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More Iraqi News Wednesday Afternoon 3-23-22

More Iraqi News Wednesday Afternoon 3-23-22

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Trade Begins Preparing The Ramadan Basket

Posted On2022-03-23 By Sotaliraq   Baghdad: Ali Mowaffaq  Erbil: Kohler Ghaleb Al-Daoudi   The Ministry of Commerce has begun distributing the first share of the Ramadan basket among the agents in Baghdad and the provinces, coinciding with the approach of the holy month.

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi recently directed the Ministry of Commerce to distribute two meals from the food basket in the month of Ramadan, and to emphasize monitoring their distribution and delivery to citizens.

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The Director of the Financial and Commercial Control Department in the Ministry, Muhammad Hanoun, said: “The staff of the General Company for Foodstuff Trading in Baghdad and the provinces has mobilized its efforts to equip the agents with the first share of the Ramadan basket with a high flow.”

Hanoun called on "citizens to review the food agents in their areas for the purpose of receiving the first class items, as well as reporting violations through the hotlines to the control and planning departments or the food trading company."

He pointed out that "a number of ships loaded with foodstuffs arrived at the port of Umm Qasr, including imported rice and wheat for the ration card, as the ministry's fleet of trucks was mobilized to expedite the process of unloading and storing them in grain stores in preparation for distribution within the Ramadan basket."

He stressed that "the ministry is committed to distributing two portions of the food basket during the month of Ramadan to secure basic vocabulary for citizens, and to contribute to limiting price hikes in local markets."

For his part, the senior advisor to the Ministry of Commerce in the Kurdistan Region, Fathi Al-Modarres, told Al-Sabah: "The Federal Ministry of Trade has instructed the preparation of two portions of the food basket during Ramadan."   LINK

What Does The Saturday Session Have To Do With The Budget? .. The Democrat Warns Mps

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 2:42 PM  National News Center/NNC/  Today, Wednesday, Kurdistan Democratic Party deputy, Shirwan Al-Dobardani, warned the deputies not to attend Saturday's session to choose the President of the Republic, while stressing that postponing the session will lead to an economic crisis.

Al-Dobardani said, in a statement to the “National News Center”, that “the postponement of the vote on the presidential candidate, and the failure to form the government will lead to a major economic crisis, as Iraq will become without a budget, and therefore the presence of deputies to the voting session is for the sake of Iraq and not for the sake of Iraq.” a particular party.

He added, "So far, there is no agreement with the National Union on the presidential candidate, but there are dialogues and understandings with the rest of the Shiite and Sunni blocs," noting that "his party will enter the session with its only candidate, Reber Ahmed, who is the most likely candidate for this position."

And the representative of the State of Law coalition, Faisal Al-Naeli, had confirmed earlier, that Saturday's session will not witness the passage of the presidential candidate.

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Al-Naeli said in a statement to the "National News Center", "So far, there has been consensus between the political blocs on the presidential candidate, and the political blockage still exists."

He added, "The Saturday session will not witness the passing of the vote on the presidential candidate."

Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi had announced the date of the presidential election session.

Al-Halbousi said in a statement received by the "National News Center", that "it was decided to set Saturday, March 26, as the date for the parliament session to elect the president of the republic."


Supreme Court: We Cannot Dissolve Parliament

The Supreme Judicial Council issued a clarification regarding the dissolution of the House of Representatives.

The council said in a statement, "Iraq is a constitutional country, its political system and the mechanisms for forming authorities in it are based on the principles and provisions defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, which stems from the will of the Iraqi people, who chose their political system according to the form stipulated in the constitution."

He added, "The handling of political problems is carried out in accordance with the constitutional provisions only, and it is not permissible for any party, whether judicial or otherwise, to impose a solution to the political blockage, except in accordance with the provisions of the constitution," noting that "the mechanisms for dissolving the House of Representatives are restricted by the text of Article 64 of the Constitution."

The constitution, and its summary, is that the Council is dissolved by an absolute majority of its members with two options, the first at the request of one-third of its members, and the second at the request of the Prime Minister and with the approval of the President of the Republic.

And he continued, "From this text, it is clear that no other party, including the judiciary, in both its ordinary and constitutional parts, has the power to dissolve the parliament because there is no constitutional or legal basis for this procedure."    https://www.radionawa.com/all-detail.aspx?jimare=28636

The Chargé d'Affairs of the Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the European Union meets the Head of the External Action Department At The European Investment Bank

Tuesday 22 March 2022 15:03 | political Number of readings: 219  Baghdad / NINA / - The Chargé d'Affairs of the Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the European Union, Fadel Al-Rahim, met at the embassy headquarters with the Head of the External Action Department at the European Investment Bank, Orlege Brunhuber, at the latter's request.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, "During the meeting, views were exchanged on ways to enhance cooperation between the two sides, and they discussed the latest developments in the ongoing negotiations between the Republic of Iraq and the European Investment Bank to sign a framework agreement between the two sides."

Al-Rahim stressed, "The Government of Iraq is working diligently to provide the requirements for attracting foreign capital to support the economic and investment process in Iraq, and that the conclusion of a framework agreement between Iraq and the European Investment Bank will contribute to supporting the private sector and benefiting from European expertise in this field, stressing the importance of coordinating efforts and continuity." Negotiations between the competent Iraqi authorities and representatives of the European Investment Bank to reach an agreement formula that satisfies both sides.

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For his part, Brunhuber praised the role of the Iraqi mission and its efforts and vigorous follow-up with the European Investment Bank in order to reach a framework agreement, noting that the ambassador of the European Union mission to Iraq had previously discussed the issue of signing a framework agreement with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq and with the Ministry of Finance early this year, and the topic met welcome by the Iraqi government.

Al-Rahim affirmed, "The Iraqi mission to the European Union is looking forward to holding meetings at the level of experts from the relevant Iraqi authorities and representatives of the European Investment Bank, in the near future, in the framework of activating the partnership and cooperation agreement between Iraq and the European Union."/ End H    https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=964699

Zidane Discusses With The British Ambassador The Follow-Up To The Implementation Of The Memorandum Of Understanding

The head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zeidan, and the British ambassador to Iraq, Mark Bryson, discussed, today, Wednesday, the follow-up to the implementation of the memorandum of understanding that was signed in London last month.

A statement by the Supreme Judicial Council stated, "The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, received the British Ambassador to Iraq, Mark Bryson."

The statement added, "Judge Zeidan discussed with Ambassador Bryson the follow-up to the implementation of the memorandum of understanding that was signed in London during his visit to the capital, London, on February 20, 2022."    https://www.radionawa.com/all-detail.aspx?jimare=28643

Iraq And Pakistan Stress The Importance Of Creating A Secure International Environment For Economic Growth

Today, Wednesday, Foreign Minister Fouad Hussain and President of Pakistan Arif Alvi stressed the importance of creating a safe international environment for economic growth.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that "President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Arif Alvi, received Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, and his accompanying delegation, on the sidelines of his participation in the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in its 48th session, which is being held in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad." The Minister conveyed the greetings of the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, to the President of the Republic of Pakistan.

The statement added that "during the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations between Baghdad and Islamabad, and ways to enhance them to achieve the interests of the two friendly peoples." The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Pakistan, Hamid Abbas Lafta, and the Director of the Islamic Cooperation Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Counselor Tamara Mahmoud.

According to the statement, the minister offered "congratulations to the leadership and people of the Republic of Pakistan on the occasion of the Pakistani National Day, and touched on the reality of regional and international relations and the crises they are going through."

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He stressed "the importance of giving priority to the language of dialogue and finding sustainable peaceful solutions to these crises and stopping their repercussions and the importance of creating a safe international environment in order to achieve economic growth and the welfare of peoples," describing "the Iraqi-Pakistani relations as good."

The minister stressed "the importance of maintaining the momentum witnessed by the bilateral relations between the two countries during the last stage, as well as continuing to intensify political consultation and continuous coordination between them, whether at the bilateral level or in international forums on issues of common concern," expressing Baghdad's desire to "upgrade relations." The bilateral relations between the two countries have reached the level of the aspirations of the two friendly peoples.

For his part, the President of the Republic of Pakistan stressed "the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to advance them in various fields in a manner that serves the interests of the two friendly countries, and the importance of exchanging visits between officials of the two countries at all levels."    https://www.radionawa.com/all-detail.aspx?jimare=28640

The Stability Of The Dollar Exchange Rates In The Local Market

Economie| 09:52 - 23/03/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  The dollar exchange rates witnessed, today, Wednesday, stability in the local markets in Baghdad and the provinces.  The prices were as follows:

- Baghdad    selling 147.750 dinars   buying 146.750 dinars

 - north   selling 147.750 dinars     buying 146.750 dinars

- south   selling 147.750 dinars     buying 146.750 dinars


Brent Crude Rises Above $120 A Barrel

Economie| 04:20 - 23/03/2022  Follow-up - Mawazine News: Oil prices jumped, today, Wednesday, exceeding $120 per barrel.  

According to the data, "oil futures increased their gains and jumped to 120.50 dollars per barrel, while US crude rose to 113.9 dollars."

Oil prices continue to rise due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, which reduced supply and increased demand globally. Ended 29/R77    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=188169

Al-Kazemi's Advisor Talks About The Possibility Of Providing "Millions Of Job Opportunities"

Economie| 02:49 - 23/03/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, Adviser to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, presented, on Wednesday, a proposal to establish a fixed committee for the productive partnership between the public and private sectors, while indicating the possibility of providing "millions of job opportunities" within the investment package program.

In an interview with the official news agency, Mawazine News, Saleh said, "It has become necessary to integrate the national market as a productive force, market makers and its pioneering forces on the one hand, and the productive labor force on the other."

He explained, "The current financial leverage of the state as a result of tangible financial accumulations can be directed towards integration with the productive market forces and by generating strong partnerships between the relevant sectoral government interfaces in terms of specialization and division of labor with the private sector to advance productive activity and make a tangible transition in priority activities." .

He added, "Among the activities, investing in agriculture with high cash returns, digital services, and operating factories that are capable of generating millions of job opportunities, and within the program of the pioneering investment package in the economy."

He continued, "We may propose the establishment of a fixed committee for the financing and productive partnership between the state and the private sector to draw the map of the future in a thoughtful, accurate and accelerated manner that pushes the wheel of the economy and its growth forward." Ended



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