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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Morning 11-22-19

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (11-22-19): "Awakening"


 Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - November 22, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

The DECLAS process begins once the FISA report is released.

Officials of the Obama administration will be exposed of corruption linking to Ukraine that involves the Clinton Foundation and more.

The Federal Reserve (Fed) and the IRS will also be exposed of committing various crimes during the DECLAS process.

Once the Fed is exposed, President Trump is expected to issue an EO to declare the Fed a criminal operation and strip them of their legal status.

Many more individuals, groups, organizations, agencies, and more will be implicated with various crimes.

Meanwhile, Prince Andrew was ordered to stand down from royal duties by the Queen as US authorities are expected to issue a subpoena.


Prince Andrew is expected to testify under oath over his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.

Also, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was recently indicted on multiple corruption charges.


The mass awakening is now picking up speed as Prince Andrew, Hillary Clinton, and Netanyahu will soon be heading to court.

Major changes in the financial system are expected to occur by the end of this year and throughout 2020.

Countries are expected to transition to an asset-backed monetary system prior to a gold standard monetary system.

According to sources, the Iraqi Dinar is expected to revalue before the end of the year.


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Tishwash:  Protests in Iraq .. The killing of demonstrators near the central bank and Sistani calls for accelerated reforms

 BAGHDAD (Reuters) - At least two protesters were killed on Friday and about 30 others were wounded by Iraqi security forces as they blocked protesters from reaching the heavily guarded central bank, witnesses said, while the Shi'ite authority called for speedy reform of electoral laws to break the current crisis.

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Baghdad said that hundreds of demonstrators managed to drop the first concrete barrier leading to the central bank located in Al-Rasheed Street near Al-Ahrar Bridge in central Baghdad.

The correspondent added that security personnel prevented the protesters from dropping the second barrier to reach the bank, and the barrier is only a few meters away from the central bank.

He pointed out that the security forces used tear gas and live bullets to disperse the demonstrators and prevent them from dropping the second barrier.

The area witnessed yesterday skirmishes of security forces and demonstrators tried to reach the Central Bank, killing seven protesters and wounding more than seventy.

The Reuters news agency, citing medical sources and eyewitnesses that seven demonstrators were killed and dozens wounded and suffocation cases yesterday in several areas, including the bridges of Alsink and Ahrar in central Baghdad.

Umm Qasr

Reuters reported sources in the southern port of Umm Qasr that security forces dispersed protesters at the port gate, which led to the injury of a number of them.

Witnesses from the southern city of Basra said the protesters were gathering near the port of Umm Qasr, the country's biggest port overlooking the Gulf.

The sources added that the port authorities, which had been forced in the previous days to close because of the gathering of demonstrators, still closed the port even after the security forces dispersed the demonstrators using tear gas and batons.

The Reuters news agency that the workers managed to enter the port near the city of Basra, but its operations have not yet resumed.

The protesters had closed the port of Umm Qasr from October 29 to the ninth of this month, except for a brief resumption of operations for three days.

A government spokesman said at the time that the closure had lost Iraq more than $ 6 billion in the first week alone.

The port receives imports of grain, vegetable oil and sugar shipments in a country heavily dependent on imported food.

In a related context, a security source told the Anatolia that angry protesters set fire yesterday evening in the Department of Tribal Affairs Dhi Qar police directorate in the south of the country.

 Shiite Marja

At the political level, the Shiite Marja in Iraq urged politicians to expedite the adoption of the laws of parliamentary elections and the Independent Electoral Commission.

The representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani said in the Friday sermon in the city of Karbala that the supreme authority "stresses the need to accelerate the completion of the election law and the law of its commission, stressing that the supreme authority" stresses the need to accelerate the completion of the election law and the law of the Commission, Country. "

Since the protests began, 339 people have been killed and 15,000 wounded, according to Anatolia, according to figures from the parliamentary Human Rights Commission, the Iraqi Human Rights Commission and medical and human rights sources.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff    …with Iraq they’re gonna have two currencies coexisting together.  So you’ll have a 25k note and a 25 note coexisting together.  They’re not gonna have the same valueLet’s say the rate is $3.00…the 25k note would be worth $75,000 and the 25 note would be worth $25…the two currencies will coexist together with independent separate values…

Jeff  …so no one is miss led in any way…No country’s budget contains a rate The budget itself is calculated off the rate but the budget never contains a rate…you’ve always seen their [Iraq’s] budgets calculated in the range of trillions of dinar.   When the rate changes it will transition to being calculated in billions of dinar.  How does that workThe budget has what’s called a writer…it will allow that to automatically change from billions to trillions.  In other words they drop the zeros.  It’s that simple.  My point to you is you will never know that the rates gonna change before it has changed.  They will not let any clues or signs leak out…


Lynette Zang


Streamed live 19 hours ago

 Many people have been asking if Deutsche Bank (BD) has declared bankruptcy. Today, the formal answer is no, but a 94% price decline in the stock and the ongoing and growing losses, tell us YES. But, as a global universal bank, the death of DB is the death of the global financial system, so what we have is a Zombie Bank Walking.

Therefore, the real question is “What would force a formal bankruptcy?” The answer is the same as it was for Lehman in 2008, loss of funding. When does that happen? When it becomes too expensive to prop up. Central banks, who have used low interest rates to keep the other zombie banks and corporations appearing alive.

But negative rates and bloated balance sheets mean that central banks have minimal fire power left to fight the escalating global slowdown. Would they squander it on Deutsche Bank? Would it be left to the German Central Bank? In 2017 Germany managed to repatriate their gold.

 The headlines asked if they know something we don’t. They do. Germany remembers the hyperinflation that gripped it between 1919 and 1923.

They know that once hyperinflation begins there is no stopping it. And they know that only gold holds value when that happens. Like me, they’d rather be early than one second too late.


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