Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday PM 8-16-2021

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Rod Steele: We are very slow because of some of the criminals in the banking system, Treasury and people handling the money

Yes some of these people have been rounded up but there's still deep state in the bank and Treasury department, but they're being cleansed right now in Reno because they found out some of these guys were giving SKRs to a certain number of clients both in currency and bonds and these people were trading these SKRs  (which has gone on for years) but because these bankers and people in the treasury did not have their own money themselves they started using these SKRs for their own benefits.

Interpol has now gone into Reno (which is the home of the new Treasury Department) and rounded up all of these people . The QFS would not let them get away with this,  don't know why they keep trying 

We haven't had a real movement because of this last week, but they had to get this under control.

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People in Zurich have been pushed back while this gets taken care of,

No PPs have been paid and F&Ps are not over.

Iraq is dealing with corruption in parliament but don't need parliament to push this RV through. 

Iraq is upset because they still have not RVd and the Prime Minister was on TV for the last few days telling the public as well as begging for those above him to show the true rates and get this done.

We talked about MC (Mr. Cottrell) and how he will be the last person needed to put in the codes before the EBS is started, then after that,  the arrests will be made public (as per Interpols schedule) 

They are approaching the media right now telling them if they do not comply that they will do it themselves by taking over the airwaves.

Reno is supposed to be the last place to be cleaned out,  Interpol is handling this now, I think the most key thing today is that they are there taking care of business.

Bankers and staff are getting so fed up that some are quitting. 

By the end of the month is still the goal to get this done.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  I'M excited about this month.  I don't usually tell you that because usually April and September historically have been very very explosive...maybe towards the end of this month, maybe towards the last week of this August it's going to get hot.  It's going to be hot...Let's see what happens.  It's exciting.  I will admit I like what I'm seeing I really do.

RVAlready   Frank [Guru Frank26] is saying that Biden is looking forward to our dinars hitting the UST as reserve currency. Since it is mainly asset backed, it will be a great currency for the UST to hold. Can you say RV soon?!!!


How Long Can We Keep This Fiat Dream Alive, Closing The Gold Window And The Door On The Middle Class

Silver report uncut:  Aug 16, 2021

Everything changed in America the moment Nixon closed the gold window.

We need to take a closer look at whether the current fiat system can continue and if so for how long.

Compensation has taken a dive for the working class since we left the Gold standard and it coincides with the unprecedented increase of wealth for the elite class.


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Inflation's Assault on the Family

The Nomad Ecpnomist:  Premiered 14 hours ago

There is nowadays a very reprehensible, even dangerous, semantic confusion that makes it extremely difficult for the non-expert to grasp the true state of affairs.

 Inflation, as this term was always used everywhere and especially in this country [the United States], means increasing the quantity of money and bank notes in circulation and the quantity of bank deposits subject to check.

But people today use the term "inflation" to refer to the phenomenon that is an inevitable consequence of inflation, that is the tendency of all prices and wage rates to rise.

The result of this deplorable confusion is that there is no term left to signify the cause of this rise in prices and wages. There is no longer any word available to signify the phenomenon that has been, up to now, called inflation. It follows that nobody cares about inflation in the traditional sense of the term.

 As you cannot talk about something that has no name, you cannot fight it. Those who pretend to fight inflation are in fact only fighting what is the inevitable consequence of inflation, rising prices.

Their ventures are doomed to failure because they do not attack the root of the evil.


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