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More Iraqi News Sunday PM 1-24-21

More Iraqi News Sunday PM 1-24-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance Hosts Central Bank And Anti-Terrorism Officials And SOMO To Discuss Budget Items

Today, Sunday (January 24, 2021), the Finance Committee held its 30th meeting to discuss the draft federal budget bill for 2021.

A statement by the Media Department of the House of Representatives said, "The Finance Committee hosted the head of the Anti-Terrorism Service, Lieutenant General Abdul Wahab Al-Saadi and his accompanying delegation regarding the financial apparatus's allocations within the budget law, adding that" the sub-committee formed by the Finance Committee hosts the director of the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) and a delegation from the bank. Central Bank within the discussions of the 2021 budget


In The Document .. The Agenda Of The House Of Representatives For The Next Session

Author: AhadNA3 On 1/24/2021 - 10:17 AM 117   Today, Sunday, the Presidency of the House of Representatives published the agenda of its session for next Tuesday, after raising it yesterday, discussing a number of laws, and voting on others.

The table that Al Ahed News received included a number of paragraphs, most notably, the vote on the second amendment bill to the Medical Progression Law, and the vote on the proposal for the third amendment to the Law of Accountants and Auditors Association No. 185.

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Among the paragraphs that came in the schedule, completing the first reading of the draft law on social security and retirement for workers, as well as directing an oral question to the president of the Foundation for Martyrs and Political Prisoners, in addition to public discussions.  


Planning: The Inflation Rate Rose By 3.3% Last December

Time: 01/24/2021 12:50:37 Read: 1,469 times  (Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Central Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Planning released on Sunday its qualitative report for the Consumer Price Index for the month of December of 2020, which is the first report issued by the agency after changing the exchange rate.

The official spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a statement that Al Furat News received a copy of, that "the report showed an increase in inflation indicators for the month of December by (3.3%), compared with the previous month of November, while the annual inflation rate increased compared to With the month of December 2019, it increased by (3.2%) affected by the change of the dollar exchange rate.

He stated, "The prices of the tobacco section increased by (10.1%) due to the increase in the prices of imported cigarettes, and the health department also recorded an increase in its prices, which reached (8.8%), and the prices of the entertainment section increased by (7.5%) due to the high prices of reception equipment and pictures such as Televisions, cameras and computers, and the transportation department recorded an increase of 7.2%, due to the high prices of cars, especially private cars.

He added, "The increase in the prices of bicycles and the prices of spare parts such as tires and batteries, adding that the prices of the goods and services section increased by (4.9%), as a result of the rise in gold prices throughout Iraq, and the prices of the household equipment and maintenance section recorded an increase of (3.7) %) Due to the high prices of home appliances and furniture sets.

He explained that "the prices of the housing section recorded an increase of (3.2%), as a result of the increase in the prices of the water and electricity supply group, and the increase was concentrated in the section of the generator subscription wages, while the rate of increase in the prices of the communication section was (3%) due to the increase in the prices of mobile phones. The food and non-alcoholic beverages sector rose slightly (0.5%), due to the increase in the prices of bread, grains, meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, oils and sugar, and non-alcoholic beverages.

The statement continued, "At the same time, the core inflation rate increased by (4%) during the month of last December, compared to the previous month of November, while the annual base inflation rate recorded an increase of 4.2% compared to the same month of 2019. '' .  LINK

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The Iraqi Stock Exchange Closed Lower In The First Sessions Of The Week

Economie| 03:29 - 01/24/2021    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News  The Iraqi Stock Exchange index recorded, today, Sunday, a decrease of 0.39%, stopping at 489.66 points.

And decreased "according to the index" shares of 12 companies and rose 5 shares, while 23 companies maintained their share price.

The number of traded shares reached 579,356,929 shares, worth 833,169,580 Iraqi dinars, obtained from the conclusion of 488 deals involving 40 joint-stock companies, out of 104 companies registered in the stock exchange.     https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=139083

The Kurdistan Delegation Arrives In Baghdad .. This Is What They Will Discuss

Political| 03:38 - 01/24/2021   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The delegation of the Kurdistan region arrived, on Sunday, to Baghdad.   An informed source told Mawazine News that "a high-ranking delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government arrived today in the capital, Baghdad, for a new round of talks in order to secure the region's share in the federal financial budget for 2021."

The source added, "The delegation includes: Minister of Finance Awat Sheikh Janab, Minister of Planning Dara Rashid, Minister of the Region Khaled Shawani, and Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Region Omid Sabah." Ended 29 / A 43    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=139086

Employment 7000 Mastercard Cards Are Issued To Beneficiaries Of The Salary Of A Full-Time Employee

Editing date: 01/24/2021 16:38 • 63 read times  [Baghdad-Where]  On Sunday, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced the issuance of 7000 (MasterCard card) for beneficiaries of the full-time employee's salary during the past 30 days.

The head of the Disability Authority at the Ministry of Labor, Essam Al-Tamimi, said in a statement, "The authority, in cooperation with the concerned banking authorities, issued 7,000 (MasterCard) cards for beneficiaries of the full-time employee salary in Baghdad and the provinces except for the Kurdistan region for the period from 12/20/2020 until 20 / 1/2021 '.

He added, "The authority's departments in Baghdad and the provinces continue to issue cards to those covered by the full-time employee salary."

Al-Tamimi praised "the efforts of the employees in the departments to implement the directives of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Adel Al-Rikabi, which include the speedy completion of the transactions covered by the privileges of Law No. 38 of 2013 with high accuracy and professionalism to relieve them of their shoulders." http://www.alliraqnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=106262

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Iraq Is Coordinating With The European Union And The World Bank To Conduct A Poverty Survey

Al-Maalouma / Baghdad .. The Ministry of Planning is coordinating with the World Bank, the European Union and some United Nations organizations to conduct a large survey on the indicators of poverty in the country in the middle of this year, in light of the parliamentary warnings of continuous increasing rates.

"The agency is preparing to conduct a large survey to prepare new indicators for the poverty line in the country," said the head of the agency, Diaa Awwad Kadhim, in a statement reported by the official Al-Sabah newspaper, which was reviewed by the information. European and some United Nations organizations ”.

Kazem added that "this survey is somewhat similar to its counterpart that was conducted in 2012 and was stopped due to financial allocation and health conditions," explaining that "it is hoped that it will take place in the middle of this year."

He revealed, "Discussions will take place regarding what will be included in the form in terms of sections and sections regarding the family in terms of housing, fuel, energy, spending, expenses, health, transportation and communications," describing the survey as "large with some organizations participating." End / 25   https://www.almaalomah.com/2021/01/24/516903/

Sentence To Four Years Imprisonment Against The Director Of The "Key Card" Company

Author: Ahad6 On 1/24/2021 - 2:30 PM 96   The judiciary issued a four-year prison sentence against the director of the "Key Card", Baha Abdul-Hussein Al-Maamouri. 


In The Document .. Deputy: 54 Billion Dinars Owed By The Coalition Forces For The Benefit Of Iraq

Time: 01/24/2021 13:44:16 Read: 2,028 times  (Baghdad: Al Furat News) MP Jamal Al-Muhammadawi revealed that more than 54 billion dinars were owed by the international coalition forces in favor of the Al-Rasheed Hotel and the Babel Tourist Hotel, calling for their urgent recovery.

In a statement, Al-Furat News received a copy of it, Al-Muhammadawi said: “We sent an official letter to the Prime Minister’s Office / Iraq Funds Recovery Team. Babil Tourism, amounting to (54850) million dinars, according to the reports of the Federal Financial Supervision Bureau.

Al-Muhammadawi demanded "a statement of the procedures of the Prime Minister's Office / Funds Recovery Team regarding these sums."

He called for "returning them urgently and not neglecting in collecting the people's money, and preparing a database of the amounts owed by the international coalition forces and setting up appropriate mechanisms to recover them."   LINK

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Parliamentary Finance Discusses The Financial Allocations To The Provinces In The 2021 Budget

Time: 01/24/2021 16:33:03 Read: 1,118 times   {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Parliamentary Finance Committee will host, on Sunday afternoon, the governors to discuss the financial allocations for the provinces within the draft budget bill for 2021.

The Media Department of the House of Representatives stated, in a brief statement that Al Furat News received a copy of it, that "the Finance Committee is now hosting the governors to discuss the financial allocations for the provinces within the draft federal budget bill for 2021."   LINK

An Expert Proposes A Solution For The "Absorbing Sleeping Money" And Addressing The Cessation Of Investment In Iraq

   536 Economy 01/23/2021 21:07   Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Saturday, the economic expert, Rasim Al-Akidi, proposed a solution to deal with the file of the suspension of strategic investment projects in Iraq, while indicating that the solution will work to absorb the dormant money, as he put it.

In an interview with (Baghdad Today), Rasim Al-Aqidi said, "Hundreds of investment and strategic projects in various governorates of Iraq in various pieces have been suspended for years, some of them up to 10 years, despite the great material damages that result from stopping for a long period of time."

Al-Aqidi added, "Funding is the biggest and most important reason for stalling the wheel of construction, in addition to other reasons," noting that "Iraq's financial situation and its exacerbating crises are pushing us to put forward a solution that includes inviting the government to present what we call in the economics world (social support bonds) or Investment bonds)".

The economic expert explained, "Social support bonds are offered by the government and sold to citizens with a financial interest of 10%, which is similar to treasury bonds," noting that "the bonds will lead to the absorption of money dormant in homes and the treatment of financial scarcity and moving the markets."

He stated, "This process (social support bonds) will create a financial benefit for the citizen, because after a year the state will pay 10% of the money as interest," stressing that

"the application of the principle (bonds of support) will create what we call a complex development environment, that is, the participation of the government and the private sector." Whether individuals or companies are involved in financing the construction of projects."

"This solution has been applied in many countries, including the Arab ones, but unfortunately, the government framework in Iraq resort to other treatment frameworks that create resentment and popular discontent and lead to future financial crises," said Rasim al-Aqidi.

A member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, Representative Manar Abdul-Muttalib, said Monday, December 14, 2020, that most investment companies that have projects in Iraq are blacklisted in their countries.

In an interview with (Baghdad Today), Abdul-Muttalib said, "Most of the investing companies coming from neighboring countries in particular are failed companies that are placed on the blacklist in their countries and they are just bright names."

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She added that "the flow of these companies to Iraq came because they are aware of the weakness of oversight, accountability and law in the country," indicating that "Iraqi investors are much better than foreigners and they have important projects in vital sectors, and if sufficient support is provided to them, qualitative leaps in performance and projects will be achieved."

She pointed out that "most of the Iraqi investors go abroad because of the security factor and the danger inside the country."

Earlier, MP Riad Al-Tamimi, Chairman of the Investment Committee, called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to hold a meeting to discuss the investment file.

A statement published by Al-Tamimi, and received by (Baghdad Today), "I address once again the Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in his capacity as the first person responsible for the reform file in the country, and I am talking about a disaster that kills investment in the wake of its economic collapse in Iraq."

He continued, "His Excellency the President: Iraq needs to develop investment, revitalize it and support the general budget through the investment and economy files, but the surprise that is always repeated is the administrative changes that are from bad to worse."

He added that "the director of state real estate was assigned to look at matters only without having the possibility of real work, and a vision that stimulates investment, and has become a media tool for speech without real action."

He pointed out that: The file of banks and banks has become a killing tool for investment, because their goal is personal interest without public interest.

He cautioned, "Today we need a quick and extensive meeting with the relevant authorities to speak frankly to you about what is happening in the relevant departments in order to stimulate investment."

Al-Kazemi called for "firm, quick and effective decisions that change reality and hit the heads of corruption, because the stage is sensitive, critical and dangerous, and there is no more risk and delay in decisions."

A member of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Nada Shaker Jawdat, Monday, November 16, 2020, accused influential parties suffering bankruptcy of trying to obstruct the entry of foreign investment companies into the country, as she put it.

In an interview with (Baghdad Today), Jawdat said, "The bankrupt and influential people are trying to obstruct the entry of investment companies, whether Arab or foreign, out of fear for their interests and companies that have a monopoly on many bad projects."

She added that "Iraq suffers from a significant rise in poverty and unemployment rates in light of the economic crisis afflicting the country."

She added that "the solution is to support the private sector, open the way and provide a safe environment for Arab and foreign companies to enter to invest in the country," pointing out that

"some try to challenge that country or company with the aim of inflaming public opinion, as their interests will suffer loss."   LINK


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