Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 6-5-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 5 June 2023

Compiled Mon. 5 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: “Where there are no storms there are no rainbows. If you love rainbows, you have to love storms, too. Winners never quit. Losers never win. Enjoy the storm! Grand finale: Salvation.” …John McAfee Live, Telegram

Biden raised the debt ceiling again, pushing the US into an economic crisis.

Debt Ceiling Raised = US Dollar Default = Economy Freeze = Emergency Alert System Activates = Lockdown, Martial Law = Ten Days of Communication Darkness During Mass Arrests = Military Tribunals Aired = Currencies Around the Globe Revalue to a Gold/asset-backed System = Deep State Great Reset Fiat Digital Currency Banking System Goes Down the Tube

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For 42 hours beginning Tues. night 30 May Bond Holders received their packages by FedEx, with deliveries starting up again on Sunday 4 June – continuing on for another 3-4 days.

On Thurs. 1 June all banks around the world which had passed the Global Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022, came online to the new financial system, meaning all electronic payments for 209 countries’ financial network were now able to communicate with each other at lightning speed. Those thousands of banks that didn’t qualify because their monies weren’t gold/asset-backed would now be closed.

“The Redemption Staff supposedly worked on Sun. 4 June” …MarkZ

Sun night 4 June the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was settled on bank screens.

“Activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) will trigger Martial Law and the Global Currency Revaluation.” … Free Inhabitant https://t.me/FreeeInhabitant/636

Some say that that Tier4b notification would happen prior to a Emergency Broadcast System announcement of a 2-4 week communication shutdown, while Head of the Global Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, indicated on his show that Tier4b notification would come after the EBS – which was expected to begin at any moment.

At the end of this week and after Tier4b was in progress, there would be a massive “clean up” in many Redemption Areas around the world.

Get Ready to Ride The Wave of the Global Currency Reset (GCR), the Quantum Financial System (QFS), Black Swan Event and the NESARA GESARA TRUMPSARA Revolution!: https://amg-news.com/get-ready-to-ride-the-wave-of-the-global-currency-reset-gcr-the-quantum-financial-system-qfs-black-swan-event-and-the-nesara-gesara-trumpsara-revolution/

IMF Says Fed To Remain Tight Until Late 2024: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/02/imf-says-fed-will-have-to-remain-tight-until-late-2024/

JP Morgan Chase Transferred Billions in Debt to Inflate It’s Capital: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/02/jpmorgan-chase-transferred-billions-in-debt-securities-to-inflate-its-capital/

BRICS Solution to SWIFT: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/02/gold-closer-to-centralized-clearing-in-brics-solution-to-swift/

Project Hammer: Awake-in-3D: Project Hammer (Part 1) – Insider Trading Platforms Using Off-ledger WW2 Gold | Dinar Chronicles

Mon. 5 June: Yellen’s deadline for US Dollar Default.

Thurs. 16 June collapse of IRS and all tax orgs.

Sun. 18 June GESARA/NESAR A announced during EBS Disclosure implementation.


The Death Blow to the Central Banking System Will Kill the Deep State, David Wilcock https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/reserve-bank-s-bond-program-helped-save-jobs-and-economy-20220921-p5bjpg.html

Reserve Bank reveals $37 billion loss, largest in its history. The Sydney Morning Herald https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/reserve-bank-s-bond-program-helped-save-jobs-and-economy-20220921-p5bjpg.html Reserve Bank reveals $37 billion loss, largest in its history. The Reserve Bank bought almost $300 billion in government debt during the pandemic.

All Central Banks around the world are bankrupted now — it is just not revealed to the public yet, and maybe it’s a good thing. This is the Alliance’s ‘Softest Landing’ approach to avoid maximum tragedies, suffering & casualties for all citizens.

There’s already chaos with people, in multiple countries, not being able to get their money out of banks. If all humans find out that banks are insolvent & do not have liquidity, then everyone will rush to the bank to pull their money out & that would cause the biggest global panic & crash in ALL major countries. It would be complete utter chaos that even the Military Alliance will not be able to handle.

The bankruptcy reveal will be done publicly in phases to ensure not creating a full meltdown of citizens all over the world, all at once. As the old financial system transitions into the new QFS, citizens will be able to transfer their ‘old’ money into the new system. However this sounds a lot easier & smoother than reality.

In reality, we cannot transfer from the old slave debt money system to a new one without pain & suffering. Hard-earned money & valuable assets will be lost. This is why I’ve shared my perspective on how & where to store your assets during this greatest transition of financial systems. We are no longer at the precipice. It is no longer the ‘calm before the storm’. The storm is here now.

There is a SILVER lining in all this. There is a MASSIVE SILVER LINING that is coming after this storm — but for now, take cover.

We are heading into very turbulent waters. We are going to witness unimaginable jaw-dropping global events. It will be devastating to those that are not ready. It will be exciting for some. It will be the Greatest Show & Events to unfold for those in their Heart Space, holding their Highest LOVE Frequency & being well-prepared. Protect yourself, protect your home & hold your assets in physical possession. GOD BLESS!

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/05/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-5-2023/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Mnt Goat  ...the reinstatement of the IQD, the liberation of the IQD is coming and it’s not going to be years. Soon we will see the honest asset-backed rate...It’s all in the making and my CBI contact told me to just be patient...it must get to a high state of SECURITY and STABILITY before they release it. I believe they have already reached this point and the currency reform (with the de-dollarization and de-pegging) is at the point of no return. It must now move ahead to the next stage.  

 Militia Man  They've been talking about the budget.  It's been a big deal.  Some folks think it's not important but interesting enough ...about a week ago...we were talking about convergences and what we were talking about was the 2023, 24 and 25 budget coinciding with the USA debt ceiling...We thought they had a correlation and I think we'll find out that it does or it seemingly will have an effect and has had an affect. 

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Saudi Arabia and Opec+ Announce New Oil Production Cuts To Raise Oil Prices Globally

Lena Petrova:  6-5-2023


Recession Coming? NO... How About A SUPER DEPRESSION! Important Updates.

Greg Mannarino:  6-5-2023


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