News, Rumors and Humor Thursday Night 4-15-2021
Fleming Thursday RV Report
Our military intel contact said was yes they are still working on bond liquidity release procedures checking & rechecking getting ready for the start of bonds going live, payouts, and 4B notifications going out any time—he said it’s IN PROCESS.
Our military intel contact info is still that there are exchange /redemption centers in Puerto Rico that will be made clear once the 800# notifications come out and call center operators will direct callers to them;
Our guy's info is that WF and HSBC are working with redemption centers and correspondent banks in Puerto Rico like First Bank, Banco Popular, Oriental Bank (that bought out the previous Scotia Bank presence in Puerto Rico) ;
His info is that rates will be same as on mainland in the redemption centers; that's all he can say securely to protect the many heavily invested Puerto Rican currency holders and the redemption process there;
He said more details will come from the 800# call center operators when T4B can start calling to make appointments.
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Petra Anchor in what you know. What do we absolutely know? 1. We know the budget was approved on 3-31-21. That's a fact. 2. We know that the new budget hasn't been entered in the gazette. 3. Has the rate change been shown on the CBI? No. 4. Are there billions on the sidelines...private investors and companies waiting to enter into Iraq? Yes. IMO the frustration of folks comes when trying to figure out a date. Can anyone influence the launch of the reforms or influence the date of the reinstatement in the public realm? No...They cannot survive at the current program rate. Nor will it come out at the program rate because the math just doesn't work. Anchor in what we do know - that they have told us it is coming. We just don't know when. Stay the course. Anchor in know that it is coming and relax. You're not going to miss it.
Cutebwoy: this is part of a old article from back in the 2015 time frame of when iraq wanted to continue the delete the zero project but put off till 2019 then stopped again till now 2021 so here we wait again for the process to be mentioned again that they are continuing with the project
Meaning of currency revaluation and what will happen if Iraq takes this path
Currency revaluation refers to a calculated upward adjustment to a nation’s exchange rate relative to its chosen baseline. The process is undertaken by nations with fixed exchange rates to deliberately increase the value of its own currency relative to a single currency, a basket of international currencies or whatever the underlying baseline may be.
Currency revaluation only occurs in fixed currencies, meaning the currency is pegged to a foreign currency, a basket of foreign currencies or a different quantitative benchmark. The process may only be undertaken by the underlying nation’s government or policymakers. The act of altering the value of a nation’s currency relative to other currencies is typically influenced by market pressures. The pressure is now.
A government typically revalues its currency when it wishes to increase the value of its currency relative to its benchmark currency. This maneuver would officially increase the purchasing power of the nation’s residents while decreasing the price of imports.
Revaluation is the inverse of devaluation, which is the official lowering of the value of a nation’s currency within a fixed exchange rate. Under this measure, the underlying government establishes a new fixed rate respective to the benchmark.
The International Monetary Fund encourages governments and policymakers to refrain from manipulating exchange rates to gain unfair competitive advantages over foreign currencies.
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