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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 11-20-2020


Tishwash:  The Kurdistan government directs its employees to open accounts in banks to receive their salaries

On Thursday, the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan Regional Government called on all departments to open a bank account for employees in order to receive their monthly salaries through it .

According to a document addressed to the ministries and departments not associated with the ministries, the ministry said, "Based on the reform law and within the framework of reorganizing the banking field in the region and converting banking services to the electronic form, a special bank account is opened for all employees ."

 And she added, "For the purpose of opening a bank account for employees who do not have any bank account, all departments and institutions must direct official letters to private banks for the purpose of opening a bank account used for the purposes of receiving salaries on a monthly basis  link

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Tishwash:  The government describes 2020 as a "bitter and lean year" and tends to borrow from citizens

Mazhar Muhammad Salih, Advisor to Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi for Financial Affairs, revealed a tendency for the federal government to borrow from citizens and use their savings to fill the fiscal deficit in the 2021 budget, and consider this as a public debt, instead of government banks.

Saleh said in a press statement regarding the draft fiscal budget bill for the next year and their features, financing and deficit, that "Iraq is going through a difficult financial situation, especially since oil export revenues constitute 50% of the moderate and not high revenues of the country, which has lost many of its resources."

He added, "The budget depends on 93% of oil revenues during the past years, especially as it is committed to OPEC decisions to reduce production, while 2020 was a lean year for the financial policy of the country and the state that tried to secure salaries until the end of the year, adding that 2021 may be General Financial discipline to control the operating budget, its entries and exits, in a very large way, as it absorbs about 80% of fixed expenses.

And he continued his speech by acknowledging the existence of a financial deficit in the budget next year, and that its financing will be from several internal and external bodies, taking into account not to borrow from government banks, especially that there is an international financial alliance that has the willingness to deal with Iraq, and it will have an impact on supporting the country and its financial support and sustainability Financial and economic momentum "according to his perception", pointing out that this "is a very important and vital issue, especially for obtaining aid and soft foreign loans."
He added that the other approach of the government in bridging the deficit in the budget is to seek the help of the public and borrow from the savings they have, not from the government financial apparatus and its banks.

"Yes, perhaps this time, borrowing from the public will be a public debt," Saleh asserted, noting that there is no way to fill the deficit, either by improving oil prices to obtain additional revenues or resorting to borrowing.

On what the government is planning regarding its financial policy towards the salaries of citizens, he said, "I hope that it will be secured next year without delay, and this must be carefully planned for this basic issue, especially since salaries and wages constitute the livelihood of 50% of the population of Iraq."

Al-Kazemi's advisor added that there are "good preparation to complete the budget, and when it is presented, everything will become clear, the deficit, sources of financing and spending, and revenues, and to maximize non-oil revenues, especially since there is a strong trend to take its field in this regard and not by 6% or 7%, perhaps up to 25%, and this is an excellent goal and step. Once that ceiling is reached by maximizing resources, there will be improvement in facing the deficit, the size of which is unknown, because Parliament will also work to amend it. "

And he expected that "the government will present the budget to Parliament during the next few days, but this depends on the ministries' determination of their revenues, expenditures, operational locations - and investment in the budget."

And if there were parties seeking to obstruct the presentation of any project by the government, Saleh said that there are "political struggles", especially whenever the election date approaches, which is normal in countries, but we hope everyone will cooperate for the sake of the Iraqi people.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   You're about to see IMO the Erbil stock exchange go online at any moment now...the ESX is linked with the ISX.  You're going to see these stock exchanges are allowing international investments to occur with their stock markets...you're going to see a plethora, an avalanche, a cornucopia, a pinata explode of investors coming into the ISX and the ESX...when the ESX and ISX go international it will be with a new exchange rate for their currency.

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Fleming Friday Update:

Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources and Bruce's sources reporting that the RV start timing of T4B notifications, exchanges, and the shotgun liquidity release is STILL BEFORE THANKSGIVING THU 26 NOV, but the start had to be moved forward from this week to next Mon to Wed 23-25 Nov because of the military operations that started last weekend into this week to shut down the source of the Deep State (Iranian, Mossad) rocket attacks on the US Embassy in Baghdad last Tue 17 Nov—

The swamp is fighting back he said against the RV release, GESARA, and the gold-backed financial system; but he said that POTUS and the white hats now have the upper hand behind the scenes over these Deep State bad actors, --a lot of those Deep State lowlifes have been arrested, snatched and renditioned by military flights over the last 72 hours to military prisons and GITMO this week he said;

He said that he knows that WE ARE ALL SICK AND TIRED of the start being pushed forward, but he AGREES WITH MR. FLEMING that none of us, including him, are decision-makers, and THIS IS WAR but WE ARE CLOSER THAN WE EVER HAVE BEEN BEFORE to the start and his info is the shotgun start is STILL BEFORE THANKSGIVING and Trump and the white hats are still pushing for that;

He said that the start happening around next Mon to Wed 23-25 Nov is the current timeframe of the decision-makers--some sources are saying that T4B and shotgun liquidity release will be as early as Mon 11/23, others are hearing Tue-Wed 24-25 Nov; he said be ready for each of these possibilities


Abadi Approves Halbousi Removal & Speaks About Elections

Currency365:  Nov 20, 2020


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Kadhimi Addresses Nation & CBI Gov Must Speak

Currency365:  Nov 20, 2020


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