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More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 6-26-2020


Samson:  Al-Kazemi on the strategic dialogue with America: It was confirmed for the first time the recognition of national sovereignty

26th June, 2020

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi commented on the strategic dialogue between Iraq and America, indicating that the assertion was made for the first time to recognize national sovereignty.

Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted Al-Kazemi in response to a question about the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States. Held on June 11th, he said that "the strategic dialogue that took place between Iraq and the United States achieved important goals, as it was emphasized for the first time through this dialogue to recognize national sovereignty, which is important in terms of the nature of the future relationship with the Americans."

He added, "During the dialogue, the withdrawal of the American forces was scheduled, which is an important development in terms of how to deal with this presence."

He continued: "The forces that remain will be negotiated in the future," indicating that "Iraq really needs security and military support; but it has no military adventures, and I will not allow that."


Iobey777:  IMO this certainly tells us what the "new" relationship going forward will be with Iraq and the US! I'm thinking this is "post RI" information!!  He sure sounds like a "clone" of Trump in that he says he will not allow a country to interfere more than they WANT them to! I just heard Trump say in a recent speech that he was slowly removing troops from Iraq and other countries. IMO, leaving only the BARE necessity troops to maintain security and stability! It's just my idea, that once we see the RI and their currency reaches maximum payout, I am thinking Iraq will be left to fend for themselves! But we will see!

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru   https://www.dinarguru.com/

Vital Brad  ..the Central Bank of Iraq - they put out a new article - looks pretty dang good.  Article "Clarification of Foreign Reserves In The Central Bank of IraqThey are saying whatever they revalue their currency at...they're going to be able to cover it and they are going to use the Iraqi dinar as the local currency...it's all worked out...that's incredible.  They need to establish a rate.  That's what this is saying...all the time that I've been researching this - to have an article like this where they're talking about the rate and international...it ain't over till the fat lady sings. But is it done? ...We have to keep being patient.  Don't have a date.  Don't have the rate but looks pretty dang good...

Jeff  On July 24 Kazemi will be going to Washington to visit the Trump Administration to continue the strategic dialogs...It does appear they might only be keeping Allaq in position long enough to complete the rate change - the reinstatement...Allaq's temporary proxy position has only been extended through July 15.

Pimpy   ...For a period of time they were spending per month 1 to 1.5 billion U.S. dollar to buy dinar off the open market.   This went on for a very long time.  In fact, the rumor is that they removed 72% of the currency that was in the open market out of the open market.  Whatever they know that's out there they made sure...whatever rate they choose they have whatever it takes to back that up.  We seem to be very very close...I think 2020 is our year. 


Iraqi Dinar News 06/26/20 - we are so close

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 26, 2020


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Baiji "Kurds Must Deliver Oil & Ports Before Kadhimi Signs Deals"

Currency365:  Jun 26, 2020


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