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More News, Rumors, and Opinions Saturday Night 12-5-2020


DELTA:   For the budget of 2021 ...there are negotiations between the Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund regarding changing the exchange rate of the dollar," So that was one of the reasons for delay of the budget... new rate coming out ... IMO THEY ARE DONE ...ALSO KURDS AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HAD AN AGREEMENT ABOUT THE BUDGET.. IMO BEFORE COM APPROVED IT WE SHOULD SEE IT OTHERWISE  WILL BE LEAK .. THAT'S WHY THEY KEEP POSTPONING IT ... Yes they did postpone it today..TADA. ...DELTA

Frank26:  DELTA ...... WELL DONE SIR....FRANK26

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Ross:  If memory serves me right, I think the IMF publishes rate changes on the 15th and EOM. Therefore if the IMF is working with the CBI we could know something even a few days prior to 15th if that is the goal and not the New Year change supported by Dr. S    Hope it is sooner rather than later.

DeepWoodz:  Imo...Has anyone thought about what it’s gonna look like in IRAQ when they change their rate??? No longer under the sanction rate and suddenly has a brand new currency to hold in their hands. That in value equals the dollars they are so used to using!!!

Now I could be WRONG but....If it were my country and I was boss...Politically I would want to make a day of it! There would be some shoulder to shoulder photo ops with all those who played a major role in bringing this to fruition. Thanks would be in order. 

Citizens who used to be angry and were shot and killed in the street....should be back in those same streets gettin down with the flag waving and Kadhimi shaking their hands as well. 

And while everyone is waiting a few more days...international laws are being tailored and approved. 

Just some thoughts....



Tishwash:   Parliament announces the deadline for the meeting to decide the fate of article 140

On Saturday, the Constitutional Amendments Committee announced its intention to discuss Article 140 of the Constitution and other articles on Sunday.  

The Media Department of the House of Representatives stated, in a statement received by Al-Ahed News, that the “Constitutional Amendments Committee will hold its final meeting on discussing the constitutional article 140 and other materials in the presence of the committee’s members tomorrow, Sunday, in the special room of the Parliament Speaker’s office in the Parliament building.”  

He added, “The Regions and Governorates Committee that is not organized in a region will host the governors of all governorates that are not organized in a region, and with the participation of the Finance Committee and the Services and Construction Committee to discuss the budget for each governorate for the year 2021, investment projects and development projects for the regions

And continuing and new governorates, and the departments that have been linked to the governorates according to what The provisions of Article (45) amended pursuant to Law No. (10) of 2018 the third amendment to the Law of Governorates not organized in a region No. (21) for the year 2008, in addition to a general discussion regarding the problems of each governorate, tomorrow in the building of the Council of Representatives. ”  

And, "The Labor, Social Affairs, Immigration and Displacement Committee will also host the Palestinian ambassador to discuss the foreigners law."  link


Mot:  "It's OK, Nicole, we're almost done, the mom said.

So I'm at the grocery store and this little girl is with her mother and she's crying because her mom won't buy her any cookies.

"It's OK, Nicole, we're almost done, the mom said.

A little while later, in the candy aisle, I see them again and again the youngster started crying because mom (or mum for my UK and Aussie friends) wouldn't buy her candy. So the mom says: "Don't be upset, Nicole, we'll be home very soon."

This happened a couple more times and when it came time to check out, I was right behind them in line. I looked at the mother and I said: "I just want to say that I admire your patience with Nicole, your daughter."

She looked at me with weary eyes and said: "My daughter's name is Angelina. I'm Nicole!"

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Gerald Celente – Top 2021 Trend - Greatest Depression

Greg Hunter:  Dec 5, 2020

The Trends Journal is giving its annual top trends for 2021 soon. Gerald Celente, the publisher and a top trends researcher, has one very ominous trend coming for the global economy. Celente predicts, “One of our top trends is the ‘Greatest Depression.’ Lives have been destroyed around the world.

This is unprecedented. There is something bigger than politics about what is going on. . . . To me, this is satanic.

 What they are doing to people’s lives and destroying their businesses is unprecedented in world history, and it’s not only in the United States, it’s worldwide, except China where the virus allegedly began.

They are wide open.” So, are the dark powers wanting to destroy the global economy on purpose? Celente says, “We are living in hell on earth. This is the ‘Great Reset.’ It’s in black and white. The guy who wrote the book, that Davos creep, it’s there. The multi-nationals are taking over. . . .They want to destroy small business and raise up the corporations.


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Major Money Printing Underway, Investors Prepare For Hot Inflation, BofA Warns Code Red For Stocks

Silver Report Uncut:  Dec 5, 2020

We begin with the jobs report which came in much weaker than expectations followed by the soft and hard survey data which is all signalling a slowdown in the labor market.

The hard data hasn't really hit yet since we now see many states are beginning to limit certain businesses so it's likely this will be old news very soon.

Next we see Bank of America is warning about a code red for US stocks due to the bloated nature of this rally and lack of any further catalyst to drive it further.

An interesting point from their data would be this inflows into TIP's bonds which are an inflation-protected asset designed to rise with inflation.

The fed has been busy trying to convince everyone inflation doesn't exist and it seems people just don;t believe like they used to.

A look at the most recent reporting they have dramatically increased the M1 money supply in recent weeks and no one has even been talking about it will all the distractions. Inflation is coming and investors have begun to position themselves defensively and this could all prove beneficial to gold.


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