Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 10-27-2020


Tishwash:  Parliamentary Constitutional Amendments Committee will discuss tomorrow Article 140

Parliamentary constitutional amendments committee decided to hold a final meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, to discuss Article 140 of the constitution.

A parliamentary source said, in a press interview, that "it was decided to hold a meeting of the constitutional amendments committee on Wednesday.

He added that "tomorrow's meeting will be the final of the Constitutional Committee, and constitutional Article 140 will be discussed."   link


RVAlready:  Guys, revaluing the IQD vs USD is written into the white paper, which is the economic reform plan for Iraq. It is going to happen sometime soon.

Bodyman:  Trying to pin down the time this will happen is like trying to eat jello with a knife.... futile!...it will happen when it's time and I promise whenever that is you will be happy

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26    ...the borrowing law...the new exchange rate is going to be used in calculations of what they need to borrow from... counties... the borrowing law will have its second reading tomorrow [Tuesday] and its third on Saturday...the borrowing law has to have a rate in it and it does.

Jeff   We're in a great position...don't forget Iraq is at their highest level of stability that they've ever achieved.  Kazemi has gotten more done than they've ever gotten done in a long long long time.  Kazemi's gotten more done just in the short period of time he's been there then the entire country's gotten done since they released the new Iraqi dinar.  So we're in a great position... stability is the most important thing before that rate can change...


Iraqi Dinar News 10/27/20 - rate change talk

Pimpy’s Investment chat:   Oct 27, 2020


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Iraq Finance "CBI is Printing New Currency"

Currency365:  Oct 27, 2020


Sadr Tells Kadhimi To End Demonstrations Now

Currency365:  Oct 27, 2020


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