Dinar Recaps

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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 12-2-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 2 Dec. 2022

Compiled Fri. 2 Dec. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 29 Nov. was the last day the fiat US Dollar was to be used globally except for in the US, Canada and Mexico. The fiat US Dollar will be completely gone from those and other countries by the end of Jan. 2023. …Bruce

Tues. 29 Nov.: Dubai 1 final payouts completed. …a very High Up Source

Wed. 30 Nov.: Dubai 2 started funds release. …a very High Up Source

Starting Thurs. 1 Dec. the fiat US dollar will begin converting to the asset-backed USN. That will continue in stores and at banks for 60 days to the end of Jan. 2023. …Bruce

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Thurs. 1 Dec. Mark Micelli, the Trustee of the St. Germaine Trust, released some, but not all, funds from the Trust. On that same Thurs. 1 Dec. Buyers would engage Sellers with Contracts of German Bond Boxes …a very High Up Source

Fri. 2 Dec. and Mon. 5 Dec.: Advances would be made to Sellers. …a very High Up Source

Sat. 3 Dec.: a Banker let it slip that the new Iraqi Dinar Rate would be available to the general public on Sat. 3 Dec. …a trusted contact. “Iraqi chatter is they are going to announce to the world that they changed their rate on the 3rd of Dec.”…MarkZ

Sat. 3 Dec. at 4 pm Bond Holders and Sellers will receive their monies, but won’t have access until Mon. 5 Dec. or Tues. 6 Dec. …Bruce

Sun. 4 Dec. JFK Jr. has hinted on his Telegram Channel that he will come out of the shadows on Sunday 4 Dec.

Overnight Sun 4 Dec. into Mon. morning 5 Dec. Tier 4B should receive the 800 numbers exchanges to start on Tues. 6 Dec. …Bruce

By Mon. 5 Dec. the full funds from the St. Germaine Trust were expected to be released …a very High Up Source

On Mon. 5 Dec. bonds should begin processing in mass according to Bond contacts in Europe. …MarkZ

On Mon. 5 Dec. Tier 3 was expected to be paid. …a very High Up Source


Thurs. 1 Dec. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

In a recent 29 hour period the Alliance Military arrested 1300 bankers in the US, Canada, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Remnants of two major banking families have been removed

Things have moved forward for the Bond Holders – bond sellers to bond buyers – will receive their monies Sat. 3 Dec. at 4 pm, but won’t have access until Mon. 5 Dec. or Tues. 6 Dec.

Bond sellers will have money in their accounts Mon. morning 5 Dec.

Tier 4B should receive the 800 numbers overnight Sun 4 Dec. into Mon. morning 5 Dec. for exchanges to start on Tues. 6 Dec.

Redemption Center personnel were on one hour call time beginning Sat. 3 Dec. and the personnel go into the Redemption Centers to work starting Mon. 5 Dec. at 9:30 am.

There were four regional Call Centers in the US: Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.

Zim Holders will get routed directly to a specific person at the Call Center in their region, or they will be given a specific phone number to call to get a redemption appointment.

The person Zim Holders talk to at the Redemption Center will be the same person who will be working with them at their appointment.

Structured payouts only apply to Bond Holders and Zim Platforms. They will not be used for Tier4A,B.

Tier4A, B will be given their total exchange amount in their Quantum Account. That account is specific to the person exchanging or redeeming and does not earn interest.

You will be given a Quantum Account card specific to you so you can move monies from your Quantum Account into your primary account at Wells Fargo.

The monies in your Wells Fargo account will accrue interest.

Have an idea of how much money you need for the first three months and that amount will be transferred from your Quantum Account to your primary account at Wells Fargo.

After the first three months you will have full access to your Quantum Account.

You will be given a list of people and organizations not to give money to. Your funds will be monitored to make sure money does not go to those people and organizations on that list. If it does your funds could be frozen.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/12/02/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-2-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru   https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26   Parliament is waiting for the new exchange rate from the CBI just like I told you...everybody waits for the exchange rate.  They are all waiting for the exchange rate that is about to come from the CBI governor to the Prime Minister of Iraq Sudani...

Walkingstick    [via Frank26]   [Walkingstick's Iraqi Bank partner/friend update]   BANK FRIEND:  When they introduce the GOI that's when the exchange rate will be exposed in the budget.  Because it will require laws to be voted on, to be passed, for the exchange rate to be used for the reforms. 

Frank26   ...Once you see Article 140...HCL, the next thing you will see will be the new exchange rate...We've see Article 140...HCL is busting open the budget...In my opinion Article 140 activates HCL and that activation alone is what's going to bust open the budget.  In the budget we'll see the birth of Article VIII to the reforms.  Article VIII leads us to Forex...which then leads to a float.

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ECONOMY: Things Just Went From BAD To MUCH WORSE... And You Haven't Seen ANYTHING YET!

Greg Mannarino:  12-1-2022


Russia JUST ANNOUNCED It's SHUTTING DOWN The Europe Economy With Its NEW Oil Strategy

Tech Revolution:  12-1-2022

Europe is experiencing its worst energy crisis in decades. This is because Russian natural gas supplies have become unstable and erratic even before the invasion of Ukraine.

And these shipments have now stopped altogether. Russia says the indefinite cutoff of gas supply via Europe's major pipeline results from severe economic sanctions imposed by the West. And so, as Europe prepares for winter, the possibility of supply disruptions and spikes in gas prices rises.

The European Union is now debating several potential approaches. They're also trying to lessen the blow that the current predicament has dealt. It's an immediate fallout of international sanctions imposed on Russia's energy sector after the country invaded Ukraine.

The disastrous energy shortage across the area is largely attributable to several EU governments' long term over-reliance on cheap Russian gas, notably its de facto leader, Germany. And now, Russia just announced that it will cut off its supply to Europe, which will change everything!


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