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Money: A Myth or A Conspiracy?

Money: A Myth or A Conspiracy?

By Ashish Subedi  Dec 18 2018

 “It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford

Chasing bunch of cash, that is where everything sums up to, right? But, is that where every thing should sum up to? It’s kinda both ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. But the bigger question is, what are those god like papers?

What are real assets?

 Money? Well, that would be the current asset but everything grounds up to the actual physical properties. Lands, golds are the actual properties disguised as money.

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Long before we had money, we used to have lands, golds as an asset. But these assets were very much hard to exchange. So, a bunch of brilliant people came up with a term ‘Money’.

 For getting money, people had to reserve their actual property to the money lenders and this is how all it started.


It all started with Federal Reserve System. In early 19th century, a group of 6 brilliant and wealthy people had a meeting. One of them was Nelson Aldrich who led the meeting.

Other members were Henry Davidson, Frank Vanderlip, Benjamin Strong, Abe Andrews and Charles Norton. The meeting went for 9 days and they came up with Federal Reserve System and established a central bank in America.

 “Central banks are the organizations responsible for money generation”

 So, was that all what it took to make money the god?

People then had an idea about the central bank and what it can do. So, civilians was against them. On the other hand, Congress was also contra to their actions.

 But, these 6 people were very smart for their time and made a conspired contract with the Congress.

 Since, they had reach of many local banks, they published a fake and conspired news to the Civilians claiming that local banks were against Federal Reserve System.

Whereas, the local banks did what they asked. So, unknowingly people thought Federal Reserve System to be good.

So, this was all it took to have a complete monopoly in maintaining the economic status.

 “Government has no authority over central banks. They are totally independent organizations”

 Why don’t central banks make enough money for all people?

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


Monopoly - Who Owns The World?? https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html 

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