Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 6-23-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 23 June 2023

Compiled Fri. 23 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Judy Note: We were facing a Global Financial System Implosion, Global Currency Revaluation, Emergency Broadcast System Activation and Soft Martial Law.None of which has been reported in the Mainstream Media.

Tier 4b – How to Know if it Means You, Medeea Greere:

 Tier 4B – How To Know If It Means You – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

Am I part of Tier 4B that I read so much about on the Internet? I feel there is a lot of confusion about this. Many times you will see posts or videos mention the Tier 4B and they loosely call them ‘the Internet Group’.

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This means, when readers/viewers come across it, they think to themselves… “I must be in the Internet Group because I’m seeing this on the Internet!” Sounds feasible, but it’s not exactly how it works.

Do you have International Currency on hand? Have you previously bought international currency with the intention of exchanging it when those currencies revalue. In other words, have you bought foreign currency, such as Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong or Zimbabwe Zim? These are some of the main ones.

What does Tier 4B mean? Those in Tier 4B are those on the Internet who have been following very closely as to when the currencies will revalue. You are called ‘The Internet Group’.

All the people who have bought foreign currency with the intention of exchanging once the countries have revalued, will be paid out in tiers: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4A, Tier 4B – The Internet Group, Tier 5 – The General Public

Exactly who is ‘The Internet Group’? Only those who are holding international currencies such as dinar, dong or zim, who have been following closely on the Internet as to when these currencies revalue. Many have been waiting for a very long time… watching, waiting. OK, so when these currencies revalue, you will be called to go into a Redemption Centre. The purpose of that appointment is to exchange your currency into the currency of the country you live in.

Exactly who is ‘The General Public’? Of course, we all know who the general public is, but in this instance it means… those who have been holding onto foreign currencies but have tucked it away safely in their sock drawer and long forgotten about it. But, once the information becomes common knowledge that the currencies have revalued, these people will suddenly remember… hey, I’ve got some of that in my sock drawer! They will then be able to trot along and exchange their currencies.

What is a Redemption Centre? The Redemption Centre could be to a local bank, or an office within a bank, or an office nearby. In other words, they will use whatever is convenient to them at the time. Once they have completed the currency exchanges, they will then open up the market to the public.

Into what account will these funds be paid? Over the years we have had to state which bank account we wanted these funds to go into. This may still be the case, but they may deposit it directly into our new QFS accounts. Of this, I’m unsure. It makes sense to me because banks accounts at this time are so uncertain, while the QFS is totally safe and not able to be hacked.

If you do not currently have any of these foreign currencies, why not try to grab some at this late, late stage. Even just a little will be better than none. Even if you are not in a position to purchase any, do not worry… we are coming into abundance for everyone anyway.

NESARA GESARA payments are different On the other hand, we are all expecting to receive payments from NESARA-GESARA. Whether it will be linked to your birth certificate, refund of taxes, returning the fees you paid on your mortgage… or whatever else… this will be done worldwide for everyone. Information on some of NESARA GESARA is a little sketchy, (as they said it would be) but I would presume (and it’s only my presumption) that these funds will be paid directly into your QFS account. No Redemption Centre appointments necessary.


The last week in June 2023 Social Security increases would begin, plus Restitution Allowances and Med Bed appointments would start.

The first part of July the new Quantum Financial System would be completely interfaced in computers around the World in order to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.

In Mid August Jim Rickards said BRICS was releasing their new commodity backed International currency. This would be the death of the Petrodollar.

NESARA/GESARA: Dr. Scott Young: New Huge NESARA/GESARA Intel and Q&A – It’s Coming, Folks!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com) NESARA started with the Farmers lawsuit; George Bush killed NESARA bill legislation, 9/11; 2008 collapse of financial system, started to develop Bitcoin and the Quantum Financial System – each nation could have their own currency system.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/23/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-23-2023/



Gentlemen, good morning, we inform all the people involved in the Redemption that we are entering Radio Silence, FROM 6:00 PM TODAY, UNTIL TUESDAY 27 of this month, 6:00 PM, THERE WILL BE NO COMMUNICATION OF ANY KIND REGARDING PAYMENT among the participants or comments on this matter with anyone. Thank you Wolverine

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  We told to stay tuned an important message from the government is coming.  FRANK:  I'm excited to see what they have to tell you! ...These are very exciting time.  In my strong opinion the CBI is about to show you your new national currency.  

Mnt Goat  The saga about the Iraqi dinar RV only gets better and better.  Yes, we are VERY close to something big happening with the dinar...Yes, I do have some concerns about not seeing any news about the project to delete the zeros...but the CBI told me from their experience in the past they are not going to advertise the process at the end anymore until they are absolutely sure and are implementing it. Integral to the RV is this project to delete the zeros...Are the newer notes already printed? Yes, they are printed and in the vaults at the CBI...they are not yet in the ATMs and so we wait. One cannot happen without the other.


Fed Officials Level Up While We Grind on the Sidelines

Lynette Zang:  6-22-2023

Did you know that this is a club and you and I are not in this club? But boy, those that are in this club, they play by a different set of rules, and they keep playing until they get caught.

 And then they change the rules just a little bit. Oh, my goodness. Who could know? Certainly. Everything is on the up and up.

Well, I think it's time to talk about this. Just an ongoing series of abuses coming up


0:00 We're Not In Their Club

1:12 Who Is Selling These Stocks?

1:56 Hidden Interests

4:09 1933 Double Eagle Case

7:02 Starting A Strategy


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