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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 3-15-2021

DJ: Did You Know:

When it comes to the GCR/RV/ Historical Bond Redemption I am torn between two questions. Does the world’s financial system need to be totally collapsed to usher in a new one to take its place or does the world need to be stabilized to properly integrate a new system?

If you are one of those who have been involved in this for years, like myself, and suffered through countless false start times, ridicule from family and friends that you have lost your mind, your frustration and confidence in the event happening has been rattled to its core.

 Because of the “hope factor” we keep wanting to believe it and keep buying in to the endless stream of narratives chucked full of reasons why and when it will happen then followed by the excuses as to why it didn’t.

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I am a devote believer that it will happen. It is the “when” that appears to be the moving target and what set of circumstances have to be in play for the event to ignite.

I want to believe that my information network is above par and those I receive information from are profound and bona-fide individuals that do not traffic in speculation or obscurities. They are not your general bloggers and information streams.

That being said, back to the two questions. Common sense would dictate that when viewing the global financial system and what appears to be its inevitable collapse do to decades of being polluted with corruption and inefficiency, coupled with the natural evolution of technologies, tarring down the old system first would seem to be a logical solution.

 There’s no question that as science, knowledge and technology advance, we will attempt to do more significant things. But we must temper the use of these new things with ethics and integrity. If we don’t have integrity and ethics in these new systems, we really have nothing and are merely postponing our eventual doom. That points to needing a global moral overall first.

Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do. The integrity of men is measured by their conduct, not by their professions or positions. Divorced from ethics and integrity, leadership is reduced to management and politics to mere technique.

The world needs a new moral architecture. The world’s current set of ethics seems passed down from Sodom and Gomorrah. We should be emphasizing ethics rather than rules. We need to promote solid traits such as work ethic, a dignified lifestyle, matching actions to rhetoric and performance rather than grandstanding.

Which again begs the question, “does the world need to be in some state of moral harmony to actually effectuate a global financial transition or does it need to be in total collapse to force the issue”? Who will be in charge of these new systems? Are they people of high integrity and possess a strong moral compass or are they the same bad guys wearing a different hat?

Judging how the U.S. political system is being manipulated by rules and doing things because they can and not because it is the right thing to do, I don’t see a GCR being implemented. Why would you financially hydrate corrupt behavior? And as a rule, “as the U.S. goes so follows the rest of the world”.
I have a simple solution that applies to any administrative transition, politics or a business. “If it works, leave it alone” it doesn’t matter who came up with the idea. If it doesn’t work focus your attention on solutions until it does. Dah!!!

Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with Integrity. The biggest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words and to gain knowledge and understanding. .

We all need to quit wasting time arguing about what a good person should be and just be one.  DJ


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Don961:  Will the exchange rate change? .. Manar Al-Obeidi

2021-03-14   Manar Al-Obaidi wrote:

There are a lot of discussions these days regarding the review of the exchange rate and whether it will be changed or not and return it to 1200

First, any change in the exchange rate in the near future will have major repercussions, including a loss of confidence in the Iraqi economy

Secondly, the exchange rate was under pressure from the World Bank and the international bodies supporting Iraq, and the process of returning the price will lead to a reduction in support from these parties.

Third, even with a change in exchange rates, most of the materials will not return to their normal prices directly. Rather, a period of mistrust will prevail in the Iraqi market that will make importers maintain a high exchange rate for fear of the possibility of a return to high.

Fourth, the government should take advantage of the currently high price of oil to immediately start building strategic industrial projects capable of providing raw materials for manufacturing industries, which will support the provision of a local product capable of providing various products to the Iraqi market.

Fifthly, if the exchange rate must be changed, it is better to move towards floating the dollar instead of the policy of controlling the exchange rate and depleting hard currency to maintain a stable exchange rate

Sixth, what is required of the Ministry of Planning is to work aggressively to clarify the sectors most affecting the rise in the price of the dollar and to work actively to launch programs packages to reduce the impact of the decrease in the price of the dinar on these sectors, especially in the food and health sector

Seventh, work on issuing a performance follow-up report on the development plan, which is the basis for building the country and activating the correct economic policies instead of focusing on monetary policy, which is supportive of economic policy and not the pillar of the Iraqi economy

Eighth, the need to activate the 3 trillion initiative announced by the Central Bank to support vulnerable groups and work to activate the ration card and improve its vocabulary.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Footforward    [Any news about the meeting about dinars value?]   I honestly wouldn't pay a lot of attention to those meetings. I don't think they're going to be very telling. Iraq at least publicly has been going around in circles for months now... What I will say for sure is there's tons of misinformation coming out of Iraq on purpose right now.  This has been the case for about the last 6 months especially.

MilitiaMan  ...Very important adviser [Salih] stating that the White Papers need activation or nothing will get done. Talk about being open about it!! They have no choice now. They need the rate to be exposed.. Without saying it directly, he is saying it.. imo...


(3/14) The impact of changing the Iraqi dinar exchange rate towards the USD

Dinar Investor:   Mar 14, 2021


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