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More Iraqi News and Highlights Early Thursday 7-30-20

More Iraqi News and Highlights Early Thursday 7-30-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Dollar Exchange Rate Is Declining Today

Time: 7/29/2020 10:28:33 Read: 5,226 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded a slight decrease today in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The selling and buying prices of the dollar in banking companies and offices were as follows:

The selling price of one dollar is 1240 dinars, or 124 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1230 dinars, or 123 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.

The price of foreign currencies, gold and crude oil - until the preparation of this news:

The euro The global price: 100 euros = 117.43 dollars sterling

The global price: 100 pounds = 129.30 dollars

The Turkish lira The global price: 100 dollars = 694,80 Turkish liras

The price of an ounce of gold Globally = 1957.19 dollars,

The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil = 43,44 dollars,

The price of a barrel of US crude oil = 41.20 dollars.   LINK

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Baghdad Announces The Completion Of 75% Of The Suspended Train Project

Construction and building  Economy News - Baghdad:The Governor of Baghdad announced the completion of 75% of the train project, pointing to the signing of the contract with the coalition group of companies "Alstom and Hyundai" before the end of this year .

A statement to the Baghdad Governorate said that the Governor of Baghdad, Muhammad Jaber Al-Atta, met with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning, Maher Al-Dulaimi, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Salman Al-Bahadli, in order to activate the suspended train project, "which it is hoped to start soon to solve the transport crisis", pointing out that "the Prime Minister and my Ministry Transport and planning, and Baghdad Governorate is serious about implementation . "

Al-Atta explained that "the length of the project is 22 kilometers, starting from Al-Kadhimiya and ending with the central people's markets with 14 stations and a capacity of up to 30,000 passengers per hour, and with work that exceeds 16 hours per day and is part of a comprehensive transportation system for both the Karkh and Rusafa sides ."

For his part, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Salman Al-Bahadly said, “The suspended train project was transferred to the Ministry of Transport, as it is within the sectoral specialization, and a committee was formed with our leadership and membership of the governorate, the Secretariat, and the competent engineering staff,” indicating that “75% of the project is complete and what remains are administrative aspects only ".

In turn, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning, Maher Al-Dulaimi, said, "The project delay came for financial and technical reasons, and this was addressed with the inclusion of the Ministry of Planning, which is one of the important projects to solve the transportation crisis." Noting that "today's meeting came out with an integrated vision of the management and implementation of the project ."

The Baghdad governorate statement indicated that the meeting was attended by Nizar Sultan, a former member of the Baghdad Provincial Council and director of the technical department Abbas Omran and the concerned authorities to complete the project procedures and include in the budget and expedite the signing of the contract with the coalition group Alstom and Hyundai before the end of this year.

Number of views 3 Date added 29/07/2020  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21203

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Baghdad Investment: 622 Investment Projects In Iraq At A Cost Of 23 Billion Dollars

Head of Baghdad investment Shaker Al-Zameli "Al-Iqtisad News"  Conversations  Economy News - Baghdad:  The head of the Baghdad Investment Commission, Shaker Al-Zamili, revealed the existence of 622 investment projects under work in Iraq at a cost of 23 billion dollars, indicating that the total investment projects in all of Iraq amount to 1771 projects.

Al-Zamili said, "The reality requires us to support the working investment projects, which number 622 projects at a cost of $ 23 billion and in various sectors by providing all facilities and allowing movement of movement and entry of construction materials and movement of workers in these projects to maintain the continuity of work and support the citizens working in it to prevent unemployment As an exception to the circumstances of the ban due to the Corona pandemic, taking due precautions. "

He pointed out that "financial and administrative corruption stand at the forefront of the causes of confusion in the work, and there is a statistic that there are more than 1771 investment projects in 14 governorates in Iraq, with a total cost of about 53 billion dollars, of which 423 projects are completed, at a rate of 5 billion dollars and 622 projects are under way. With a value of $ 23 billion, but 696 projects are stalled, for various reasons. "

He pointed out, "There is a problem with the issue of contracting with the owners of the lands after granting the investment license and there is an unjustified delay in the issue of approving designs and also raising the hand of agricultural reform, as there are government agencies that delay work, as well as that anyone who wants to access the land faces complex challenges that prevent From reaching Earth. "

Al-Zameli indicated that "the solutions to the problems facing investment projects lie in requiring all parties to implement the provisions of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 amending and the provisions of Article 30 of the law, which obligated all ministries, including municipalities and finance, the Baghdad Municipality and the provinces to prepare a list of lands, their areas and their uses and send them to the National Investment Commission and the governorate bodies For the purpose of announcing them investment opportunities and in all economic sectors.

" He pointed out, "The necessity of activating the single window in all investment bodies by sending authorized delegates who have the authority to give a decision on behalf of their departments for the purpose of preventing red tape and bureaucracy and facilitating the granting of investment licenses according to the approval of authorized delegates."

Late projects

Al-Zameli urged to "compel the concerned government agencies to complete the contracts, validate the designs and hand over the land within a specified time period of 30 days, according to the provisions of Article 14 of the Investment Law No. 2 of 2009 and the directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to activate the delayed projects due to the unjustified delay above, and operate up to 700 projects A broken investment, which will hopefully create more than a million jobs. "

He pointed out, "The necessity of directing governmental banks to support the last beneficiary of the governmental investment units (the citizen) for the purpose of achieving four main issues, which are supporting the citizen by obtaining a loan, providing financing for the investor, revitalizing the economic sectors accompanying the construction and construction process and achieving a bank interest, through operating the funds and achieving economic development in various Sectors through the capital movement. "

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The economic activity

Al-Zamili said that "investment projects are a simple part of the economic activity movement, and they are not considered a basis for development, but are part of it, as they depend primarily on private capital and investment licenses. (Contracting, approval, handover), which usually passes through the routine and bureaucratic stage of the landowners and the planning authorities. It is noteworthy that international companies cannot operate in unstable security conditions, as it is known that capital is cowardly, companies do not venture and spend millions of dollars and then go unheeded, as well as security stability is an important pillar of possible investment.

 Number of views 50 Date added: 29/07/2020  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21196

UNAMI: We Stand With The Demonstrators And Call For Their Protection ..

Tuesday 28, July 2020 22:37 | PoliticalViews: 149  Baghdad ( NINA ) - The United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) confirmed that the Special Representative, Jenin Blachhardt, has not submitted any report to the UN Security Council regarding the recent demonstrations.

In a statement received by the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) , the mission said, "In response to allegations circulated by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jenin Henness, Blashart, made a statement to the UN Security Council on the recent demonstrations, confirming the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) The UN representative has not submitted any report or statement to the Security Council on these demonstrations. "

She added: "UNAMI monitors the situation and stands beside the right of the demonstrators to peacefully express their legitimate demands, and calls for their protection." / End 10


Al-Rasheed And Al-Rafidain Banks Are Working On Thursday To Pay Salaries Tomorrow

Wed, 29 Jul 2020 15:15 | Economical Views: 157  Baghdad / Nina / Al-Rasheed and Al-Rafidain Banks announced that they will continue to work tomorrow, Thursday, to pay the salaries of employees and retirees.

Al-Rasheed Bank directed its branches in Baghdad and the provinces authorized to pay the salaries of employees and retirees, by opening its doors tomorrow, Thursday, to pay salaries before the days of Eid Al-Adha.

Meanwhile, the Rafidain Bank directed the resumption of working hours tomorrow Thursday in some of its branches that have resettlement and included in the payment of salaries, to complete the payment of employee salaries. / End 8   http://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=846787

MP Al-Maliki Told / Nina: The Investigation Committee In The Electricity File Has Come Up With Big Names That Have Suspicions Of Corruption ... And Al-Kazemi Should Prevent Their Travel

Wed, 29 Jul 2020 09:59 | EconomicalViews: 365  Baghdad / Nina / Deputy Abdul Salam Al-Maliki confirmed that the investigation committee in the electricity file has found great names that have suspicions of corruption.

Al-Maliki said in an interview with the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that "Electricity is a persistent eternal problem in Iraq and successive governments have been unable to solve it, and the demonstrations are still being launched in the central and southern governorates as a result of the lack of electricity in them, despite the disbursement of approximately $ 45 billion, but unfortunately most of this money has gone Into the pockets of the corrupt. "

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He added that "the investigation committee of the electricity file since 2003 until now has reached real and wasted public money, robbed and widespread corruption and corruption in the Ministry of Electricity," noting that "all the corrupt who received the money and wasted it and manipulated the electricity file will be punished for their own interests and their political and partisan interests."

He stressed that "the files are under study and there are big names with suspicions of corruption that have not been announced so that they will not flee from justice." He called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to "withdraw the passports of all successive governments and prevent their travel until the investigation is completed with the rank of division director to the rank of minister." / End 10


The Central Bank Lends Al-Kazemi’s Government 8 Trillion Dinars

Follow-up Wednesday, July 29, 2020 4:53 PM  The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed today, Wednesday, that the government borrowed from the central bank 8 trillion dinars.

The committee’s rapporteur, Ahmed Al-Saffar, said, “The approval of the House of Representatives for local and external borrowing contributed to securing the salaries of employees and retirees during the current months,” stressing that “had it not been for the parliament’s approval to borrow, the government would not have been able to secure the salaries and disburse them to their beneficiaries.”

He added that "the government went to borrow eight trillion dinars from the central bank, despite the parliament's approval to borrow 15 trillion dinars from the bank and local banks."  And Al-Saffar said, "The rise in oil prices will contribute to alleviating the financial crisis in the country. Therefore, the salaries of employees and retirees will become fully insured until the end of 2020."  LINK

The Government Of Abdul-Mahdi Has Identified 40 Files For Corruption ... And Demands That Al-Kazemi Refer These Files To The Judiciary

Follow-up Wednesday, July 29, 2020 4:12 PM  Members of the House of Representatives emphasized that addressing corruption and reform files does not need to legislate new laws, as much as it needs to activate the laws in force.

"The previous government has set 40 files for corruption in state agencies, and has asked the House of Representatives to pass anti-corruption laws, and the modernization of the Integrity Law was a result of the demands, in addition to entrusting the public prosecution and the judiciary to take greater responsibilities in this area," said the deputy of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc, Diyar Barwari. Among them was the abolition of the offices of inspectors general. "

Berwari said, "Parliament is ready to legislate laws that enable the government to eliminate the spread of corruption," noting that "the mechanisms followed by the government against corruption are still ineffective, because corruption has many facets and not only financial corruption, but there is exploitation of power and devotion of routine to obtain Some gains. "

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Berwari called on the government to "activate all oversight departments and their technical mechanisms in order to reduce corruption, and refer all corruption files to the judiciary, announce them, and follow them up by the public prosecution, and this requires a collective effort from society and the government."

For his part, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Sabah Al-Okaili, said, "Reform should start with the enforcement of laws that work to reduce and undermine corruption."

He pointed out that "it is legal from where did you get this, and the wrongful gain, work began in them at the beginning of the current year, and all employees have raised their financial accounts to the Integrity Commission."

Al-Okaili added, “The problem of corruption at present is that it is no longer restricted to senior officials, but rather has become a general phenomenon in many government departments, and we need great cooperation from citizens with the state to limit its spread and uproot the base of this scourge, which must be eliminated.”

While the head of the Investment Commission in Baghdad, Shaker Al-Zameli, called on all parties concerned to cooperate and provide facilities for completing investment projects and moving the national labor market to tackle chronic economic problems.

Al-Zamili said in a dialogue with him, that the reality requires us to support the working investment projects, which number 650 projects at a cost of 23 billion dollars in various sectors by providing all facilities and allowing movement of movement and entry of construction materials and movement of workers in these projects to maintain the continuity of work and support the citizens working in it To prevent unemployment and as an exception to the conditions of the ban due to the Corona pandemic, taking precautions.

He added, that financial and administrative corruption stand at the forefront of the causes of confusion in the work, and there are statistics that there are more than 1771 investment projects in 14 governorates in Iraq, with a total cost of about $ 53 billion, of which up to 423 projects are completed, at a rate of $ 5 billion, and 622 projects are under completion with a value 23 billion dollars, but 696 projects are stalled, for various reasons.

He pointed out that there is a problem with the issue of contracting with the landlords after granting the investment license and there is an unjustified delay in the issue of approving designs and also raising the hand of agricultural reform, as there are government agencies that delay work, as well as anyone who wants to access the land facing complex challenges that prevent He reached the ground.  LINK

Parliamentary Planning Reveals The Most Important Economic Changes In The 2021 Budget

Baghdad Post Wednesday, July 29, 2020 02:12 PM 79  The Parliamentary Planning and Follow-up Committee affirmed on Wednesday that no fundamental changes occurred in the budget of 2021 to develop the non-oil production sector, indicating that the government has so far been unable to improve the industrial sector.

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Committee member Mohamed Al-Baldawi said in a statement to him that "what will happen in the coming budget is adding some money to the budget by increasing the revenues of ports and border ports and taxes, but it will not change much of the reality of dependence on the oil sector."

Al-Baldawi added, "The smuggling of goods through the ports contributed to delaying the progress of the agricultural sector in a significant way and relying on it to increase the local production."

He continued, "The deficit in the budget will be significant because of dependence on oil and its low global prices, as well as reducing the share of Iraq in selling amid the government's inability to improve the industrial sector, which is the most important in Iraq to reduce dependence on oil."  LINK

The Cancellation Of The Eid Al-Adha Prayers Due To The Corona Pandemic

Baghdad Post Wednesday, July 29, 2020 03:44 PM  72  The Husseiniya Threshold Administration announced that the Eid al - Adha prayer rituals will not be held due to the health conditions that Iraq is going through and the Corona pandemic is rampant , confirming the continuation of the pause until those conditions improve.

The Husseini Threshold Administration stated, in an official statement: “In view of the preventive instructions issued by the health authorities in Iraq, it was decided not to hold the blessed Eid al - Adha prayer ceremonies .”

And the administration of the Holy Threshold decided, on (3/5/2020), not to perform Friday prayers due to the current health condition that Iraq is going through, as I announced on (23/5/2020) not to perform Eid al-Fitr prayers.   LINK

 Washington Confirms Its Support For A Comprehensive Agreement Between Baghdad And Erbil

POSTED ON 2020-07-29 BY SOTALIRAQ  The Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Qubad Talabani, confirmed during two separate meetings with the new American and Japanese consulates general, today, Tuesday, that an important stride has been made in the file of reform in the Kurdistan Region, reiterating this in a telephone call he received from the German consul in the region.

During his meeting with the American Consul General to the Kurdistan Region, Rob Waller, the Deputy Prime Minister highlighted the administrative and military reforms in the Peshmerga Ministry, according to a statement of the region’s government,

The meeting also discussed the latest developments in Iraq and the historical relations between the Kurdistan Region and the United States, and stressed the need to consolidate them.

Talabani indicated that the region always urges the implementation of the constitution and its dependence on solving all problems radically.

In turn, the US Consul General confirmed that his country looks with interest to the discussions between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government, and it encourages the two parties to reach a solution within the framework of a comprehensive agreement that guarantees the stability of Iraq and the region.

In a related context, the Deputy Prime Minister received the new Japanese consul to Erbil Nagayama Yushchenko, and discussed with them ways to strengthen relations between the region and Japan, especially with regard to the scientific and technological aspect.

On the same day, the Deputy Prime Minister also received a phone call from the German Consul to Erbil, in which they discussed bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and Germany, in addition to discussing the current situation in the region, Iraq and the region.  LINK

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:   https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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