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Monday Evening Iraq Economic News Highlights 12-12-22

Monday Evening Iraq Economic News Highlights 12-12-22

Electricity Clarifies The Fate Of The Electronic Taxation Project

Energy   Economy News _ Baghdad   Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Electricity clarified the fate of the electronic taxation project, while indicating efforts to contract with investment companies in this regard.

The ministry's spokesman, Ahmed Musa, said, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, followed by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "the electronic taxation project has been studied, its economic feasibility has been established, and it has been technically reviewed since the time of the previous government," noting that "the study included reviewing the experience of neighboring countries and electronic meters." used".

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He added, "The project was supposed to be voted on by the previous government, but it was referred to the current cabinet."

He pointed out that "the cabinet instructed the Ministry of Electricity to contract with investment companies specialized in smart networks," stressing that "the ministry is conducting extensive meetings and studies on specialized companies in accordance with the decision of the prime minister."

Views 37   Added 12/11/2022 - 1:09 PM  Updated 12/11/2022 - 2:15 PM


The Ministry Of Electricity Clarifies The Fate Of The Electronic Taxation Project

Iraq   14:44 - 2022-12-11   Electricity clarifies the fate of the electronic taxation project   Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Electricity clarified the fate of the electronic taxation project, while indicating efforts to contract with investment companies in this regard.

Ministry spokesman Ahmed Musa said, in a press statement, that "the electronic taxation project has been studied, its economic feasibility has been established, and it has been reviewed technically since the time of the previous government," noting that "the study included reviewing the experience of neighboring countries and the electronic meters used."

He added, "The project was supposed to be voted on by the previous government, but it was referred to the current cabinet."

He pointed out that "the cabinet instructed the Ministry of Electricity to contract with investment companies specialized in smart networks," stressing that "the ministry is conducting extensive meetings and studies on specialized companies in accordance with the decision of the prime minister."


Integrity: Jordan, Turkey And Lebanon Are The Most Prominent Outlets For Smuggling Corruption Funds

Political | 10:13 - 12/12/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Integrity Commission said, on Monday, that Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon represent the most prominent countries to which funds from corruption cases in Iraq are smuggled, and announced that it is continuing its procedures to recover these funds despite the existence of some legal obstacles.

The director of the media center in the commission, Ali Muhammad, said in an interview with the official newspaper, which was followed by Mawazine News, that "the most prominent countries to which funds obtained from corruption were smuggled are the Kingdom of Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, and a number of other regional countries," noting that "the commission's procedures are continuing." to recover that money.

He added, "The commission reached, in the last meeting held with the judicial authorities in Jordan last April, to seize the funds in its territory, while there are some challenges related to the different legal systems that face the commission's work in recovering funds from Turkey, so the recovery department approached the counterparts." to sign a memorandum of understanding between the two parties, but it did not specify time periods for recovering those funds due to the complexity of the procedures.

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Muhammad confirmed, "The movable and immovable funds of some of the accused or the fugitive convicts have recently been seized," noting that "the commission is awaiting the completion of the legal department in the Ministry of Justice with procedures related to filing lawsuits abroad, and giving judicial decisions the force of implementation, so that we can then recover the money." reserved".

And he continued, "The authorities concerned with recovering funds are represented in the Commission's Recovery Department and the Iraq Fund for Recovery, as the first operates in accordance with Article (10/ Seventh) of the amended Commission's Law,

according to which it assumes the responsibility of collecting information and following up the accused wanted by the Commission from outside Iraq and recovering smuggled corruption funds,

At a time when the money recovery fund is concerned with recovering the financial rights of Iraq that others obtained illegally as a result of the misuse of the oil-for-food program, the embargo, smuggling, economic sabotage, or the exploitation of the sanctions imposed on Iraq before 2003, to achieve financial gains at the expense of the Iraqi people, In addition to receiving any compensation due to Iraq as a result of any legally recognized decision. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=213935

Foreign Ministry: The Baghdad Summit Will Follow New Paths

Political | 07:15 - 11/12/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed, on Sunday, that the Baghdad summit to be held in Amman will be qualitative, reflecting the sectoral efforts in the three countries, Iraq, Oman and Egypt, and adopting new paths.

Ministry spokesman Ahmed Al-Sahaf said, "Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein met in the Jordanian capital, Amman, with his Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi, and Egyptian, Sameh Shukri, to discuss tripartite coordination mechanisms and the development of advancing the implementation of the programs agreed upon within the three meetings."

And he indicated that "the parties stressed the importance of the Baghdad summit, which is scheduled to be held in Amman, to be of a quality that reflects the findings of the sectoral coordination efforts in the three countries and indicates that they are pursuing new paths with regard to food and energy security and at the level of political consultations."

He added, "The tripartite coordination mechanism is an open and complementary mechanism that has political and economic repercussions that confirm the principle of the common market and the complementary unity between these three countries." Ended 29 / H


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Al-Sudani: The Government Is Determined To Transform The Poor From Social Welfare Recipients Into Labor Market Actors

Political | 05:19 - 11/12/2022  Baghdad - Mawazine News, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani received today, Sunday, the World Bank's Vice President for Middle East and North Africa Affairs, Farid Belhaj, in the presence of the Regional Director for Eastern Countries and the World Bank's director in Iraq.

Al-Sudani's office stated in a statement, which Mawazine News received a copy of, that "during the meeting, prospects for bilateral cooperation were discussed to implement important strategic projects in various fields, and to set ambitious programs aimed at implementing reforms in the banking sector and in developing the private sector, as well as supporting government programs to face changes." climate".

He added, "The meeting witnessed discussions on the implementation of joint programs in the field of youth employment, unemployment reduction, and the development of the social protection program. They also discussed the establishment of the Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Fund."

During the meeting, the Prime Minister referred to "the government's priorities based on the social and economic needs of citizens, and its intention to transform the poor groups from recipients of social care into active people in the labor market, through studied and realistic plans." Ended 29 / H


A Deputy For The Law Calls For The Return Of Public Inspectors To Reduce The Spread Of Corruption

Posted On2022-12-12 By Sotaliraq   The representative of the State of Law coalition, Ahmed Al-Fawwaz, called for the return of public inspectors to curb the spread of corruption in state departments.

Al-Fawwaz stressed in a press interview, which was seen by Taqaddam, on: “The importance of strengthening the oversight role of the executive authority as a matter of support for these sections, including the Commission of Integrity and Financial Control,” calling for “reconsidering the file of the general inspectors to limit the spread of corruption in state departments.” .

Al-Fawwaz expected that "these oversight bodies will have an effective and tangible role on the executive authority in the coming days, more than it was in previous governments."

He also appreciated "the successive steps for the role and success of the current government in all that has been adopted, accompanied by broad popular satisfaction that pushes the legislative and executive authorities to provide what is better on the ground."

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Al-Fouz added, "Retrieving the second batch of the smuggled money's value is a second achievement and a policy that calls for providing better services and building bridges of trust between the government and the people. We hope in the coming days for more steps to hold accountable and recover the rest of the smuggled money."

And he indicated, "The fight against corruption is no less important than terrorism, so we support the government's steps, and there is an international and regional welcome since the confidence was granted to the government of Muhammad Shia'a Al-Suwadani."

Al-Fawwaz pointed out, "The executive authority has committed itself to a ministerial program with many chapters, including dealing with the file of lecturers and contracts."

He continued, "We in the Legal Committee have many laws in progress and are awaiting the first legislative term of the second year of the fifth session to complete them, put them to vote and enter into force."

Al-Fawwaz concluded by saying, “The House of Representatives is responsible for a collaborative responsibility with the executive authority to reduce the phenomenon of corruption, pursue those wanted, and recover the looted money.” LINK

Newspapers Are Following The Impact Of Low Oil Prices On The Budget Law And Efforts To Recover Iraq's Money Smuggled Abroad

Posted On2022-12-12 By Sotaliraq   Monday, December 12, 2022   The newspapers issued in Baghdad today, Monday, the twelfth of December, followed up the impact of the drop in oil prices on the draft budget law and efforts to recover smuggled Iraqi funds.. and other issues, including demonstrations by lecturers and contract owners.

On the subject of the budget, Al-Zawraa newspaper, published by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, said: “Specialists in economic affairs advised the government to implement a policy of hedging in the 2023 budget and to set an acceptable price for oil, while they warned of a significant drop in international oil prices during the next year.”

The expert in financial affairs, Nabil Al-Tamimi, said in an interview with Al-Zawraa: “The government has a special vision that it will employ in the general budget, through which it will try to implement and finance previous projects and not create new projects except for necessities, in addition to adopting the next budget as a development fund.”

Al-Tamimi called on the government not to set a huge budget because it will affect prices and cause some kind of inflation, but rather a kind of hedge must be used to maintain a financial surplus, even if the prices in the expected next year are good for oil, it can be used in the next budget And a sudden drop in prices may occur, as it is very expected that oil prices will drop in the year 2024.

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He added, “There should be a part of the hedging policy in this budget,” stressing that the budget amount should be between 130 and 140 trillion as a maximum, and an attempt to control the markets and inflation, while achieving development goals.

While the newspaper quoted the economist, Ahmed Al-Majidi, saying: “There are fluctuations in global oil prices due to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, as well as the Chinese policy that began to lift the restrictions of Corona, as well as Beijing’s new policy and its agreements with the Gulf countries, all of this will be reflected in oil prices,” noting: “ The year 2023 may witness a drop in oil prices to significant levels.”

While a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Khalil Ghazi, confirmed: “The drop in oil prices in global markets affects the Iraqi draft budget law for the year 2023,” pointing to the need to reduce the estimated price of oil in the draft law.

Ghazi said, according to Al-Zawraa: “The general budget is estimated on the basis of selling oil. In the past, the price of oil was higher than 90 dollars, but it fell to less than 80 dollars, so the drop in oil prices will affect the draft general budget law.”

Al-Sabah newspaper, published by the Iraqi Media Network, followed the issue of efforts and endeavors to recover funds from corruption cases.

In this regard, she referred to the statement of the Director of the Media Center in the Integrity Commission, Ali Muhammad: “The most prominent countries to which funds obtained from corruption have been smuggled are the Kingdom of Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, and a number of other regional countries.”

Muhammad added: “The commission reached, in the last meeting held with the judicial authorities in Jordan last April, to seize the funds in its territories, while there are some challenges related to the different legal systems facing the commission’s work in recovering funds from Turkey, so the recovery department approached the authorities counterpart to the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two parties, but it did not specify time periods for recovering that money due to the complexity of the procedures.

He stressed that: “The movable and immovable funds of some of the accused or the fugitive convicts have recently been seized,” indicating: “The commission is awaiting the completion of the legal department in the Ministry of Justice with procedures related to filing lawsuits abroad, and giving judicial decisions the power of implementation, so that we can then recover the money.” reserved.”

In another matter, Al-Zaman newspaper followed the demonstrations of lecturers and contract holders in Baghdad and other provinces.

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And she said in this regard: “The governorates witnessed mass demonstrations of education lecturers and owners of contracts and daily wages in various ministries, to demand confirmation of permanent staffing without restrictions or conditions, accusing the Ministry of Finance of procrastinating and delaying their appointment procedures under illogical justifications.”

And it showed that: “In Baghdad, the excluded holders of higher education contracts demonstrated, to demand that they be included in confirmation, like their peers.”

It quoted some demonstrators as saying that they are asking the Minister of Higher Education to look into their case. They are contract holders who were employed in public universities after October 2, 2019, and their case is still pending without resolving their conversion to 315 contracts, just like their peers who were included in the transfer and confirmation, despite their ownership. More than three years of service.

While it quoted eyewitnesses: “Some streets that witnessed sit-ins were closed, especially in front of the education directorates in Baghdad and the provinces.”

The witnesses added: “Hundreds of lecturers on the staff of the Dhi Qar Governorate Education Directorate organized a demonstration in front of the department building to demand confirmation of the owners. And they declared a three-day strike as part of the pressure on the central government to include them by confirming permanent staffing within the next year’s budget.

And she indicated that: “In Muthanna, the owners of the contracts protested in various circles to demand that they be fixed on the permanent owners. They indicated that their departments supported the financial allocation for that.

Hundreds of lecturers contracting with the Maysan Education Directorate, according to / time / during a demonstration in front of the directorate, demanded confirmation of the owners.

They made it clear during the vigil that they are demonstrating peacefully and there is an escalation that leads to a sit-in and a permanent strike in the event that they are not treated fairly by responding to their demands, which they see as right, which is to confirm them as they are in the contracts of other ministries, and that their numbers are not large in the governorate.

And the newspaper continued: “Dozens of lecturers, administrators and graduates closed the Basra Education Building to demand confirmation.” / LINK

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