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More Iraqi News Thursday PM 1-21-21

More Iraqi News Thursday PM 1-21-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Road To Political Change In Iraq

Monday January 18, 2021 54   Ibrahim Al-Abadi    Three trends are expected to be headlines in the upcoming political and electoral struggle: the first trend is post-Islamism, the second trend is populism, and the third is Iraqi patriotism.

While the pace accelerates towards making the upcoming elections a decisive political articulation, forces seek to re-establish power in Iraq anew by renewing the faces of political actors, counter forces feel that they are being targeted, and they must defend their presence, by waging an electoral battle with full caliber and weapons, and the first of these weapons will be the media and its speeches

Because the media, by its nature, seeks to construct and frame public opinion trends, the central issues that the parties to the election race will focus on will reflect the mentality of the currents, their ideologies, and their approaches to these issues, with an emphasis on the elements of emotional and emotional tension.

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The Iraqi society is rife with great political movements, and the protests have fueled many questions that were not only questioning the authorities, but rather an internal internal debate, some of which remained suppressed and some of it appeared to the public about the feasibility of large speeches and larger narratives, if the forces and elites to which they belong were not able to accommodate the aspirations of the people.

In the context of these questions, the political struggle emerges under the umbrella of three currents with their post-Islamist, populist and patriotic tendencies, and it is these currents that will run in the elections, but with their old and new names, so the competitors will enter an existential struggle to confirm their presence in the power structure and represent part of the street.

Which was greatly disturbed by political shocks, economic crises and conflict of regional and international axes, in addition to the failure of the forces that seized power in running the state at a level of acceptability and rationality that qualifies it to continue.

Post-Islamism is represented by the reproduction of the (Iraqi Islamic Project) with its various sectarian and partisan colors to match the violent criticism that (Islamists) were subjected to in their pursuit of the Islamization of life according to their ideological perspectives, as Islamism and its program are no longer able to meet the requirements of the daily life of the public, the slogan has exhausted its energy

And the project is its ability to persuade, and the slogan of Islam is no longer a sufficient solution to approach the crises and problems of the state and society, and the proponents of the project did not embody sufficient skills and capabilities to maintain the enthusiasm and employ efforts to perpetuate the momentum (the battle of Islamism) as they imagined it.

In general, the forces of political Islam suffered tremendous suffering in proving authoritarian merit and innovative solutions to successive crises, and convincing the public became a tremendous challenge that required re-examination of tools and methods and the formation of new elites with new concepts and visions in light of the internal and external criticism to which the experiences of Islamists in general were exposed, hence the talk about ( Post-Islamism) to be an expression of a new thought and a new stage!

In it, religiosity and the call to the Islamic project become very distinct from the past and the present, distinctions dictated by the stage of uprising, criticism and rejection, and this tendency (I personally) assume that it will be present in the elections in multiple formats, in addition to the populist forces that will fill the political space with their methods of flattening awareness and falsifying intellectual debates Crossing over major issues blaming others, persistent hate speech, stereotyping enemies, blaming the other on responsibility, and self-integrity.

As for issues of failure, corruption, contempt for the state, its competition, and the floating of its authorities and institutions, they are left without an answer because the unspoken hidden, and because the hour of reform has not struck the minds and voices of this project.

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Iraqi patriotism is looking for a space in these elections as well, for it is a nascent trend, but it is strong with its arguments and its assimilation of the experience of past years.

It is a current that does not want to transform the battle of building the state into a struggle of Islamists and secularists, nor a struggle of nationalists and internationalists, or the struggle of local forces against external forces.

Ideological struggles, revolutionary dreams, utopian projects, a hundred years of the life of the state, and now the time has come (to put) the harvest of bitter experiences into practice for me.

The fact that the focus on building Iraq and the Iraqi state without ideological conflict and utopian dreams is a dangerous bet on a consciousness that has not yet completed its construction.  https://alsabaah.iq/39474/

Economic Specialist: The Absence Of Economic Policy Will Enter Iraq With More Complex Crises

Thursday 21, January 2021 07:37 | Economical  Views: 644  Baquba / NINA / Economic specialist Jamal Shaker confirmed that Iraq is facing a major economic problem due to the lack of real economic pillars through which to activate the economic aspect in the country.

He told the correspondent of the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that the central bank’s decision to raise the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to solve the economic crisis had cast a shadow over the citizen and created a contraction in the commercial market as a result of the lack of financial policy. Pointing out that the reform paper released by the Iraqi government does not correspond to the mafias of corruption, which has become the main artery exhausting Iraq.

He added that the country will enter into more complex economic crises due to the absence of an economic policy that would advance the vital sectors that are important to building economic strength in the country. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=883119

The National Investment Commission Holds A Workshop On Corporate Governance And Activating The Role Of The Private Sector

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  The National Investment Commission, in cooperation with the Governance Corporation for Directors (GloD) and the International Finance Corporation, held a workshop entitled (The Role of the National Investment Commission in Developing Corporate Governance Practices to Support and Activate the Role of the Private Sector in Iraq).

The authority’s advisor, Adnan Kashmoula, and a number of department managers and employees participated in the workshop.

A statement of the authority, seen by "Al-Eqtisad News", said that the National Authority, in cooperation with the Governance Institution for Directors, organized a workshop via closed-circuit television, entitled (The Role of the National Investment Commission in Developing Corporate Governance Practices to Support and Activate the Role of the Private Sector in Iraq). Executive Director of the Governance Foundation in Iraq, Dr. Bushra Al-Amin, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, Wadih Al-Handal, Corporate Governance Projects Officer for the Middle East and North Africa of the International Finance Corporation, Dr. Amira Al-Saeed, and an expert in research and development for Arab capital markets, Dr. Osama Al-Ansari.

The statement added that the workshop included introducing the role of the governance institution for managers in spreading the culture of governance to support and activate the private sector and the challenges it faces, in addition to the benefits of governance to attract local and foreign investment, and success stories were presented for institutions that applied governance as a method of work, which brought them benefit.

At the end of the workshop, the lecturers thanked the President of the National Investment Commission, Suha Daoud Najjar, for adopting such a workshop because of its positive impact on the work of the Commission by providing the best services to investment companies and investors.   Number of observations 167 Date added 01/21/2021 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=23741

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Referring 46 Corruption Files In The Contracts Of The Ministry Of Electricity To The Competent Courts

Energy   Economy News - Baghdad

The head of the Parliamentary Investigative Committee in charge of auditing and investigating the contracts of the Ministry of Electricity, Representative Hassan Al-Kaabi, revealed that 46 corruption files had been referred to the competent courts, and confirmed that the committee continues its work in checking the contracts made by the ministry over the past years.

Al-Kaabi said that "the 62nd Parliamentary Order Committee to investigate contracts of the Ministry of Electricity has handed over 56 files to the Integrity Commission, 46 of which were referred to the competent courts and are still under investigation." According to "Al-Sabah."

He added, "The investigation committee will send a new set of files that contain suspicions of corruption from the Ministry of Electricity to the Integrity Commission and the Board of Financial Supervision, which exercise a broader and more accurate oversight role, and make great efforts to complete the investigation and audit those files."

He explained that "the investigation committee takes into account the application of the principle of impartiality and transparency in its work, and checks all the information received or obtained, which may include incorrect information, as this file is dangerous and sensitive."

He pointed out that "the investigation committee into contracts of the Ministry of Electricity continues to filter all the files it has, and divide them according to the size of corruption. If these files are large and dangerous, they are referred to the competent court by an official letter from the Integrity Commission, and if they are below the level of risk of wasting public money, the investigation committees It is estimated that it will be submitted to the trial judge or not. "

The repentant noted that "all these files will be subject to the judiciary authority’s assessments to decide on them through referring them to the criminal court or releasing those accused of those files."

Number of observations 79 Date added: 01/21/2021   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=23729

Oil Parliament Reveals The Completion Of The Legal Drafting Of The Oil And Gas Law

Energy   Economy News _ Baghdad  The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee revealed, on Thursday, that the legal drafting of the oil and gas law has been completed after all disputes regarding it have been addressed and the three components agree, indicating that Parliament will vote on it soon and before the end of its current session.

A member of the committee, Deputy Zaitoun Al-Dulaimi, said in a press interview, that "all the disputes related to the oil and gas law have been addressed in accordance with the three components," indicating that "the legal drafting has been completed and the law has been submitted to the presidency for the purpose of submitting it to a vote."

She added that "the presentation of the law to the vote will take place soon and there are no new obstacles to postponing it," stressing that "the adoption of the law will inevitably be approved during this parliamentary session."

Number of observations 174 Date of addendum 01/21/2021  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=23742


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