Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 2-22-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 22 Feb. 2021

Compiled Mon. 22 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Everyone was still looking to the first part of the week for Tier 4B notification and start of exchange/ redemptions. Paymasters have been asked to stay in place. Huge tranches of monies were moving for Tier 4B exchange/ redemptions.

Fri. 19 Feb. Robert David Steele: Everything should be quiet until Monday. Texas appeared to be under weather warfare attack. Patriots were urged to stay off the streets and away from State Capitols — False Flag events intended to discredit patriots were known to be planned. NON-VIOLENCE was VITAL. Obey the law, allow events to play out.

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Sun 21 Feb. Juan O Savin posted that C19 lockdowns would be over as of March 1 2021.

The beginning of the new global economic tax year was 1 April 2021.

Charlie Ward said that something massive was going to happen on 6 April 2021.


Sat. 20 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

Enormous amounts of liquidity started moving at about 9:30am PST Sat. 20 Feb.

Fines, Penalties, PP and bond liquidity of enormous amounts have been pushing successfully through the system for the past 72 hours.

If all went well Tier 4B should be reached by about Tues. 23 Feb.

Reno said funds were released and Tier 4B was to start early next week.

The Interim Military Govt leaders agreed with the top five Chinese Elders, working with UST to get the QFS activated and get the 72-hour shotgun liquidity start out the door.

The D*eep State has used fear and lies against us. He asked for our prayers that the structures of the D*eep State would be completely collapsed and there would be no more delays in activating the QFS.

Notification for Tier 4B exchanges/ redemption was still expected by Mon.-Tues. 22-23 Feb, while top banks were looking for a Tues. 23 Feb. RV start.


Sun. 21 Feb. Rod Steel Discusses Currency Revaluations with Nicholas Veniamin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JB8F46HGom4S/

They are keeping paymasters in place

Huge amounts of tranches were in process

SWIFT will continue for some transactions for about a year, all new transactions will be on QFS

Everyone was trying to go by the middle of next week.

Iraqi Dinar around $3.65, $4.47, $6.00, back-screen rate popped up this week (not there now) $10 street rate – could come out at $15 plus, Contract rates higher.

General Public Dong between $.47 and $2.27 Contract, $6-$8

Zim $.11 to $.22, some as high as $.60 per 100 Trillion note

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_22.html

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy   Article:   "Mazhar Salih: Iraq is on the brink of economic recovery"  Yeah, just that quick.  Magically what are we seven weeks into the year - we went from having huge deficits to now we're already in the recovery?  ...it's almost already close enough to start slowly but surely rising the value of the dinar to its true value.  That's just my opinion...

Footforward   I'm happy to exchange all of my dinar for anything over 3.50...catch it because it's going to be too fast...they make it sound like everyone caught a $9 rate on Kuwait dinar when in fact very few of any actually caught that outside of forex...


QFS Movie Updated

Premiered Feb 19, 2021


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