Dinar Recaps

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MilitiaMan Wednesday Night "Seems Odd" 10-7-2020


MilitiaMan:  The article below suggests that they began distribution of the salaries for the month. The White Papers would allow for that. The only thing that may need to be questioned is they are to pay tomorrow on a holiday.

Electronic systems tend to be instantaneously done. Therefore, them staggering payments like they have in the past seems odd.

A level playing field in international markets are meant to be fair and in real time. No privilege's between sectors.

 That said, opening the banks on a holiday to pay salaries, suggests that paying staggered payments may be smoke.. We shall see.

But, a side from that, they do say they are going to raise the salaries. Hence, the value of the currency is to reflected in the salaries pricing.

Any way if they are going out to Sunday? Well, not to far off is it. lol.   imo ~ MM 

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Samson:  Al-Rafidain begins distributing employees' salaries for the month of September

7th October, 2020

Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Wednesday, that it will start distributing employees' salaries for the month of September and the following days

The bank’s media office said in a statement that Al-Eqtisad News received a copy of it, that “based on the directions of the Minister of Finance and with follow-up, management and supervision by the bank’s general manager, the bank’s branches today in Baghdad and the provinces began permanently to distribute the employees’ salaries for the month of September

The statement added, "This was done according to the order and timing specified for each department after the arrival of its financing and financial allocation and raising its salaries   LINK

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