Dinar Recaps

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News Rumors and Humor Friday Night 4-2-2021


DeepWoodz:  So from last thread I saw some conversation on whether or not Iraq is Article VIII. (8)

I have a link that proves they are.

It’s from the IMF website and is a report that was generated by the IMF on March 4, 2021. 

Although this does prove it, they don’t seem to be in full compliance. This doesn’t change the fact that they are Article VIII. 


PS.... more info. 

By accepting the obligations of Article VIII, this gives confidence to the international community that it will pursue sound economic policies that will obviate the need to use restrictions on the making of payments and transfers for current international transactions, and thereby contribute to a multilateral payments system free of restrictions.


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Petra  ...Remember, the WP's [White Papers ?] do NOT work at 1460 much less 1190 so the next move is on the CBI.  Making the rate change is the door requiring unlocking for the Country of Iraq to welcome in the secondary markets and other International investors to walk on in.  We know there are "Billions" on the sideline just waiting to enter when their investment dollars can be protected, monitored, and moved as necessary to impact any investment in a positive direction. With the dropping of the PR [Program Rate ?] to 1460 on 12/20 it fueled inflation as well as the 21+% increase in price/cost of goods to the citizens.  Therefore, IMO,  clearly, the excitement we saw yesterday was NOT as much the budget passed with the PR provided, but because the people know what is coming in the dropping of the 3 zero's positively impacting their imminent purchasing power and providing opportunity for all! Yup!  Show time!!!




QFS  information about minute 17:00



GOLD/SILVER ALERT! CFTC Stands Aside to ALLOW Massive Gold Delivery Limit BLOWOUT! (Bix Weir)

Apr 1, 2021

Why do tax payers pay the $120M+ annual budget of the CFTC if they REFUSE to DO THEIR JOB?! Both Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have BLOWN PAST their 6,000 Contract Gold Delivery Limit on the First Day of the April Gold Delivery Month! Yes, it is April Fools Day but this is REAL!!


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Mot:  ~~~ Words of Wisdom from the Wee Folks!! ~~~~

Mot:  ~~~ April Fools --- on the Ark!! ~~~~

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