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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 12-16-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 16 Dec. 2022

Compiled Fri. 16 Dec. 2022 12:01am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 15 Dec. Bruce: Our source said the final Green Light (Tier 4B notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments) would be activated tomorrow Fri. 16 Dec. If so, appointments could start tomorrow Fri. 16 Dec. Another source felt Sat. 17 Dec. was the date. Still another source assured us that we would have our appointments and exchanges not only set, but completed before Christmas.

Thurs. 15 Dec. MarkZ: The US Treasury was in mad scramble to obtain gold before the New Year. Bank Meetings started late in the evening Wed. 14 Dec. as they try to prepare for this.

See this content in the original post

On Tues. 13 Dec. the Golden Dragon Bonds Trust deposited monies in a Quantum Financial System Account and some Bond Holders received emails with access codes for full access to their funds.

All US fiat currency has to be turned in to exchange for the new US gold-backed notes by 31 Jan. 2023. …Simeon Parkes


Thurs. 15 Dec. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Our source said the final Green Light (Tier 4B notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments) would be activated tomorrow Fri. 16 Dec.

If so, appointments could start tomorrow Fri. 16 Dec.

Another source felt Sat. 17 Dec. was the date.

Still another source assured us that we would have our appointments and exchanges completed before Christmas.

All currencies are on the back bank screens trading upward.

The rates on the Dong and Dinar are quite high.

Med Beds and Zero point energy are about to be revealed.

80% of the Cell Towers have receivers for this wire energy to come in.

January would reveal NESARA/GESARA.


News Highlights:

Wed. evening 15 Dec. the White House was lit up in green – perhaps indicating NESAR/GESARA implementation and/or the Global Currency Reset?

The Stock Market, just like the Three Letter Agencies, was a separate entity that worked for the Deep State. It was manipulated at will to control our finances.

The IMF controls the world to bring us into total debt slavery.

FTX is a money laundering arm of the Deep State that is coming into full collapse.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/12/16/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-16-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:  We were told that the last payment for Kuwait has been made.  It was paid off yesterday...  FRANK:  To see Kuwait is finally satisfied with the restitution that Iraq needed to do with them because this is one of the precursors of the new exchange rate through the IMF...is exciting.  I can see your excitement.

Mnt Goat   The IQD from Iraq...MUST be reinstated in order for Iraq to progress forward with any success to the global markets if this is what they truly desire and they tell us this is where they want to go. But they will have to overcome the puppetry of Iran first. This RV journey will end and I can...see the road ahead. I can see the end point now and it is not long off. The pressure is building and now even many more economists are now pushing for the FOREX reinstatement...

See this content in the original post

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