Dinar Recaps

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New Years Evening News With MarkZ 12-31-2021

New Year's Eve News 12/31/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Here we are for a quick update as we wrap up and put the period at the end of 2021.

MZ: What I am hearing is continuing from last night……Bond folks are in a mad scramble because they expect the release of funds over the next few hours to distribute them tomorrow. .

MZ: So, The distribution is to start on the Historic Bonds that have been lagging and are to start tomorrow. This information is coming from Asia and Europe. I don’t have any updates from the US yet.

MZ: Looks like a mad dash to next week. I think its going to be one heck of a January based on what I am hearing.

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MZ: if I get confirmations tomorrow that they do indeed have liquidity…I may do an afternoon stream…..no set schedule yet though.  I am waiting on updates from CMKX and PP’s. So if I get solid news I will do a stream and share it with you.

MZ: So far we have continuous confirmations of things starting today and rolling heavily to mid month to complete the process of the reset. To complete the process we all have to have exchanged our currencies. Meaning we should all exchange our currencies before mid month…...

Member: Will most banks close permanently next week for not being Basel 3 compliant?

MZ: That would not surprise me to see a number of them not compliant and not open.

Member: Do they have to finish with bonds before we go in?

MZ: Bonds do not have to be completed for us to go in….I have heard bonds will not go full scale until we all are starting to head to the finish line. We will kinda go hand in hand.

MZ: 2021 has been a tough year…..will be glad to close it out…..

MZ: On the other side of this the market did not implode…..Mr. C is still looking for a trigger event and maybe we will see that this weekend. But, they do not have to implode the market for us to get or reset and RV though.

Member: There's going to be plenty of trigger actions tonight at midnight!

Member: The RV itself may be a trigger event IMO

Member: I agree with Mark - no trigger events for foreign currency exchange rates to change - NO events when Kuwait revalued - I think we make this too complicated

Member: After the RV – will you still be doing a podcast?

MZ: Yes. If the NDA is pretty restrictive I will do one but turn of all comments and not allow chat. In other words just doing world news up until the NDA is over…..Then when the NDA is over we can have great discussions …It will be important to talk about our humanitarian projects…new businesses we are doing…changes in laws…..ect….I am looking forward to that part. .

MZ: Everyone Happy News Years……..I will see you next year!!!

Member: Happy New Year Everyone! Be safe and sober as possible.

Member: hi Mark hope you have a wonderful Happy New Year we're glad to see 2021 exit let's have a incredible beginning 2022 for all of us


Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is Monday at 10Am est……..unless………….


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