Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 6-26-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 26 June 2023

Compiled Mon. 26 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Expect Black Swan Events of an economic implosion of bonds, Real Estate and the Stock Market that leads to engineered famine throughout the World in a nasty Recession until late 2025.

Also expect millions of Humanitarian Projects being funded through a revaluation of global currencies to gold/asset-backed and activation of NESARA/ GESARA that will lead to new found wealth and prosperity for The People who, as the Scriptures predict, will live in a thousand years of peace throughout the Globe.

See this content in the original post

Black Swan Event: Activated by Protocol 19 the Black Swan Event Will be the Start of the New Flare Network of the ISO Family of Currencies (VIDEO) – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Global Currency Revaluation:

Sat. 24 June Wolverine TNT Call: The Treasury is saying it could happen any minute now. The banks had told their staff that they wouldn’t be working any more weekends until the RV happened, but they were working this weekend. Tony’s contact in Iraq thinks it’ll happen within the next 5 days.

Fri. 23 June Wolverine: “We inform all the people involved in the Redemption that we are entering Radio Silence from 6:00 pm Fri. 23 June until 6:00 pm Tues. 27 June, there will be no communication of any kind regarding payment among the participants or comments on this matter with anyone.”

On Mon. 26 June New Dinar Rate Published in Iraqi Gazette: Ministry spokesman Kamel Amin said in a statement to the official agency, followed by “NAS” (June 25, 2023), that “the budget from 2023 to 2025 will be published tomorrow Mon. 26 June in the Iraqi Al-Waqa’i newspaper.”

Bruce: The new rate on the Iraqi Dinar of $3.81 came out on Thurs. 22 June and will be published in Gazette Sun. or Mon. 25, 26 June. The Iraqi Dinar will start trading on the Forex Sunday night 25 June. Tier 4b will obtain notification to make redemption appointments within 48 hours of the announcement of the Brunson case by the Supreme Court. Tier 4b Appointments Mon or Tues. 26, 27 June.

Goldilocks: The investment window of opportunity is rapidly coming to an end. It is getting time for us to prepare ourselves for the Great Transfer of Wealth to begin early next month. For some assets, immediate changes will begin to show up, but most all assets will be on the docket to change as new SOFR mechanisms and monetary policies on July the 15th will give guidance for them to do so.

Europe – on aggregate the largest economy in the world – just went into recession. In the U.S., many economic indicators are flashing red, and “everything is pointing to a recession,” says Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies.


Status of RV, Goldilocks: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/24/gold-standard-protocols-seeds-of-wisdom-rv-gcr-updates-from-goldilocks-6-24-23/

Fri. 23 June Goldilocks: It has come to my attention that Protocol 20 codes are currently being integrated into the QFS. These codes deal with currency protocols allowing digital assets to move through the system.

We are six days away (June 30) in our transition from Libor rates to Sofr rates. This is an International Finance Market Transition. Look for the markets to begin making their transition into new price actions reflecting real values on every sector of the market. This includes Forex.

On June 30th, we will be within two weeks of implementing new monetary policies to reflect our new global economy.

Congress will be voting on stable coins or digital money that has been regulated and standardized with banking protocols to establish our new digital asset based lending economy.

On July 1st, our International Financial Markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy.

On July the 15th, we will have guidelines to monitor and secure this new economy. From that point on, we

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/26/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-26-2023/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man   When they say they have a retroactive budget that means there's contractors out there that are going to still want to get paid all the way back to the 1st of January 2023...To do that at 1310 you're talking about an astronomical amount of dinar...If in fact they adjust the exchange rate...even to $1.00 it's far cheaper to rebuild this country... The higher their exchange rate back to that previous era that they've said numerous times in writing...makes it even cheaper to rebuild...

Sandy Ingram    Based on news reports manufacturing seems to be Iraq's middle name after oil exports...Iraqi Industries Union announced on Sunday that a plan has been presented to the Prime minister detailing how to reopen factories that are currently closed.  The Iraqi government is taking this issue seriously and has expressed its eagerness to help restore industry in Iraq.  Applications from potential investors have been accepted and billions of dollars are being invested.  Neighbors including Qatar, Egypt and Jordon are all committed to investments in Iraq....

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