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More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Night 11-16-2022


Samson:  Seventy-five years of giving 

16th November, 2022

Today marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Central Bank of Iraq, when the National Bank of Iraq was born on these days of 1947, to begin a triumphant march of monetary authority in our beloved country.
It plays roles in progress and development and is one of the engines of high-end institutional work.

We are not the only ones who are proud of the Central Bank of Iraq, but our people, our institutions, and our banking sector are proud of this sumptuous national fruit in its giving, performance, and the sustainability of its efforts.

Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif
Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq
11/16/2022  LINK

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Samson:  Iraq will participate in the Arab-Chinese summit in Saudi Arabia next month

11/16/2022 07:42:03

 Iraq announced its participation in the Arab-Chinese Summit to be held in Saudi Arabia next month, which aims to build a strategy for economic cooperation between the Arabs and China.

The official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, said, "Minister Fuad Hussein assured the Chinese ambassador to Baghdad {Cui Wei} of Iraq's participation in this important summit," noting that "the two sides discussed full preparation for it, especially as it takes place in exceptional circumstances that the region and the world are going through."

The minister explained to the Chinese ambassador Iraq's vision of the solution mechanism, ending the crises that the region suffers from, and its position on all economic and security issues in the region and the world.

The two sides also stressed the importance of strengthening relations between Baghdad and Beijing in all fields for the benefit of the two friendly countries, according to the ministry's spokesman.

In addition, the Arab countries intensified their preparations for the Arab-Chinese summit, which will be held in Saudi Arabia, next month, and organized the agenda of the summit, which is at the forefront of the economic file and the file of enhancing opportunities for a peaceful solution in the region that is living today on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war that cast a shadow over the region and the world as a whole.

It is worth noting that China is the largest trading partner of the Arab countries, as the volume of trade exchange between the two countries amounted to about $330 billion, an increase of 37% in the past year, compared to the previous year.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  There has been a lot of talk about the Iraqi dinar exchange rate change and what we can expect and what is going on...there's been a lot of talk about this up and coming budget...I'm shocked at how fast they're putting this thing together, usually takes forever...I'm hearing from all kinds of people saying don't trust the news, they're lying, the rate change is going to be in there.  It goes back and forth...nobody knows...It's all speculation...

Sandy Ingram  Article:  "Iraq unveils 'strategic project' to boost oil reservesIraq is literally floating on oil...Iraq is serious about offshore exploration...they know the oil is there, it's just a matter of getting access to this massive amount of oil...


Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog.com - FTX Implosion Leads to Chaos in the Streets – Bix Weir


There is much more in the 34-min interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Bix Weir of RoadtoRoota.com for 11/15/22.


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Economic Collapse: Russia's Top Banks Have JUST SOLD OFF This US Asset Peter Schiff | Gold Silver

Smart Money:  11-16-2022


BELIEVE IT! US Dollar Collapse Will Accelerate As More People Become SLAVES To The System.

Greg Mannarino  11-16-2022


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