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News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 1-7-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 7 Jan. 2022

Compiled Fri. 7 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

On the Global Currency Reset front: 

The FED would be no longer by May 2022.

Contacts have reported seeing the new gold/asset-backed US Note stored at banks.

It has been reported that Tier 4B should start their exchanges/ redemptions this weekend, Saturday 8 Jan, Sunday 9 Jan, or Monday 10 Jan.

Thurs. 6 Jan. Fleming: The (new) Iraqi Government have put into place a formal plan to enter the world stage with a White Paper, scheduled to be published on January 9th, including the new 2022 Budget. The in-country-rate in Iraq will be at a rate above $6.00.

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Thurs. 6 Jan. The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#, 667-770-1865

All of the coding to uplink all countries to the StarLink System was completed last night by 8:30 pm EST.

Reno, New York and Miami were very active and Introducers and Bond Holders have begun to be paid.

As of yesterday Wed. 5 Jan. the Rodriguez Trust out of the Philippines was distributing funds to the Exchange Centers and banks in preparation for Tier 4B exchanges.

Tier 4B should start their exchanges/redemptions this weekend, Saturday 8 Jan, Sunday 9 Jan, or Monday 10 Jan.


BLACKOUTS STARTED: Globalists Evil Mafia is Going Down! Kazakhstan Government resigns as demonstrators set fire to capital. https://thehill.com/policy/international/588318-kazakhstan-government-resigns-as-demonstrators-set-fire-to-capital

Internet and communication total blackout started after massive protests. Kazakhstan’s Stock Market DOWN 110 pts on Wednesday on the back of total CHAOS in the central Asian nation. Bitcoin falling with Kazakhstan riots. Mining is going down at the same time. The crypto giant has dropped from over $46K to $44,000 on Wednesday. Kazakhstan is widely ranked as the 2nd largest Bitcoin mining nation in the world (18%).

Kazakhstan Shuts Down Banks, Internet Amid Unrest That Threatens Bitcoin Mining, Hashrate. Measures imposed by authorities in Kazakhstan to quell mass protests are affecting cryptocurrency markets and the Bitcoin. https://news.bitcoin.com/kazakhstan-shuts-down-banks-internet-amid-unrest-that-threatens-bitcoin-mining-hashrate/

Today was 11/11/21 on the Julian calendar: Orthodox Christmas Day.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/01/07/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-7-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan   ...after having met the obligations of compensation to Kuwait, there will and should be that Iraq will be able to interlink global banking and with that comes and international rate to be applied. The banks are now closed until Sunday in Iraq, if I have that correct and there are no new holidays? lol  Add in, the UAE is to link their monetary, governmental and financial work week with the rest of the world tomorrow. ...So, it is my view that there may still be opportunity for us to see this over with by and or over the weekend into early next week, imo.



Mot: -- Yeppers! - Finally!! ~~~

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Doomberg: All Crises Lead to the Great Reset

Palisades Gold Radio:  Jan 7, 2022

Doomberg comes from the basis of significant industrial experience. They have a unique understanding of just-in-time supply chains. It's fairly easy for them to understand what is occurring in the global logistics systems. They take pride in their ability to explain complex topics.

He discusses potential problems with line five which is a key pipeline and major source of energy for the United States. Green energy is having a serious impact on oil markets.

He notes that many politicians don't understand the important difference between baseload energy and other more limited forms of energy.

There is a catastrophic failure of leadership around energy in Europe and we're just beginning to see the problems. They are questioning the availability of oil supplies and the long-term risks of shale oil.

We're seeing a decapitalization of prior investments in shale wells. In addition, OPEC may be overstating its ability to produce. The emerging economies are going to need ever-increasing amounts of energy. There is no way we can decarbonize the global economy without massive human starvation if we don't rely more on nuclear.

Social media could magnify the speed of communication around supply and inflation problems. This could have serious consequences for the economy and markets should we see panic.

Doomberg often discusses the impacts of high natural gas prices on fertilizer production and prices. We are looking at much higher food prices as a result of gas shortages.

China, Russia, and India are stockpiling gold along with other commodities. They are believed to be underreporting their stockpiles of gold.

Any price suppression in the West is only benefitting these countries that continue to buy. Lastly, he discusses some of the speculative risks around cryptocurrencies.


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