Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Late Thurs.PM/ Early Fri. PM


Tishwash:  Iraq's foreign debts exceed $ 30 billion

Today, Friday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the volume of external and internal debts owed by the Iraqi government.

Committee rapporteur, Ahmad Al-Saffar, said, “His committee has stopped external borrowing since 2019, but the financial crisis, the Corona pandemic, and the government's inability to pay the salaries of employees prompted us to approve an external borrowing only once without recurrence, in the amount of $ 5 billion from the World Bank, in addition to borrowing more. From 15 trillion dinars from Iraqi banks to secure the salaries of employees for the current year.

Al-Saffar confirmed that “ Iraq's external debts have exceeded 30 billion dollars, while the internal debts exceed 15 trillion Iraqi dinars, pointing out that his committee obligated the government to implement a program of financial and economic reforms within 60 days. The deadline expires on the twenty-fourth of this month and includes controlling other financial revenues and rationalizing "Spending and not being totally dependent on oil."

Al-Saffar warned of "the negative consequences of external debts on the living conditions, stressing the use of external borrowing and directing it towards productive projects that promote the economy and push the pace of development towards the better without any unsuccessful accumulation of debts. link

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Samson:  The Central Bank directs banks not to disburse salaries without financial approval

19th August, 2020

On Wednesday, the Central Bank of Iraq instructed authorized banks not to pay employees’ salaries, starting in August, except after approval by the Ministry of Finance

The central said in an official letter addressed to the licensed banks in Iraq, which was received by "Al-Eqtisad News", "based on the directives of the Ministry of Finance / Minister's Office according to their book numbered number 959 dated 08/18/2020 and given the financial conditions the country is going through and the decline in crude oil exports." Source worldwide

He added, "Your banks should not release the salaries of the employees of centrally funded or self-financed state departments, whether losing or gaining ones, and the citizens have their salaries with you, starting from August and the following months, except after approval of the Ministry of Finance

The central indicated that this aims to achieve "the principle of justice and equality  LINK

MilitiaMan:  They are holding back because they await the White Papers or notification that they can pay everyone equally.. That will require the new rate imo.. Hence, the meetings in DC are being said to be very successful and whereby international status is front and center. That must have a rate oriented to the deals. The goal is to complete reforms. That requires Article 8. Well who met with Kahdimi yesterday? Yep. The IMF did.. Getting good my friends !! Oh ya.. imo ~ MM

Ross: MM I was wondering if the investors from the Kuwait meeting have not stepped up to invest due to the rate not changing...then surely if all these US companies moving in would also want the rate to change.   So we may be closer than we think...IMOO


Realtormc:  Finally the link to the beginning of the press conference today with Trump and Khademi:


The Iraqi PM says Iraq is open for American Business and Investment!!!!

Regardless of when it happens. Iraqi PM signed over $10 Billion in deals with US companies while in the USA.  The PM also said Iraq is open for American Business and Investment.

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ALERT! Industrial Silver Users Terrified of Silver Moonshot! (Bix Weir)

Aug 20, 2020

Silver is scarce. Very Scarce and the Silver Users know it.

How long will it take them to understand that the price manipulation GAME IS ENDING and it will all come down to Who Holds the Physical?!


Lynette Zang

REAL ESTATE'S TICKING TIME BOMB: And Why Insiders are Buying Gold and Selling Stocks

Aug. 20, 2020

There's been a lot of questions and concerns regarding the next most likely outcomes for us both socially and economically. And while I can't tell you exact what's going to happen, I can definitely prepare you for the top 3 scenarios. So today I'm going to show you how to protect yourself from inflation, deflation, and even confiscation.


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