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More News, Rumors and Opinions Late Friday Night 12-31-2021

Wolverine 12-31-21

JUST IN... Heavy equipment is moving!!!

Sovereign accounts completed.

Redemption centers fully ACTIVATED & ordered to begin 12:30 this afternoon.

All pay masters will be liquid by tomorrow, Saturday Jan 1st 

Kings Light forces replacing Military and all law enforcement agencies, worldwide.

Putin announces to Russia that their GCR has begun yesterday.

We are celebrating liberation this New Year's 2022.

Keep the faith

God Bless

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Kozmo:  Does anyone have an opinion on what ’float’ means? Will it come out in the $4.00 range then float from there? Or will it come out in the $1.00 range??Thanks for any replies

Nintendo:  it will FLOAT most likely at a small amount and go up… There is no point of staring at a high rate of $4.00 watch it go up from there. The $4.00 will be the MAX RATE most likely but anything is possible where it could go higher

Netglobal:  Nintendo, nobody knows for sure where the dinar opening rate will be but if it is going to float it will probably come out at par to the US dollar. 1 to 1 and then float up from there. Having said that, it may come out at $3 plus and float from there.

Nintendo:  very true we will all find out shortly

Soma:  KOZMO: A floating exchange rate is one that is determined by supply and demand on the open market. This is the opposite of a FIXED rate that is set and doesn't change



Samson:  Iraq Faces Challenges And Hopes In 2022

30th December, 2021

Iraq welcomes its new year with new constitutional powers (government, parliament, president), which are formed (and I mean the authorities) after the approval very soon of the results of the legislative elections, which took place last October, and after the parties and parliamentary blocs agreed on the formation of constitutional authorities, naming its occupants.

So, consensus is the first challenge that Iraq will successfully overcome by choosing a consensual prime minister that satisfies the coordination framework of the Shiite parties, on the one hand, and the Sadrist movement, on the other, and can (and I mean the chosen prime minister) adopt a policy that serves Iraq as a state and people.

The mechanism of consensus is firmly established in the policy and administration of Iraq, both vertically and horizontally. In the hierarchy of the state, in naming the leaders of the constitutional authorities, and in the Iraqi political, national and sectarian components (Shia, Sunni, Kurdish), consensus is Shiite consensus to choose the prime minister, Sunni consensus to choose the Speaker of Parliament, and Kurdish consensus to choose the president of the republic, and it is completed these vertical alignments in general, comprehensive and horizontal alignment dominate the hierarchy of the state.

Talking and trying to impose a majority mechanism for choosing and naming the prime minister (the share of the Shiite component) is not an idea today, even if it preoccupied others in theory and they did not succeed in implementing it in practice.

The rejection of the national political majority mechanism was not limited to the coordination framework of the Shiite component, but also included the rejection of the Sunni component and the Kurdish component. The Sunni and Kurdish components refuse to proceed with the blessing of naming a prime minister who does not represent the consensus of the Shiite component

No single party, one current or one component will be able to bear the burden of the number and size of the problems facing Iraq and its people, and it will not be able alone to face the strategic future challenges.

There is no solution other than consensus, but on condition that it be a consensus on serving the people, on reform, and on respecting the state, and not on the spoils and gains and the use of state wealth and revenues. The defect is not in the consensus mechanism, but rather in its application.

And the next consensual prime minister must work according to what is dictated by the interests of Iraq and not according to what is dictated by the interests of parties and blocs, and not to be confined to partisan wills but rather to the will of the people.

Next year, Iraq will be liberated from UN trusteeship over the sales of its oil wealth, and the financial proceeds from its oil wealth will go directly to the state treasury instead of the Iraq Development Fund, which was established under UN Security Council resolutions following the Saddamist occupation of Kuwait.

Will Iraq preserve these revenues and use them to serve Iraq, or will they become the same as Iraq’s other non-oil revenues, such as revenues from border crossings, currency sales, and others?

Iraq will be politically and sovereignly liberated from the effects and consequences of Chapter VII, and will restore its legal and international status, and Iraq will have monetary and financial rights with many European and other companies, according to contracts concluded during the era of the former regime and sums of money paid in favor of those companies (import contracts, purchase contracts for ships from Italy, contracts Weapons and contracts to import industrial materials and foodstuffs), will Iraq recover what it is owed under those contracts, the implementation of which was suspended due to Iraq’s status under Chapter VII?

Will Iraq be political and governmental, according to its historical status and its material and human wealth, and behaves as an independent and sovereign state not only free from Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, but also free from foreign dictates and agendas, and will begin to reform its political situation and reform sectors of the state Banking and administrative, and freed from corruption and waste of public money?   LINK


Samson:  Where Is The Iraqi Economy? !

30th December, 2021

The total amount that Iraq has paid over the 17 years since 2003 to today amounted to 52.4 billion dollars, which is equivalent to approximately 5 percent of its total oil revenues.

Governmental parties are trying to redirect the funds that were intended to pay compensation towards establishing sovereign funds for the future in which funds will be collected and invested internationally as a fund for generations, but the idea may not be appropriate at the present time, as the additional financial abundance estimated at 2 to 3 billion dollars annually that was allocated For Kuwait’s compensation, it is better to place it in a local development fund that participates in setting up a development program to create profitable and sustainable development projects for the fund and that are outside the authority of the government, and that contribute to strengthening national development plans, instead of the annual borrowing operations that the Iraqi government holds with international parties to pay some of its expenses or spending on projects categorized in balance

Therefore, the payment of compensation to Kuwait provides Iraq with a wider political and economic scope in its international relations at the diplomatic and commercial levels.

Economic crises must be addressed to reduce the damage caused by them, and this is done through; Maximizing the country’s non-oil revenues, relying on the industry and overcoming the difficulties in front of it.

Reducing imports as much as possible and relying on domestic product by encouraging agriculture and providing soft loans, which provides hard currency for the central bank’s reserves to support internal projects and reduce the volume of debts and their benefits as well as a necessity. Reducing public expenditures and compressing them to the maximum extent to stop the waste of money.

Investment should also be encouraged and the private sector should be allowed to take its leading developmental role in the country and seriously consider real alternatives to oil and invest money from the cash flows that are available after the Kuwaiti debts have been paid, which constitute a percentage of the oil revenues.

Activating tourism in Iraq, and adopting a more flexible foreign policy in Iraq’s relations with countries, especially America, in order to try to recover the money reserved for Iraq.

The widening of the gap between expenditures and revenues is widening and it is heading to a collision in the coming decades because Iraq depends on oil revenues by ninety percent, and this is a disaster because it is the only resource, and the next government should think and plan to find alternatives to oil, considering that the world is currently thinking about using clean energy in the future, which affects the fluctuations and decline of oil prices, funds must also be allocated to complete the large FAO project, which is beneficial to Iraq and is therefore a reliable resource by studying the economic feasibility of this giant project.  LINK

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The US Economy in 2022 A Fantastic illusion of Prosperity

The Survival Economist:  Premiered 96 minutes ago

What Will Cause The Next Recession & Economic Collapse ? The US economy is a fantastic illusion of prosperity built on Debt from years of central bank involvement of depressing interest rates.

The stock market advance has been fueled by over a decade of low-interest rates and records corporate debt issuance for share buybacks. The housing market is an illusion, as well. This cannot end well.

There will be a reversion to the mean. Student loans, mortgages, credit card debt, car loans, etc. The bills are coming due, and people need to pay it off before they can spend money again. The DEBT is insurmountable.

Medicare and Social Security are both bankrupt. This will NOT go over well with the American people. This house of cards created with $23 Trillion in Debt will eventually come down. The core issue is we allowed the political elites to devalue the true meaning of money to the point the global monetary system has turned into a massive Ponzi scheme.

Here are a few truths I do know. Gold is money; everything else is credit. That includes the dollar.

The US Government deficit was roughly $670 Billion during 2017. It increased to $1.2 Trillion in 2018. In 2019 it was around $1.8 Trillion. This is a trend. And Gold looks like it wants to go higher.

It's a Recession if your Neighbor loses their job, it's a Depression if you lose yours, perspective is everything.

Prediction? Everything will be fine until it's not! Economists are like weather forecasters. We spend about a third of our time in recessions. Recessions are hard to predict until they're upon you. I don't know the answer. These things are hard to predict.

The boom has lasted since 2012, but it doesn't feel so much like a boom because it's recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression, and I don't see the euphoria that we've seen in previous booms.

The US is very late-cycle, and unless there's more policy stimulus into the market, the country looks like its headed toward a recession. Buckle up because the trickle-down debt economy is on Zombie Drive!.

 The recession is here already. Everyone is paying more and more for goods and services, while wages are not keeping up with all of this. Instead, we're getting a daily diet of lies concerning the economy from the Federal Reserve.

In 2008 when the housing market crashed, one day, your house was worth something, and the very next day, it was worth nothing, and before the crash happened, the lying government and Federal Reserve were saying that the economy was booming then too.


The long expansion in the economy, housing, and stock markets, combined with continued low-interest rates, could mean the U.S. is due for a recession. FED created this rigged game, and they have the ability to play this game for another year or so.

Recession is always a blessing. Prices are out of control and not good for poor people. So what will most likely cause the next recession in the US? I'd say, Debt. Massive Consumer, Student, and Mortgage debt. Basically, the exact same things that caused the last recession are pretty much in place now. It won't be triggered by interest rates suddenly going up on Adjustable-rate mortgages as much as people making the decision to reduce their Debt.

They slow their purchasing, Jobs are cut, and those people lose their purchasing power. Unemployment goes up, and the people who lose their jobs can not find new ones to pay for the over-inflated houses they bought.

Recession triggers massive defaults, banks go under, and there you go. Not much has changed. The banks are STILL playing the Derivative game with your deposits.


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