Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday Afternoon 2-13-2021


Weekend UPDATE for February 13, 2021




Trying to confirm some "reported" activity for the "first wavers"   


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Tishwash:  A debate related to a legal solution that “forces” the Central Bank to re-price the dollar after “Parliament's silence”

Citizens and shopkeepers in the Iraqi market began to get fed up with the issue of raising the exchange rate of the dollar and reducing the value of the Iraqi dinar opposite it, after its effects began to appear clearly, on the decline of purchasing activity and the complaints of shop owners about the decline in their income and the weakness of the purchasing movement by citizens.

The move to reduce the dinar and raise the dollar raised the prices of various materials, even those manufactured locally, which led to the reluctance of citizens to buy and make their purchases only for necessities.

Hence, the question arises about the possibility or ways to re-price the dollar, whether by political or legal means.

Either by political means or through the House of Representatives, the Parliamentary Finance, Economy and Investment Committee closed this section permanently, as a member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Salem Tahmir al-Tufayli, confirmed the fixation of the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar in the 2021 budget as sent by the government.

Tufayli said in a press statement, "The budget sent by the government is based on the exchange rate of 1450, and it has remained the same and has not undergone any change in the recent amendments."

He added, "The government wanted to put the House of Representatives in front of a fait accompli, which is fixing the price of the Iraqi dinar at a value of 1450 against the dollar, a decision that does not carry any economic justification." In the local market. ”

What about legal methods?

After closing the door on political or parliamentary interference to return or reduce the new dollar price, questions arise about the possibility of obtaining a new rescue outlet, represented by legal methods by filing a lawsuit against the Central Bank to re-quote.

The head of the Jurists Union in Diyala, Hussein Al-Taie, revealed the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the Central Bank to restore the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was, as Al-Taie said in a press statement followed by "Yass Iraq", that "determining the value of the exchange rate for the dollar against the dinar is one of the exclusive powers The Central Bank of Iraq, being responsible for the monetary policy in the country and the law according to its various contents, allows it to regulate and determine the exchange rate for economic requirements, whether its decision is correct or wrong, as it is the one who bears responsibility and is entitled to be questioned by Parliament as it is the highest legislative body in the country and has the right to control all institutions The state, including the financial one.

Al-Taie added, "It is not possible to file a lawsuit against the Central Bank to return the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was, because determining the price is an exclusive right of the bank, such as the exercise of a ministry or a specialized sectoral body concerned with its powers, meaning that the matter is related to the exclusive powers and it is the right of the central bank."

He pointed out that “the Iraqi judiciary intervenes through the existence of a case, and the latter must have a legal basis if it does not exist and is missing basically how will the judge rule,” noting that “even if it is lifted, the response of the Central Bank or its representative will have exercised its exclusive powers according to the law. He did not violate its provisions.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...things are getting kind of tight and quiet...lot of people are  under gag orders ...we were able to glean some information today which was very helpful...I think we might want to keep a close eye on the weekend and also early next week...Rates are not a question...not a problem... everything is good as far as that goes – I would just say we’re very very very close... and it’s finally coming to fruition...we have a 3 day weekend coming up...President’s Day  on Monday and banks will be closed – It does not mean that you could not get notified however...we will see what happens over the weekend and we should be in good shape for early next week... We have to know that this is going to be released when everyone feels that the security is where it needs to be...This could be a really good weekend for us and early next week...

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X22 Report Spotlight

The People Are Now Resetting The [CB] Economic System By Taking Back The Economic Power

Feb.13, 2021

Ben discusses how everything is about to change. The patriots are now shifting the entire planet into a new economic system. The [CB] are trying to push their great reset but they are not getting any traction. The rise of Bitcoin will allow people to move their life savings into a new system without destroying their wealth, actually as Bitcoin, gold and silver rise it will erode the power of the [CB] and make the people more powerful.   




Don961:  Representative Energy: The 2021 budget deficit will end with oil crossing the $ 60 per barrel barrier

17:12 - 02/13/2021
The Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee confirmed, on Saturday, that the budget deficit will vanish and end if the price of a barrel of oil exceeds the barrier of $ 60 per barrel.

Bite of the Oil and Energy Committee, Zahra Al-Bajari, said to / the information / that "the budget deficit has decreased greatly to approximately 25 trillion after the adjustments made to the budget."

She added, "The situation is promising with the slow escalation of oil prices," noting that "the 2021 budget deficit will diminish if oil continues to rise and surpasses the $ 60 per barrel barrier and exports not less than 3 million barrels."

And she continued, "The continuation of the rise to the end of 2021, it is possible that there will be an abundance, but the fluctuations are not constant and unpredictable in global oil prices."  LINK


Don961:  “Good news” will happen within the budget .. a “negative” step that Iraq may withdraw from it because it is not needed

2021-02-13  Yes Iraq: Baghdad

 The Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee confirmed, on Saturday, that the budget deficit will diminish and end if the price of a barrel of oil exceeds the barrier of $ 60 per barrel, which may negate the need for any borrowing that Iraq may lead.

 A member of the Oil and Energy Committee, Zahra Al-Bajari, said in a press statement, "The budget deficit has greatly decreased to approximately 25 trillion after the adjustments made to the budget."

 And she added that "the situation promises good with the slow escalation of oil prices," noting that "the 2021 budget deficit will diminish if oil continues to rise and surpasses the barrier of $ 60 per barrel and exports not less than 3 million barrels."

And she continued, "The continuation of the rise to the end of 2021 is possible to have an abundance, but the fluctuations are unstable and unpredictable in global oil prices."   LINK

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