Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 11-18-2020


RVAlready:  I just saw that Citibank predicted the dollar would lose 20% of its value within a year. Time for that GCR!

Wrider22:  Hey hey hey! Let's do the GCR today!  Cmon on U.S. Treasury! Announce the GCR...Just do it!

Jambie67:  8 days until Thanksgiving. Hope what the banks reported about our exchanges being all done by the 26th (Thanksgiving) still holds true!

Luvmyboys:  I was thinking that if they want us in and out by Thanskgiving, that would only leave 5 business days to get it done, not counting weekends of course

RVAlready:  I doubt they can do all of us in 5 days, but they can try

See this content in the original post

Fleming Update:

Fleming:  Our military intel contact confirmed Mr. Fleming’s sources and Bruce’s sources reporting that POTUS & the RV teams want our T4B exchanges over with and finished by Wed 11/25, so they need to start us in the next couple of days;

He confirmed Bruce’s info that some T3-4A group participants above us in 4B have received notifications to exchange & access starting tomorrow Wed 11/18;

He is confirming Bruce’s info that the flow of upper level funds started tonight Tue 11/17 from 8pm EDT onward, and that will start us in T4B any time in the next 24-48 hours; he said watch and pray and stay ready;

Fleming:  I have stated before that none of us knows what is going on behind the scenes  Things change at a moments notice.  There is a lot of spin going on right now and the spin can be very confusing.  A lot of the information out there is designed to be confusing.  To keep you in the dark on  purpose. 

There is some news that is being posted everywhere is designed to get you upset, created to keep you upset.  For those of us that have been involved in this for a while have learned to take much of the intel that is being provided with a grain of salt and move on.  It is information and it does not matter where the information comes from.  We do not downplay anyone's intel.  We may not agree with anything they are saying but there is some truth in what they are saying.  

I will say this we do not talk about other people that are providing information and that is what it is information that they have gotten from their trusted sources.  You just have to remember that everything changes we are not in control.  I wish that we were in control this would have been done a long time ago. 

 Just remember everyday we are moving forward and all that has been done can not be undone.  We just have to hold tight and stay calm.  We are getting there no matter what anyone is saying against this  process.  We are in the fire and the fire is making everyone stronger


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   A lot of you think, 'Oh, we've got the borrowing law!  It's got the rate inside."  No.  I never said that...we told you the borrowing law was extremely important for the international world to coming into Iraq so they could have a rate Therefore, the borrowing law when passed would be part of the reason to come out with a new rate.  

Delta   ...there's so many confirmations that the Central Bank of Iraq they're on the verge to changing the rates and then go to the market economy...the CBI governor...told everyone that he is going to make the Iraqi dinar stronger.  This is what we're looking for.  We're really in good progress...not everything means imminent revaluation...yes, something is going to happen.  We don't have much left...even if it's going to happen December or January that's less than 2 months left...this is the end of it.

See this content in the original post

Iraq Still Owes Kuwait $4.2 Billion & 3 Presidency Meeting

Currency365:  Nov 18, 2020


Iraq CBI Reserves Plunges To $35 Billion (RANT)

Currency365:  Nov 18, 2020


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