Iraq hasn't revealed the true price of oil to you nor have they shown you the true dinar amount contained in that budget...They're hiding those numbers and figures from you so you cannot see that this budget is linked to the rate change...we're in a great position.  This ride's over in about two Sundays IMO...



Samson:  The Iraqi parliament holds a "special" meeting due to the high oil prices

8th March, 2021

The Finance Committee of the Iraqi Parliament revealed today, Monday, that an urgent and special meeting will be held to discuss the high oil prices and its impact on the 2021 budget bill.

A member of the committee, Muhammad Ibrahim, told Shafaq News, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee will hold an urgent and special meeting shortly to discuss the rise in oil prices and its impact on the 2021 budget bill, and to study this rise is it sufficient to cover the fiscal deficit completely or will it work reducing it, and the possibility of dispensing loans after this rise."

And between Ibrahim; That "there is a possibility that some amendments will be made to the draft budget bill in 2021, after this rise, and this matter will also be discussed, discussed and thoroughly studied at the meeting, which will be held shortly by the Parliamentary Finance Committee." LINK


Samson:  The Saudi Foreign Minister arrives in Qatar on an official visit

03/08/2021 15:20:22

 The Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah, arrived in the Qatari capital, Doha, on an official visit.

And according to what the Saudi Press Agency "SPA" reported on Monday, "Prince Faisal bin Farhan and his accompanying delegation were received at Doha International Airport, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani.

The Saudi Minister Chargé d'Affairs to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the State of Qatar, Ali bin Saad Al-Qahtani, and a number of embassy employees were also received.

This is the first visit by a high-ranking Saudi official after the Gulf reconciliation.     LINK

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Rod Steel Discusses Currency Revaluations & QFS with Nicholas Veniamin- Updates

March 8, 2021

About minute 10:00

NV: Moving on to currencies and the QFS…..i spoke with Charlie Ward Friday and he says big things are coming in March and April…debt forgiveness and stuff like that…what news do you have since we last spoke?

RS: Worldwide…The QFS system is up and running with the swift system still doing a few things in the background for trades…..but as far as you and I are concerned with Nesara/Gesara and the revaluation of currencies…….this all has to be gold backed…..and ‘I am told that until Michael Cottrell enters the codes for the new gold backed system….none of that can be released……he has not be approached to do that yet. I am told that he (Mr. Cottrell)  will be the very last thing they do before activating all those systems. Once he enters the code- it will immediately wipe out fiat money worldwide….and we will see debt forgiveness.  This will be a debt jubilee……the entire system is crumbling and in shambles…..but at some point something needs to happen.

Listen to the replay for more on the Federal Reserve, history of debt forgiveness, corruption, currency exchange rates, Iraq news, and much more…… .



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