Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Night 6-10-2023


Tishwash:  The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq sends an important message to the Iraqi people

Today, Saturday, the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, reassured the Iraqis of an expected "significant" drop in the exchange rates of the dollar, considering that the situation is moving towards stability and there is no need to take additional measures, while warning merchants of legal accountability if they insist on buying the dollar. from the parallel market.

Al-Alaq said, in an interview with the official media, that "adherence to firm foreign currency financing instructions will contribute to a significant decrease in the dollar exchange rate in the coming days, and there is no need to launch new urgent packages at the present time," noting that "the situation is moving towards stability and there is no need to take measures." additional".

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He added that "setting $2,000 as a maximum limit for spending on Visa and MasterCard cards abroad aims to avoid misuse," pointing out at the same time that "

Al-Alaq stressed that "there is coordination to monitor the decision to deal in Iraqi dinars instead of dollars by investment companies and the sale of housing units," noting that "housing loans did not stop."  link


Tishwash:  Parliamentary sources: An agreement to pass the remaining articles of the budget tonight

Baghdad - NAS   

Parliamentary sources told "NAS", Saturday, that the meeting of the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the heads of the blocs of the forces of the Coordination Framework concluded with an agreement to pass the budget today.    

Earlier, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohsen al-Mandalawi met with leaders of the Coordination Framework blocs to discuss the latest texts and amendments to the remaining articles of the budget law ahead of the resumption of the voting session on the law.   

Parliamentary sources reported earlier that the date of today's session, which was scheduled to be held at five o'clock in the evening, was postponed due to differences within parliamentary blocs.   

Earlier, parliamentary sources revealed the reason for the failure to vote on controversial articles in the federal budget.  

The sources told "NAS" (June 10, 2023) that "the disagreement of the Kurdish blocs with members of the Shiite forces in the Finance Committee regarding a paragraph in Article 14 related to addressing the future supposed differences between the region and the federal government, led to the postponement of the resolution of the article and then stopped the wheel of completing the vote on the rest of the budget articles."   


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Militia Man  Article quote:  "United States Bank expresses readiness to support Iraq banks with foreign trade, financing operations and dollarsThat bank is JP Morgan Chase.  It's worth about $4 trillion U.S. in value.  These guys mean business.  They're not coming to Iraq to joke around.  Being they're that large, they're not there for a quagmire.  They're there for the extravaganza of investment.  That's incredible to see this at this specific time. 

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  They're showing JP Morgan is meeting with Sudani...today they're saying it's not about oil revenues.  It's about non-oil revenues that they came to talk about... Alaq CBI governor saying America's largest bank JP Morgan willing to back Iraq banks in foreign trade in US dollars.  FRANK:  JP Morgan wants to back up the Iraqi dinar.  But it's a scam.  It's scam!  No it's not.  It's about time that you start telling the truth [JP Morgan Bank] and they will pretty soon IMO.

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ALERT! Silver & Crypto Rigging End Game Will Be CRAZY! You Won't Even Know Their Prices!!

(Bix Weir)

There is not one Exchange on the planet that is not 100% rigged via computer trading programs run out of the US Treasury/US Fed. NOT ONE!

So if you are looking for $600 Silver or $1M Bitcoin YOU WON'T SEE IT ANNOUNCED IN THE MEDIA!

When the fiat monetary system collapses so do all the exchanges that value is referenced from. So be prepared to NOT KNOW the value of your assets for a while!!


Credit Crisis to Collapse "Biggest Bubble in History" with David Hay

WTFinance:  6-10-2023

On todays episode of the WTFinance podcast I had the pleasure of speaking with David Hay, Co-Chief Investment Officer of Evergreen Gavekal. During our conversation we spoke about key drivers of the current market, whether we are still in the biggest bubble of history, how the current debt cycle risks collapse and why nuclear energy is the future of non-carbon energy. I hope you enjoy!

Correction by David - Microsoft earnings have tripled during the period mentioned at 12:08

0:00 – Introduction

0:50 – Key drivers of current markets?

4:30 - Can the FED save the US economy?

7:15 - Will we see stagflation or disinflation?

10:30 - Are we still in a bubble?

13:28 - Industries/geographies that David is watching?

 17:00 - How would Treasury funding issues effect market?

20:00 - Will they run inflation hot?

24:00 - The end of a debt cycle?

26:10 - Pensions and other levered bond holders to be punished?

 31:30 - Stock picking during market uncertainty?

 34:30 - Future energy crisis and why nuclear is vital

38:15 - Why is nuclear better than other non-carbon energy producers?

 42:10 - One message to takeaway from our conversation?


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