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By Anna Von Reitz  Thursday, January 30, 2020

While everyone's attention is focused on the Circus Maxima taking place in Washington, DC, complete with the pot calling the kettle black, and all sorts of "investigation" intrigue taking place all over the world --- it turns out that the "Russian Collusion" was actually about Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and Mitt Romney, all four, very gainfully employing their children in what used to be called Russia -- the Ukraine.

Name games, again.

Apparently, leaders in BOTH political parties are compromised for the same sins and likely to be painted with the same brush of corruption once the dust settles, so that's why Romney and his RINO buddies are trying to justify impeaching Trump with no credible evidence of wrong-doing on his part at all.

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Ukraine was just such a honey pot, they couldn't resist.

And now, they are scared. 

With the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years and lower and middle income families gaining net income for the first time in a decade and average life expectancy in this country on the rise, and many other indicators of Trump's success physically hitting home throughout America, all their lies sound increasingly hollow.

So, what do they do?  They unleash the deadly and naturally occurring Nipah virus and the Corona virus engineered by Bill Gates, at the same exact time, in China, to signal their displeasure with the China-Trump Trade Deal. 

Reminds me of little kids getting mad because they can't win a softball game, and taking their bat and ball and going home.  If they can't bilk China, and extort racketeering and protection money from China, then nobody else is going to be able to do business with China, either.

Unfortunately, their home is here, in America---- and we have the responsibility of dealing with these Infant Terribles. Sooner or later, it's going to come down to dragging them out of the halls of Congress, out of St. Peter's., and out of the banks and military as well. 

We have to do it, and there is nobody here but us chickens.

So, we need to wise up our Democrat friends who are still in a daze from decades of glutting at the trough and assure them that, yes, the dirty laundry is in full view.  The Unions, the Mob, the Oil Companies, Blackwater, Vanguard, Homeland Security, both the RNC and DNC, the FED, the "Marshal Plan", the banks ---- all of it. 

Turns out that Wells Fargo was Crime Central in the time period between the Twin Towers and the 2008 Meltdown. 

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 See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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