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More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 9-26-2020


Samson:  Parliamentarians: Al-Kazemi's steps to prosecute the corrupt are officially and popularly welcomed

26th September, 2020

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi's steps in pursuing the corrupt, mafias, and political blocs are seeking to rescue those involved in their followers.

Parliamentarians affirmed the need to include corruption whales with arrest warrants, which are reported by the investigation committee of major corruption files, praising the remarkable success of the Al-Kazemi campaign and the apparent turmoil among the ranks of the corrupt and the forces that support them.

Social media was flooded with calls for the prime minister to send the Anti-Corruption Commission to all governorates, and to arrest the thieves of public money there.   LINK

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Samson:  Anti-corruption campaign ... MP sets a date for the removal of "senior corrupt persons"

26th September, 2020
Deputy Manar Abdel-Wahab confirmed, Saturday (September 26, 2020), that the anti-corruption campaign launched by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi is still continuing, and will soon oust the most corrupt, according to her saying. 

Abdul-Wahab said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), "The Prime Minister continues the anti-corruption campaign and will not stop it, and soon he will cut the wing of the corrupt to overthrow them in the courts in order to hold them legally accountable."

She expressed "her hope that the political blocs will provide support and assistance to Al-Kazemi in his campaign against the corrupt, so that he can complete a method in eliminating corruption." And stressed, "the need to continue the anti-corruption campaign to recover all the money that was stolen from the country, especially those who support him in this campaign, as well as that Iraqi citizens are waiting a lot from Al-Kazemi, and this is what makes it imperative for us to support him."

She explained, "If the demonstrations continue to demand more reforms and fight corruption, the government will be a positive pressure factor, but unfortunately some of the demonstrators did not go out for this matter, but for the purpose of obtaining an appointment, and indeed they got what they wanted and stopped demonstrating."

The spokesman for the Prime Minister, Ahmed Mulla Talal, revealed on Tuesday (September 22, 2020) the steps and mechanisms for the work of the Anti-Corruption Committee headed by Lieutenant General Ahmed Abu Ragheef, while he confirmed that the names published on social media sites are required to eliminate cases. Corruption, inaccurate.

"The Anti-Corruption Committee, headed by Abu Ragheef, will not eliminate the role of the rest of the institutions responsible for combating bureaucracy in government institutions, and it will not target specific names or specific personalities to the extent that it relies on files on corruption cases," Mulla Talal said at a press conference in Baghdad.

He added that "there are attempts to distort the work of the committee or broadcast rumors about preventing the travel of officials or talking about the escape of officials." He continued, "The government will not reveal any names now before the investigations are completed, and the names of personalities published on social media are inaccurate, and you will hear real names soon."

Since the announcement of the Permanent Committee to Combat Corruption and Important Crimes, Iraqis have been awaiting the committee's moves to investigate major corruption files, headed by Lieutenant General Ahmed Abu Ragheef, who confirmed that the tasks of his committee go beyond major cases and work under the supervision of the Supreme Judicial Council.

To this day, the arrest of the former head of the National Retirement Authority, Ahmed Al-Saadi, and the director and owner of the "Key Card" Baha Abdul-Hussein, is the most prominent, at a time when government sources report the arrest of 6 senior officials, in addition to preventing former officials from traveling, but members of the Council Representatives see the moves so far ineffective.



Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...if somebody in the position of power knew for a fact the date and the rate of any currency that was going to jump up in value like we expect the Iraqi dinar to do and they share that information, that's like insider trading information.  That's a felony.  That's big time trouble.  That's illegal.  Nobody is going to tell you...don't get me wrong the 'powers that be' or the elite or whatever the hell you want to call them, they do talk to one another...we know they share information that they shouldn't with each other...that's how the rich stay rich and the rest of us keep trying to put in the puzzle pieces...  

 Pimpy  Article: "Parliamentary Finance: Approval of the current year's budget will fulfill many demands"  Obviously they've had a chance to review the reform papers...We know that the Finance Minister said talks about the exchange rate are in the reform papers but we don't know what that means.  I don't want people to assume that  1.  There's going to be a rate change.  It's easy to make that assumption because they're talking about it...  2.  We don't know what the rate is going to be...every time we hear talk about this we get all kinds of rumors...I've heard it as high as $15 which is totally ridiculous...everything is speculation.  It's okay to feel optimistic about what's coming up but again just hang tight.  Don't be surprised if they try to throw out a "sucker rate".  One that looks half-ass tempted for you to turn in your dinar and then you turn it in then all of a sudden they release another rate a few month later that's much higher...It's not beyond people to do that.  We shall see.

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Breaking News EU Votes & Lifts Iraq Off Blacklist

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Iraq President Barham Salih Full Speech at U.N General Assembly

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Iraqi Dinar News 09/26/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Sep 26, 2020


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