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News - Rumors & Opinions Friday 9-1-23

News - Rumors & Opinions Friday 9-1-23

Note: All intel is considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements - “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 1 Sept. 2023 By  TerraZetzz   

Compiled Fri. 1 Sept. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

It is only wise to have a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential supplies for yourself and to share with others.

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Global Currency Reset:

Thurs. 31 Aug. Bruce: Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) should be notified Fri. 1 Sept. after markets close around 5pm, with start of exchanges on Sat. 2 Sept.

Thurs. 31 Aug. MarkZ: “interesting rumors floating around, possibility of this weekend. I have a number of group leaders who seem to think it is. I do not know. I also have some telling me that they know the exact timing, they are not telling me the date, but they seem as content as the Cheshire cat! Bond people were still expecting contracts at any time. On Fri. night 25 Aug. a couple of humanitarian projects received full funding.

Wed. 30 Aug. TNT Call: The 72 hours to Global Currency Reset completion was started sometime on Tues. 29 Aug.  All financial establishments were given 72 hours. Later on, three letter agencies thought it would happen in the next 24 hours. On Wed. 30 Aug. all countries involved were at the UN discussing everything. I checked with Banks in Florida, Atlanta, Illinois and Washington State. They received the same memo – that it would be anywhere between Wed. afternoon and Friday. All were excited at all levels. This was our final week, down to our final hours.

Mon. 28 Aug. Texas Snake: On Wed. 30 Aug, very positive news about appointment notifications possibly being released. A banker was told to have all his trained exchange personnel at their exchange locations starting Wednesday and forth going.

Charlie Ward: “Months ago everything was completed for the Global Currency Reset, it just hasn’t been announced. The BRICS nations, BRICS bank and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months.”

Wolverine claimed that on Fri. 18 Aug. Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the Planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program.

The Global Currency Reset appeared to be announced on Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 whenthe BRICS Summit launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system. https://www.brics-pay.com/.

Thurs. 31 Aug. Marc D: Landed in Reno tonight and there was an unusually high number of business jets on the tarmac. I usually see three to four but there were around 30 tonight.

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Thurs. 31 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com)  667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-1865

On Thurs. 31 Aug. the top 47 Tier paymasters and Redemption Centers received a green light for Tier 1 Banks and rest of the Bond Holders that would give them access to funds.

Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) should be notified Fri. 1 Sept. after markets close around 5pm with start of exchanges on Sat. 2 Sept.

Political change should happen within 48 hours after that.

Global Financial Collapse:

Charles Schwab owes 130% of their total equity capital to short duration FHLB loans that have to be paid back soon. Total assets $350 billion…There’s your September Lehman Brothers.

Joe Biden’s America: Gas prices up 53%.

Forbes is saying oil will be going up to $300 a barrel.

Banking Collapse, Charlie Ward

BANKING COLLAPSE Unveils Shocking Connections to Tribunals and War Crimes! Prepare for the Unthinkable: Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency. Brace yourself for the impending catastrophic COLLAPSE that will send shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond.

Hyperinflation in Germany is decimating the metal industry, crippling weapons production, and pushing corporations to the edge of bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, the colossal COLLAPSE of SVB BANKS in California, resulting in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries. The COLLAPSE, underway for over a year and a half, is finally unmasking the Deep State’s cover-ups and exposing their false market reports.

The Global Event: We Stand at the Precipice of Chaos. Massive chaos looms on the horizon, as citizens around the globe remain shockingly unprepared for the impending COLLAPSE EVENT.


On Fri. 1 Sept. Announcement of the gold/asset-backed US Note with the full integration of the Quantum Financial System.

On Sat. 9 Sept. The two day G20 Summit will begin in New Delhi, where they will make major economic changes: https://www.livemint.com/news/india/g20-summit-and-indias-presidency-date-logo-venue-theme-how-does-it-work-and-more-faqs/amp-11693382435496.html

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On October 4th, a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System was planned in the United States. A tryout to ensure everything is working correctly “in the event of a big, national disaster or attack.” https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1695835699218456749?t=zERwVHyLtgYx5Nie-X8LRA&s=19

Ariel @Prolotario1

People thought the BRICS had to officially announce their gold backed currency. No. By default they did. How? In order for countries to join the BRICS they have to ditch the USD. Now what contingency they have to have in place if they no longer will be using fiat USD for trade? They have to have a gold currency.

The Fed-Reserve & IRS are not involved in the gold physical/digital currency. This means that once you make a purchase on a home you will not have any tax bills if you purchase it with gold currency.

Texas House Advances Gold-Backed Digital Currency Bill – Economics Bitcoin News. Texas has taken its first steps in order to approve a bill that would issue a 100% gold-backed digital currency. https://news.bitcoin.com/texas-house-advances-gold-backed-digital-currency-bill/

David Wilcox: Crypto Tax

IRS’s crypto tax reporting proposal gets mixed reactions from Washington, crypto industry. Last Friday, the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS issued a 282-page digital asset tax proposal that would fundamentally transform the tax reporting requirements for crypto — a move the government claims will generate $28 billion in revenue over a decade and that critics say could put undue pressure on an industry that is already battling regulatory overreach.

Why does the IRS say it needs new crypto tax reporting rules? Because crypto is still relatively new, the IRS says that current regulations make it hard for the agency to know what it is owed and for consumers to know what they should be paying in taxes.

Miller Whitehouse-Levine, CEO of the DeFi Education fund, called the IRS’s report “a confusing and self-refuting proposal … [that] strains to find non-existent financial intermediaries in crypto — including DAOs and certain wallet providers — or to create them.”

(Note: Only financial related content was included in this report. You can view and download the full report on Operation Disclosure Official. ~ Dinar Chronicles)

Source: Operation Disclosure Official

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