Dinar Recaps

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Afternoon 12-12-2022


CandyKisses:  Baghdad and the region form three committees and agree to clear all outstanding issues

 {Politics: Al Furat News} Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein chaired today, Monday, the fourth meeting of the Ministerial Council for Economy, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and the Ministers of Finance, Trade, Industry,

Agriculture, Labor and Social Affairs, Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Governor of the Bank Iraqi Central Bank and advisors to the Prime Minister for economic and legal affairs.

The Council also hosted a delegation from the Kurdistan region that included the Minister of Finance and Economy, the Minister of Natural Resources, the President of the Audit Bureau, the President of the

Presidential Court, the representative of the Kurdistan Region in Baghdad and a number of advisors and general managers.

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The Deputy Prime Minister welcomed the guest delegation, and pointed out the importance of sitting at the discussion table in order to resolve all outstanding economic issues, and initiated this meeting to discuss the draft federal budget law.

The Minister of Finance gave an explanation of the most important paragraphs of the draft law and what was included in the draft, pointing to the importance of agreeing on the paragraphs pertaining to the Kurdistan region.

In turn, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning referred to the direction of the government and the prime minister in order to resolve all outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil as included in the government curriculum for it, adding to the formation of three important joint committees. involved in this field, and the third is concerned with the work of border crossings and related matters.

For his part, the Minister of Finance and Economy in the regional government affirmed his government's determination to clear all outstanding and thorny issues.

At the end of the hosting, and after constructive and meaningful discussions, Fuad Hussein indicated the existence of common ground and the national desire to resolve all outstanding issues through dialogue.
The Council discussed the economic issues on its agenda and took the necessary decisions in this regard.


Tishwash:  Fitch evaluates an Iraqi bank: the banking system is weak and fragile

Today, Monday, the official Fitch Index for evaluating the work of international banks issued its annual assessment of the work of Iraqi banks, the domestic  and foreign investment sector,  in addition  to  the loan and management system within the country, under the example of the Khaleej Commercial Bank. 

The international index described through its official website, and according to what was translated (Baghdad Today), the Iraqi banking sector as "suffering from high dependence on unstable oil imports, the acquisition of management by the state, and its direct support for the development process, in addition to weak management and internal work systems and fragility in Work environment". 

The index report also evaluated the work of Iraq's Khaleej Commercial Bank, which it described as having a "fragile business system and poor standards."

The report confirmed that "the bank suffers from non-payment or delay in repayment of 99.4% of the loans it granted."

And he stressed that "the bank suffers from weakness in profits, and it is expected that this weakness will continue because of what he described as" the fragility of the banking work environment in Iraq in general.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  It has to play out exactly as we're seeing it unfold.  Everybody knew.  You knew.  I knew.  Maybe some people pretended they didn't know but the dinar is never going to come out at $3+.  At least at 1 to 1 then you can de-peg...everyone knew it would be a gradual float then on the international market, for example Forex, the rate could return to $3+ range or above like other Middle Eastern countries around them.  It's a brilliant plan. 

Frank26   Article:  "With the participation of Iraq, the Chinese president will visit Saudi Arabia on Thursday to attend a joint summitIRAN NEEDS IRAQ'S CURRENCY & CHINA NEEDS IRAQ'S OIL BOTH ARE GREAT FOR THE IQD EXCHANGE RATE.

Nader From The Mid East  Article:  "Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced the completion of the final touches of the budget and its transfer to the Prime Minister's Office..."

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Iraqi Dinar update for 12/11/22 - Things are lining up

Pimpy’s investment Chat: The other Side of Things



Greg Mannarino:  12-12-2022


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