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More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday PM 1-23-2020


Samson:  The British Parliament finally approves the Brexit Agreement

1/22/2020 9:52 PM

 The British Parliament approved a draft law on exit conditions from the European Union, before submitting it to the queen that is expected to pass it to become effective.

The House of Lords was forced to approve the bill after the House of Commons early on Wednesday rejected all the proposed amendments.

Britain will leave the European Union on January 31, after which a transitional period will begin, during which the two parties will conduct trade negotiations.  LINK

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Samson:  The White House: Trump and Saleh secretly agreed to continue the US presence in Iraq
15:34 - 01/23/2020

The White House announced that US President Donald Trump and Iraqi Barham Salih agreed that the US military would remain in that Middle Eastern country after the secret meeting between the two in Switzerland.

"The two leaders agreed on the importance of continuing the security partnership between the United States and Iraq, including the war against ISIS," the French press website quoted in a report translated by the agency, "a statement to the White House, as saying ,"President Trump reaffirmed the United States' firm commitment to an Iraq that enjoys Sovereignty, stability and prosperity.” According to his claim.

He added that before the meeting, Barham Salih said that "Washington and Baghdad have an ongoing relationship and the United States is a partner in Iraq and in the war against ISIS " and then later told Trump that "this mission needs to be accomplished and I believe in you and I share the same mission for a stable, sovereign Iraq that lives In peace with himself and in peace with his neighbors.”

It is reported that "the two presidents met on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos in their first meeting since the United States assassinated General Qasim Soleimani in Baghdad, which angered the Iraqis and led to a call from the country's parliament to expel the American forces." LINK


Don961:  Why does America not freeze corrupt money?

Thursday, 23 January 2020

 Thanks, honorable

 Why does America not freeze corrupt money?
• America knows the corrupt one by one.
• It knows their assets in the banks a penny.
• Why does it not freeze their money, but threatens to freeze the money of the Iraqi people if it expels its forces? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????   LINK


Don961:  Iraq: The efforts to choose a new prime minister failed to present several scenarios, including internationalization   - 3 Hours Ago   LINK

Jay:  You see. THIS ARTICLE is proof of why we need a PM announced. Although it is an opinion  piece,  Its still a TRUE REALITY of what is actually happening there. PERIOD.

Announcing a PM will be the only indication that Iran is out of the COM and shortly after that, out of parliament.  Anything and everything else is just noise until we hear that an interim PM has been accepted by the people.  No 1st qrtr time frames no middle of the year time frames. Its a (When Iran is out of Iraq)  time frame. 

Yes the CBI and GOI are seperate. Well that's only half true.  In a perfect world where the GOI is STABLE, that statement would be true. The GOI is in a shambles. No investment firm and no international banking entity wants to be involved with a country that is unstable.  

This is the hold up. Iran. Which we all know  to be true now even if we didn't believe it 2 years ago. Its been in our face for a while now. The narrative has and HAD to change.

So CBI is ready. YEPPERS. Have been since the IMF released them from the SBA agreement.  Since then we've been waiting for the GOI to say to the CBI.... GO. We've been waiting for that since 2015 when the green light was given. 

So..... PM announced and approved by the citizens.  <----- Then its on like Donkey Kong. 
This is IMOO.

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...President Trump is more deeply involved in monetary reform of the dinar in Iraq...what if he told the Central Bank of Iraq it's time for you to stop using the American dollar.  Play fairly.  Does that sound familiarThe way that you do that is stopping your auctions...IMO what Donald Trump did with the central bank of Iraq just recently was to give them a time-frame that specified a date with a "no later than " end date...

Jeff    ...one particular guru...is saying that the timing at which they put in the prime minister has everything to do with the timing of the rate change...that basically once they put in a prime minister that roughly within a month that's when the rate is gonna change. 

That's not the case...  Both the demonstrations along with Iran and along with the Prime Minister is just all coincidence.   Those scenarios have nothing to do with the timing of the rate change.  That's been scheduled since early last year...Who's in charge of the rate changeDonald Trump...

The US has poured trillions of dollars into Iraq and shed blood for Iraq.  It wasn't the World Bank or the IMF...I showed it to you through all of last year.  This is linked to accounting periods...because Iraq came out telling you that the 2020 budget has to be implemented at the start of their fiscal year. 

 They're telling you that this is linked to accounting periods...Iraq is probably transitioning back to their original fiscal year.  April/March which is identical to how Kuwait is currently structured.  That's why Kuwait changed their rate around the end of March to align their rate change with their fiscal year.  You see Iraq is following suite based on their movements and the facts they have shown us..


Can We just Print Our Way to Prosperity ?!

The Atlantis Report:  Premiered 32 minutes ago

Can We just Print Our Way to Prosperity ?! Central banks throughout the world have been printing money. This policy, known as quantitative easing in banker jargon, has pushed up the price of stocks and bonds.

But will it lead to real and sustainable increases in global growth, or is it just sowing the seeds of future inflation. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. Can countries really print all the money they want? Paying for expenses by printing money is the magic recipe for many politicians.

Although many say it works, the outcome is a foregone conclusion in the long run. It was 1914, and Ulrich Buscher, after a long career as a successful writer and editor, was ready to retire. He also thought he had enough savings to sustain himself.

Unfortunately, Ulrich was in the wrong place at the wrong time to be able to rely on retirement. In fact, he lived in Germany. Germany, in those years, paid for its enormous military expenses for the First World War (1914-1918) almost entirely in debt.

The total debt was around $ 45 billion, equivalent to over $ 1 billion today. But, according to Emperor William II, the conquest of vast areas of resource-rich territories in France and Belgium would have largely offset all the debts. As we know, however, things did not go according to Germany's plans.

When the country capitulated in 1918, Ulrich Buscher's pension was worth far less than it had only been four years earlier. During that time, the German Mark lost 50% of its value, going from 4.2 to 7.9 Marks for a dollar. But that was only the beginning.

At the end of 1919, the dollar exchange rate dropped to 48: 1. By the first half of 1921, it was 90: 1 and, in late 1922, plummeted to 7,400: 1. Germany was experiencing hyperinflation. In early 1922, Ulrich was able to buy a loaf of bread for 160 Marks. But at the end of 1923, that same loaf cost 200 billion DM.

Meanwhile, the dollar exchange rate had plummeted to 4,210,000,000,000: 1. In those days, many German economists insisted that the problem was not inflation but a shortage of circulating money. And, to cope with this shortcoming, the state presses worked continuously, to produce more banknotes.

 For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com


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