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Nesara Part 18 by Santa Surfing from 6-6-2020

NESARA Part 18 - Dow surge and 2.5 Million Jobs Added!

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast:  6-6-2020

Excerpts:    Big Banks, Federal Reserve are toast! These new loan programs did give the banks 5 points, but I noticed that it is the SBA that is issuing a lot of these loans and not the PPP.  Now here comes the Prosperity Plan!

The Deep State have IMPLODED THE ECONOMY.  They did it to themselves.

Federal Reserve buys that debt.  

This literally rolls out the Red Carpet for President Trump to roll out his version of NESARA that includes helping all those businesses that lost their business and of course helping Americans that had no income at all for the past 12 weeks.  He may roll out an interim Stimulus plan to help get us by.  

Then the global reset happens.  I believe we already have the rainbow currency ready.  Internet may go dark for a day or two or a little more.  This allows for President Trump to hit that RESET button, then we are entering the new phase of the plan. The new currency will be backed by GOLD.

Don't believe it?  Please help me understand why so many people are getting their debts forgiven, loans paid off while keeping their credit report in good standing? Mortgages deferred indefinitely?  Mortgages removed?  This has never happened in any person's lifetime!  NEVER!  

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We are getting closer and closer to the 10th week and need to just hang in there a little longer.  (From Q posts) It will more than likely be a rocky 4 weeks ahead of us, but at some point, these rioters will not have any money, many have already been processed and released (so they now have a police record of an arrest).  They may have been bailed out.  But, where to they go from here?  Nowhere!  

They just destroyed their own cities that created jobs for them.  There won't be any hand outs because the states may not have any money to help them.  

And to think that these violent protesters that can care less about humanity will benefit from all of this....not so fast.  

I do not think President Trump will allow any of this to happen for these are the lower level swamp rats.  Why do you think President Trump announced to classify Antifa as a Terrorist Organization!  

All these people that are part of Antifa will be known as terrorists and there is no way that President Trump is rewarding them!

While they rot in their jail, prison or GITMO cell, they will hear about the people of the world benefiting from the Greatness and they will sit there and wonder why in the world were they rioting and hurting people in the first place?  But by then, it's too late.  

They will watch the new media with patriotic journalists talking about the prosperity and may even see their neighborhoods, who they looted, talking about how great and happy their lives are while these crooks sit there and weep!

Remember, there is violence because the dirty deep state agitators are distracting from what is to come:

For Full transcript go here:  https://beachbroadcast.com/whats-happening/f/nesara-part-18---trump-bump-dow-surge-and-25-million-jobs-added

Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast other Videos:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0v7VUtxrPnQWPgZx-WSzgw/videos


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