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More Iraqi News Thursday PM 3-4-21

More Iraqi News Thursday PM 3-4-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

IMF Executive Board Reviews Iraq Misreporting, Remedial Steps

March 4, 2021  Washington, DC: The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reviewed a non-complying purchase by Iraq of SDR 584.2 million following the completion of the second review under the 36-month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) on August 1, 2017. The SBA was approved on July 6, 2016 for a total amount of SDR 3.831 billion (230 percent of quota) and expired on July 7, 2019.

At the time of the second program review under the SBA, the authorities requested a waiver of applicability for end-June 2017 performance criteria (PCs) on public debt and the non-oil primary balance, information on which was not available. The waiver of applicability was granted on the condition that the information provided on Iraq’s performance under these criteria at end-December 2016 was accurate.

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The non-complying disbursement arose as a result of nonobservance of the condition of accuracy for the waivers of applicability of the PCs on public debt and the non-oil primary balance granted by the IMF Executive Board at the time of the second review under the SBA. After the completion of the second review, it was revealed that the end-2016 government-guaranteed debt was under-reported by 1.3 percent of GDP while the non-oil primary fiscal balance was over-reported by 0.1 percent of GDP.

The authorities have closely collaborated with IMF staff to remedy the situation and strengthen their control of government guarantees. Specifically, they undertook a detailed exercise to verify the end-2016 stock of government guarantees certified by a decision of the Council of Ministers. In 2019, the authorities enacted a new Public Financial Management (PFM) law, which requires all government guarantees to be approved by Parliament as part of the annual budget process.

Furthermore, Iraq’s Council of Ministers approved a sound regulatory framework for vetting and issuance of government guarantees which, among other things, envisages establishing a database of government guarantees and reconstituting a Guarantee Committee as the primary body responsible for vetting government guarantees. The complexity of these measures and the political events in Iraq explain the time required to bring this case to a conclusion.

In view of the authorities’ corrective measures, the Executive Board granted waivers of nonobservance of the condition of accuracy of the information reported on the end-2016 PCs on public debt and the non-oil primary balance.

The Executive Board also found that the inaccurate reporting on the observance of the end-2016 PCs gave rise to Iraq’s breach of its obligations under Article VIII, Section 5, of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, which requires member countries to furnish such information as the Fund deems necessary for its activities, including information that is necessary to assess observance of PCs.

In view of the corrective measures implemented by Iraq, the Executive Board decided not to require any further remedial action in connection with the breach of obligations under Article VIII, Section 5.



Deputy Criticizes The Minister Of Finance's Statements Regarding The Inability To Change The Dollar Exchange Rate

Pratha News Agency71 2021-03-04  On Thursday, a member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Representative Hussein Al-Oqabi, was surprised at the Minister of Finance Ali Abdul Amir Allawi's insistence on continuing with aspects that directly harm the citizen under unacceptable and unsuccessful justifications, criticizing his speech about the inability to change the exchange rate of the dollar under illogical justifications .

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Al-Aqabi said in a press interview that "there are many readings and positions adopted by the Minister of Finance that cannot be accepted, and they are surprising, the last of which is his talk about the inability to change the dollar exchange rate under unreasonable or unsuccessful justifications."

Noting that "the Minister of Finance had previously imposed a tax on employee salaries, and preceded it by raising the dollar exchange rate, which led to an increase in consumer prices by more than 30%, which created great pressure on the living situation of the simple citizen and caused a clear confusion in the market."

Al-Oqabi added, "The legislative authority is the final word on all issues related to the management of financial matters, whether related to the job ladder or tax and other matters through legal legislation inside the parliament, and despite the fact that raising the exchange rate of the dollar came by a decision of the Central Bank. According to his powers in the Central Bank Law, but it is possible to amend the law and correct the decision by the legislative authority. "

He stressed that "the positions of the Minister of Finance are unacceptable, unconstitutional and unacceptable, and the House of Representatives must assume its moral and constitutional responsibility in this direction and work to correct the equation so that the government is aware of what it has and what it owes, and it has clear legal and constitutional rights and duties."


Governmental Banks Acquire 80 Percent Of The Volume Of Deposits

Thursday 04 March 2021  88  Baghdad: Haider al-Rubaie   The economic expert, Abdul-Hussein Al-Mandhari, emphasized the ability of the banking sector to meet all the requirements of the investment movement in the country, and while urging banks to follow the method of "pooled loans" to finance development projects, he indicated that the government banking sector accounts for more than 80 percent of the volume of deposits.

According to the Minister of Finance, Ali Abdul Amir Allawi, during a previous meeting organized by the Association of Banks, with all banks operating in Iraq to discuss mechanisms for developing that sector, according to the White Paper, the government seeks to “strengthen the infrastructure for the advancement of all economic sectors, especially the banking sector, in order to support projects. Investment in Iraq, explaining that the Ministry of Finance does not see any alternative but to strengthen the banking sector and push it forward}.

Project financing

Al-Mandhari said in a statement to «Al-Sabah» that government and private banks have many investment opportunities that they can finance from their own money and the money of depositors, especially government banks, as they acquire more than 80 percent of the volume of deposits, indicating that private banks can also finance major investment projects from Its money, or through the initiative of the central bank.

Pooled loans

The banking economist believes that there is another way through which capital is collected from several banks to finance development projects, indicating that this method, called “pooled loans,” is important, but it has not happened yet, ”indicating at the same time that Islamic banks have The formula of "Islamic bonds" that can be presented to the public, including individuals, companies, financial and investment institutions, with the aim of attracting a lot of money to finance long-term development projects such as building hospitals, establishing universities, building residential or commercial complexes, or constructing a subway, etc., pointing out that this formula was included in Islamic Banking Law 43 of 2015.

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Dry canal

Al-Mandhari explained, “All banks have the opportunity to participate in establishing the dry canal from Fao to Turkey to stimulate global trade movement between Asian countries and European countries, indicating that participation in that giant strategic project can benefit those banks, as well as achieve revenues. Great for Iraq and creating job opportunities for thousands of unemployed}.   LINK

Tomorrow, The Pope Of The Vatican Makes A Pilgrimage To The Land Of The Prophets

Thursday 04 March 2021  152   Baghdad: Muhammad Al-Ansari. Rome: Ali Al-Nuaimi   The country is preparing tomorrow, Friday, for the first time in its history, to receive His Holiness, Pope Francis, the Pope of the Vatican, and the reception ceremonies for the great guest of Iraq will be held at Baghdad International Airport and at Baghdad Palace in the presence of the three presidencies according to the announced visit schedule, and the three-day visit includes a visit to Najaf and a meeting The supreme religious authority is Sayyid Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani.

The Pope will also visit the ancient city of Ur in Nasiriyah, the birthplace of the father of the prophets Ibrahim al-Khalil, as well as churches in Nineveh governorate. Pope Francis confirmed yesterday, Wednesday, that he is going to Iraq, because "people cannot be let down again," and after his weekly teaching, he called on the faithful to pray for his Apostolic visit to Iraq.

The official “Vatican News” website quoted the Pope as saying: “He will go (on Friday) to Iraq for a three-day pilgrimage,” stressing that “for some time he had wanted to meet the people of Iraq, who suffered greatly, and to meet the church in the land of Abraham.” That he “will take, along with other religious leaders, another step forward towards brotherhood among the believers.”

His Holiness asked the believers to “accompany this apostolic visit with prayer so that it would take place in the best way and bear the desired fruits.” He said: “The Iraqi people are waiting for us, and they were waiting for Saint John Paul II who was prevented from going there.” Then Pope Francis concluded: “It cannot be let down. People for a second time, let us pray that this visit will be well done, ”referring to the prevention of the late Pope John Paul II from visiting Iraq in the year 2000 by the former president of the regime.

In addition, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Vatican City, confirmed that "Pope Francis will carry hope, dialogue and reconstruction to Iraq," indicating that "the Pope wants to send a message towards the future."

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Parolin said in an interview with "Vatican News": "Iraq is waiting for Pope Francis who resumes travel and chooses to carry condolences to a people who have suffered in recent years because of persecution, war and violence committed by (ISIS), and to continue building a path of brotherhood and a great dialogue bridge." .

He added, “For the first time in history, the Pope will visit Iraq, the country in which the Prophet Abraham was born, and where one of the oldest Christian groups resides, in which war wounds are still visible and facing the scourges of poverty and terrorism and now the Corona virus,” stressing “the importance of this visit, as he highlights The Pope highlighted the urgent need for cooperation to rebuild the country and heal all wounds, in order to start a new phase.

Cardinal Parolin continued: “Pope Francis wants to show a special interest, and a special closeness to this country, to Iraq. The purpose and meaning of the visit is; It is to show the Holy Father's closeness to Iraq and the Iraqis. And launching an important message (We have to cooperate, and we must come together to rebuild the country, heal all these wounds, and start a new phase). "

Regarding the words of Cardinal Parolin, which he made during his visit to Iraq 3 years ago that (Christians and Muslims are called to be a light in the darkness and dispel it) and how they relate to the slogan of the visit of Pope Francis (you are all brothers),

Parolin said: “I think that these words retain their importance as well, especially It is in harmony with the slogan of the Pope’s visit to Iraq, and now, this brotherhood is born from the fact that we are the children of one father, and it also refers to the Prophet Abraham who was born in Iraq, and from there his journey began after the Lord’s call to him, Abraham to whom Christians and Muslims return, and from Then it must also be translated into a shared commitment. ”

Cardinal Parolin added, “The focus of this visit to Iraq is the fact that the Pope wants to send a message towards the future, and there are situations and facts that live from certain suffering, regardless of the places in which persecution and martyrdom were, and the Church itself is in a difficult situation, and inter-religious dialogue needs To strengthen, however, difficulties can be overcome, if there is goodwill and commitment on the part of everyone, to meet and work together in order to rebuild, ”and he continued:“

I believe that the message, the axis, will be as follows (We do not allow everything that happened to hinder us, No matter how negative it was, it was very negative, but let us look forward with hope and courage in order to reconstruct this reality of Iraq. ”

"I think that the message, the axis, will be as follows (We do not allow all what happened to hinder us, no matter how negative or very negative it was, but let us look forward with hope and courage in order to rebuild this reality of Iraq)."

"I think that the message, the axis, will be as follows (We do not allow all what happened to hinder us, no matter how negative or very negative it was, but let us look forward with hope and courage in order to rebuild this reality of Iraq)."

Concerning the meeting of Pope Francis with His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayed Ali al-Sistani as another pillar of the Brotherhood Bridge, Parolin said: “Yes, I certainly think so, bearing in mind that Sayyid al-Sistani is one of the most important figures in the Shiite world; Bearing in mind also that Mr. Sistani has always spoken in favor of peaceful coexistence inside Iraq, saying that (all ethnic groups and religious groups are part of the country), and this is very important because it goes in the same direction and meaning to build this brotherhood between Christians and Muslims, which should be "To distinguish the country, so it is really an important moment and I think it will definitely be one of the most important moments in the Pope's visit to Iraq."

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Regarding the conditions of Iraqi Christians, Parolin said: “It is certain that the Church - Christians and Catholics - in Iraq are waiting for the Pope with great passion, and they certainly need to be encouraged to live their Christian vocation within this difficult reality in Iraq, and I would say that it is somewhat a call within the Christian mission, a vocation.

Christians of the Middle East, to live in their reality, their environment, and their countries, and therefore, it is certain that the Pope will encourage this Church (in Iraq) to be courageous and able to bear witness, and he will also invite her to remain in her land and give testimony to attend. We have said many times that without the Christians, the Middle East would not be like this. ”

The Secretary of the State of the Vatican City answered a question on how to build stability, dialogue and coexistence in Iraq after many years of destruction and violence, especially since the Iraqi government praised this visit, describing it as a "message of peace", and Parolin said:

"It is a great challenge, the government and society are trying Of course the whole response to it, to go back to what we said, meaning unity, we need to meet and cooperate, and in order to cooperate and build this unity, there is definitely a need for forgiveness and reconciliation. We must overcome the past, and we look forward in this new and positive meaning. ”

He added, “At the same time, there are also measures that must be taken in Iraq, for example, measures against sectarianism, which unfortunately still discriminate large sectors of society, and against corruption, inequality and discrimination, so that everyone has his place and everyone feels that he is a citizen of the country. This country (Iraq) enjoys the same rights, the same duties, the same commitment and responsibility to help build it. It seems to me that these are the main ways of trying to rebuild the country.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of the State of the Vatican City, concluded his speech by answering a question about his wish for this visit, and said: “I hope that this moment constitutes a truth, and the long-awaited presence of the Holy Father, a moment of rebirth, a physical birth and a spiritual birth of the Iraqi people, and that it also be for it.

An influence in the entire region that needs good examples, and that it takes place under the slogan of brotherhood: (You are all brothers), is also the slogan for this Pope's Apostolic visit.

The former Pope of the Vatican, Benedict XVI, for his part, expressed in press statements, his conviction of the great importance of Pope Francis' visit to Iraq, noting that "it comes at a difficult moment, whether for security reasons or because of the Covid-19 epidemic, this is in addition to the unstable situation in Iraq." Benedict XVI confirmed his accompaniment to Pope Francis with "prayer."

Meanwhile, a number of Italian citizens welcomed the historic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq, which will start tomorrow, Friday, stressing that the presence of the Supreme Pontiff in Mesopotamia and the source of civilizations and religions reflects the position of this great country, historically, religiously and geographically.

The first speaker to the “Al-Sabah” correspondent in Rome was Mrs. Daniela Dandria, who described the Pope’s visit to Iraq as “an important event during this year, as it challenged the health and security conditions and fears of the Corona pandemic.” She added, “All Italians were surprised by the announcement of the date of a visit.

Pope Francis to Iraq, and when the news spread in the electronic newspapers and Italian stations, we waited for the first thing for the reaction of the Iraqi government, which greatly pleased us with the approval of the visit, and its high preparedness in order to make this historic journey to the land of our master Ibrahim al-Khalil in the cradle of faith and religions.

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And she added: “When our Italian channels such as Rai News 24 and RAI began broadcasting reports from Baghdad, Mosul and Najaf, we saw the great hospitality of Iraqis in their eyes and happiness overwhelmed them. And the great Catholic Church to their country. ”

For his part, Gerardo Covello expressed "his great happiness for the papal visit to the various cities of Iraq, which will send sublime messages about the values ​​of humanity and civilized coexistence between the monotheistic religions, and will be an open window on the path of interfaith dialogue in the language of logic and respect."

In turn, Isabella Conte affirmed, “The Pope’s visit to Iraq, who singled out this country with many prayers and calls for peace in Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican due to the challenges and compelling circumstances he went through, will contribute to raising the level of awareness of the current youth who represent the future manpower of Iraq, and will enhance In them the love of belonging to their great country, Iraq, and its effect on spreading the spirit of peace and social brotherhood among all.   LINK

Al-Halbousi And The US Ambassador Discuss Economic Support For Iraq

Thursday 04 March 2021  154  Baghdad: Al-Sabah, Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi, discussed with the US Ambassador to Baghdad Matthew Tueller the visit of Pope Francis to Iraq, and a number of issues of common interest.

Al-Halbousi discussed, according to a statement by his media office, with Toller, "bilateral relations, strengthening the continuation of strategic cooperation between Iraq and the United States, and the efforts of the International Monetary Fund and the Group of Seven to support Iraq in the economic field, in order to achieve development and stability."

During the meeting, the US ambassador expressed "his country's position and their welcome of the House of Representatives’s approval of the Yazidi Women Survivors Law, which was approved in Parliament," noting that "the law does justice to the victims of the brutal crimes committed by ISIS terrorist gangs."

Tueller stressed, "His country will continue to support Iraq to combat terrorism."

The meeting touched on "the historic visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the country and its importance in these circumstances, which is considered a message of peace to Iraq and the region."    LINK

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The House Of Representatives Votes Not Convinced With The Answers Of The Chairman Of The Media And Communications Commission

03/03/2021  The House of Representatives, in its thirty-ninth session, which was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Muhammad al-Halbousi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, today, Tuesday 3/3/2021, in the presence of 195 deputies, voted not to be satisfied with the answers of the Chairman of the Media and Communications Commission and finishes reading and discussion Two draft laws. Read the report of the Parliamentary Affairs Committee (148) related to following up the work of the Diwaniya Committee No. (29).

At the beginning of the session, which was opened by the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Hassan Al-Kaabi, Representative Nabil Al-Tarfi, on behalf of the House of Representatives, welcomed the Pope's visit as a step that embodies human unity and its positive repercussions in spreading a culture of communication and distancing the culture of intersection.

The council postponed the vote on the sports clubs law proposal submitted by the Youth and Sports Committee at the request of the government representative and some sports clubs.

And Mr. Muhammad Al-Halbousi, Chairman of the Council, directed the Parliamentary Services and Regions Committees for the purpose of following up the issue of distributing plots of lands to citizens in the governorates with the governors.

The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Hassan Al-Kaabi directed the Finance Committee to submit its report on Iraq's sovereign fund for future generations within a week, calling on members of the House of Representatives and the Finance Committee to take a serious and urgent stand to return to the previous exchange rate. .

On the other hand, the Council questioned the Chairman of the Media and Communications Commission, Mr. Ali Nasser Al-Khoweildy, and the representative, Alaa Al-Rubai,

Attorney Alaa al-Rubaie began his interrogation regarding misleading by the Communications Commission of the Council of Ministers regarding the renewal of mobile phone contracts and failure to adhere to the provisions of consumer protection.

In his response, Mr. Ali Al-Khuwailidi stated that the questions directed by the questioned representative fall within the competencies of the Board of Trustees and are not within the competencies of the President of the Media and Communications Commission, indicating that no decision has been issued to renew or extend the mobile phone companies, and detailed reports have been sent to the Board of Trustees on all the merits of the companies The mobile phone by the specialized committee formed and studied and examined.

Accordingly, the Board of Trustees directed the renewal of the licenses contracts, granting the fourth generation, determining their wages, and obliging the executive management to present them to the Council of Ministers due to its importance. Korek's request until all of its obligations are completed.

For his part, Representative Alaa Al-Rubaie followed the response of the Authority’s Chairman, indicating that the Commission’s response to the first question was contradictory and that no evidence was provided to prove the collection of debts owed by mobile phone companies whose contracts were renewed, pointing out that those companies did not comply with the Budget Law by paying 60 days before Renewal date.

For his part, the head of Hayat Communications renewed his assertion that all debts owed by the mobile phone companies were collected and transferred to the Ministry of Finance.

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Representative Alaa Al-Rubaie asked his second question about misleading the Council of Ministers by extending the total period for 8 years and not requiring companies to pay regulatory fees in governorates that fell under the control of ISIS.

For his part, the Chairman of the Commission stated that decisions were issued regarding the cessation of demanding payment of its obligations, granting additional periods, and considering the events of ISIS force majeure, noting that the organizational fee will continue to be paid even during the period of ISIS terrorist control over some governorates, pointing out that the Board of Trustees is concerned with the installment of debts to companies and our responsibility falls Within the submission of reports on the work of these companies, the transfer of the status quo and their requests, and the development of proposals to the Board of Trustees, which is the only one concerned with making final decisions.

Attorney Alaa al-Rubaie also addressed his third question regarding the commission’s cause of wasting public money and depriving the state treasury of additional revenues.

The head of the authority replied to this question that the legal basis for determining licensing fees and fees is assigned to the Board of Trustees and is subject to international standards and practices, and takes into account the quality of licenses in the countries of the world and the region.

Representative Alaa Al-Rubaie asked his fourth question, which was about granting third and fourth generation licenses

In his answer, the Chairman of the Commission indicated that the granting of licenses for the fourth generation tours was adopted the same mechanism in 2013 through the receipt of fundamental requests that were submitted to the Board of Trustees, noting that there was no free grant for the fourth generation and it was approved by the Council of Ministers and was challenged before the judiciary.

The judiciary's decision supports the procedures of the Commission and the Board of Trustees, which supported the correctness of the decision of the procedures for granting the fourth generation, and it was carried out within the laws in force and will support the revenues of the general budget.

As for the fifth question that MP Alaa al-Rubaie asked, it is the commission’s violation of instructions and laws in granting companies additional frequencies of broadband packages despite the failure of those companies to pay the income tax and penalties for them to the Ministry of Finance.

The Chairman of the Commission replied that the companies pay all their financial obligations and that there is continuous communication between the Communications and Media Commission with the Tax Authority regarding the tax position of the telecommunications companies, the safety of the position of Zain Iraq and Asia Cell, and the suspension of renewal with Korek due to the existence of a court case before the competent courts, indicating that no frequencies are granted within the broadband .

The questioned deputy addressed his sixth question about violating the provisions of Article 15 of the House of Representatives Law and the commission’s refusal to provide the House of Representatives with a copy of mobile phone licenses contracts, which is a failure to perform a legal duty.

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The head of the commission answered dozens of questions and official books by MP Alaa al-Rubaie, in addition to other questions from a number of women and gentlemen, and they were answered within the legal period.

Representative Alaa al-Rubaie also addressed his seventh question regarding legal violations by creating administrative formations through the creation of a number of offices in Baghdad and the governorates.

In his answer, the Commission’s Chairman indicated that the Commission’s Law authorized the Director-General to establish departments, units, or sub-divisions that he deems necessary, and accordingly, two departments and offices were created, and these departments are not of the rank of director general.

The questioned MP asked his eighth question regarding the violation of Article 18 of the licensing contract, through collusion with the mobile phone companies.

Mr. Al-Khoweildy replied that Clause 18 of the licensing contract authorized the Authority to impose a percentage not exceeding (1.5) and allocated for the purposes of universal service. This clause was not applied for the entire period before we took over the position and the companies required after the assumption of the position to pay the maximum revenue for the purposes of universal service.

After the end of the interrogation, the questioned MP, Alaa al-Rubaie, stated that he was not convinced of the authority’s answers, indicating that many legal violations were diagnosed in the commission’s work.

The Speaker of Parliament praised the role and efforts of Representative Alaa Al-Rubaie in exercising his oversight role.

In the same context, the Chairman of the Media and Communications Committee, MP Naim Al-Aboudi, praised the efforts of the questioned deputy, Alaa Al-Rubaie, and the cooperation of the head of the Media and Communications Commission, pointing out that there is a clear failure in the performance of the Media and Communications Commission and his lack of conviction with the answers of the Commission’s president.

Then the House of Representatives voted not satisfied with the answers of the Chairman of the Media and Communications Commission.

On the other hand, the Speaker of Parliament noted that tomorrow's session will be devoted to voting on the Federal Court law.

During the session chaired by Dr. Bashir Al-Haddad, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, the Council ended reading the report of the Parliamentary Order No. (148) to follow up on the work of the Diwani Order Committee No. (29)

The council completed the first reading of the draft law of the first amendment to the law regulating the lease of agricultural lands and owning the right to dispose of them for agricultural and veterinarian graduates No. (24) for the year 2013 submitted by the Agriculture, Water, Marshlands, Financial and Legal Committees for the purpose of achieving agricultural development in its two parts, plant and animal, spreading modern agricultural methods and developing the productive capacity of agricultural lands.

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And to create advanced job opportunities for unspecified agricultural and veterinary graduates, and the private sector's contribution to developing the agricultural sector, employing scientific expertise and applying it in practice to agricultural lands.

The Council completed the reading of the report and discussion of the draft law on confronting the Corona pandemic submitted by the Health and Environment Committee.

On the other hand, the ladies and gentlemen discussed a number of important issues, including the Ministry of Finance's call to facilitate the issuance of new real estate bonds in Nineveh Governorate to facilitate citizens' access to housing loans to help them rebuild the destroyed homes, and to emphasize the need to pay attention to teaching Islamic education in schools, in addition to asking the government to support the product. The local crop, especially the tomato crop in Basra Governorate.  After that, it was decided to adjourn the session to tomorrow, Thursday 4/3/2021   Media Department  Parliament  3 / March / 2021  LINK

Parliamentary Law Ends Discussion Of The Federal Court Law

03/04/2021   The Legal Committee held a meeting headed by Rep. Rebwar Hadi, Chairman of the Committee, and the attendance of its members today, Thursday 3/3/2021, to discuss the draft Federal Court bill.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Head of the Legal Committee stressed the need to resolve the discussions on the draft law in order to be able to be included on the agenda of the parliament session to vote on it, pointing to the importance of the law as the Federal Court is the one concerned with certifying the results of the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The committee finished reading and discussing the articles and provisions of the Federal Court bill.

As for the contentious articles, the committee decided to present it to the House of Representatives so that it would have the final say on it.    Information Department  Parliament  3/3/2021  LINK


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