Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Morning 7-1-2022

RV Excerpts From the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 1 July 2022

Compiled Fri. 1 July 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Apparent Schedule:

Mon. 4 July: Fourth of July Freedom Celebrations (three day banks closed weekend).

Sun. July 10 = Nikola Tesla Birthday

Sat. 11 July + 120 days to the Midterm GESARA Election. Get ready for a Great Flood of Truth and some False Flag Events. July 11 = The Flood [7.11].

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Global Currency Reset:

On Tues. 28 June Russia announced the BRICS Countries were establishing a Global Currency Reset.

“I’m estimating that the ‘Great Reveal’ Mass Military Action, coupled with us being at our appointments, will happen between now & Sat. 30 July.”…Coach Jerry

The Chinese Elders have apologized for the delay in completing the Global Currency Reset saying, “The leadership just needed more time.”

Bruce: Notification for Bond Holders was said going out after 4pm Fri. 1 July with liquidity on Sat. 2 July. Iraq was supposed to seat their new government on Sat. 2 July. Wells Fargo reported that we were supposed to have a great week next week. Bruce believed Tier 4B will be notified on Tues. 5 July.

Bruce: Iraq has put their Dinar on the Forex back bank screens and it was being traded (value going up) as of 9pm Sun. night 26 June. It began at 58 cents and traded up to $5.50 by Mon. morning. It continued to go up in value and was expected to reach around $17 by the time of our appointments next week.


Thurs. 30 June 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Notification for Bond Holders was supposed to go out after 4pm Fri. 1 July with liquidity on Sat. 2 July.

Wells Fargo said that we were supposed to have a great week next week.

Bruce believes Tier 4B will be notified on Tues. 5 July.

Iraq has put their Dinar on the back bank screens and it was being traded (value going up) as of last Sun. 26 June.

Iraq was supposed to seat their new government on Sat. 2 July.

Cryptos were being backed with gold.

Zimbabwe coins were being produced in gold.

Starting with the BRICS Nations, all countries were getting away from the fiat US Dollar and were being gold backed in their own countries.

The fiat US Dollar was going away within days.

Social Security payments should be significantly higher in July.

Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon an earth shattering Event such as a global financial crash. The exact time would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/07/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-1-2022/



DoTalktoMe:  There is just too much Information. Layer upon layer pressure building up, expectations getting higher. Citizens in the know. Pressure, pressure, pressure.

This valcano is shaking a d and trembling. Waiting for the announcement
Thar she blows. 

Having a little fun
Peace out and have a chill
Canada Day & 4th of July yanks


Godson:  Imo... So far no gazzette, seated government, or the RI... Where's Waldo


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  [via Frank26]  When the IQD...goes on an international float it will become convertible.  At that point...The CBI will inject the NSCN (new small currency notes) into the streets/into the hands of the Iraqi citizens to defend their exchange rate...the idea is when they do go international and float their currency the IQD will be within 2% to 3% compliant as required.  They are telling the citizens the CBI has the means to defend their exchange rate as it floats.

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Zim dollar update for 06/30/22 - back to the gold standard?

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: 


New Ban on Russian Gold Could Blow Up the Paper Gold Market

Heresy Financial:  7-1-2022

We recently got word that the United States and the other countries in the G7 has recently announced a NEW BAN, more sanctions on Russia, and this time it is gold.

In this video, we're going to answer the question of what impact this might have on gold because there's some people saying that this will have no impact at all.

However, there is a chance that this could actually blow up, and once and for all END, the paper gold market that has been supressing the gold price for decades.


0:00 Video Overview

0:35 Intro

0:38 Sponser iTrustCapital

2:29 U.S. Blocks Gold Imports from Russia

4:25 Golds New Production Hardly Effects Current Prices

6:08 China and India are Russia's Main Gold Buyers

8:02 Paper Gold Market Potentially Blowing Up

10:10 ShiffGold Platform

10:58 Outro


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