Dinar Recaps

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MilitiaMan Thursday Night "We are in a Sweet Spot for this RI" 2-10-2022


Suzie: Seems like its been awhile since hearing much from MM and Petra…..I know they have jobs, etc. but they had that before.  Hope they’re OK! 

MilitiaMan: We are fine. I have been traveling for work and play this last week..

Know that we are are still in a sweet spot for this RI and end result to come. There is so much to support that we will see the end game they have instore for themselves and along side the world.

Iraq, is out of Chapter 7, they are implementing the activation of electronic borders and ports for fees, customs and tariffs. They are to integrate all provinces in short order.

The WTO has had meetings with respect to Iraq’s ascension into the organization. Those two things will require communication, as to the pricing of goods and services. Imports and exports are going to be on steroids once they interlink all the borders and ports with digital transparency.

The income is going to support their new exchange rate, just as the gold reserves, the Sulphur, the liquid natural gas, oil, tourism, agriculture, etc..

See this content in the original post

The political side seems to be in a very interesting state of late. Sadr looks to have the Iranian influence sorted. That is there may not be a government with Maliki in it.

From the looks of it Sadr, has given them one way only to meet his requirements and that is if you want a seat(s) great, just not with Maliki. IF you don’t like that, then having the largest block we will make it so we keep the present gov in place for the next four years..

Well, it appears they want a seat at the table.. Regardless Sadr gets what he wants for the people of Iraq.

He will also move to make sure the citizens get what they have been promised and that is an exchange rate change back to a previous era.

We saw them talk about the Forties yesterday..

Lets watch and see if they play the game of reverting back to the 1450 from 1460 as it is said that the PM has mentioned it.

That would mean to go international by doing that there would be the process of deleting the three zeros from the exchange rate. 1460 then becomes 1.46..

That is what the citizens need and is a part of the plan to go back to the previous era. Just going back 10 dinars is not going to fly as an international rate.. So, the obvious is what is meant.

Lets keep in mind it was also said by the PM for that rate change and it is said to be 02/22/2022.

That is aligned with the same time frame for the Dissolution of the committee out of the UN with respect to Iraq being freed from Chapter VII.. So, with all of the data we have we can see there is progress and imminence to a rate change. imo

I personally don’t think the dissolution is a necessary item for the rate change, I believe it is a formality only and after the fact they were freed.  imo ~ MM


“”A disaster in Iraq.. the fall of the Iraqi dinar will shock you! Visually analysed

8th February, 2022 It is not just a fantasy, but a very painful reality.

 Iraq is the father of oil and bounties.

The dinar has been swallowed up in the worst value for many years. Between the forties of the last century, a thousand dinars were equal to a locality or a residential building, but today it is not equal to five sums.””

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He pointed out that he “referred to Federal Court Decision No. (51/Federal/2010), which I see as a grave violation because it enables the president and the government to continue exercising their duties for four years, if one-third of the council members adhere to boycotting the sessions.”

The Federal Court receives an appeal against Parliament’s decision to reopen the nomination for the post of President of the Republic  LINK


The border ports start activating the electronic customs and tax receipt verification program

9th February, 2022

The Border Ports Authority announced, on Wednesday, that it has started activating the electronic customs and tax receipt audit program.

A statement by the authority, received by Mawazine News, stated that “the Directorate of the Single Window of Trade Exchange and the Information Technology Department, in coordination with the General Authority for Customs and Taxes, began activating the program for checking the customs and tax receipts electronically through a program that was prepared with self-efforts by the Border Ports Authority,” indicating that “this came, based on the directives and recommendations of the Diwaniyah Order Committee (22 of 2020) issued by the Committee for the Management and Coordination of Government Activity towards Electronic Governance, and through the team charged with automating ports and customs.”

The statement added that “the launch of the program on 7/2/2022 is considered as a first stage by sending a joint committee of the aforementioned bodies to the Al-Mandhiriya border port,” noting that “this important step is the first starting point for applying the electronic audit of customs and tax receipts at other ports.” all”.

He continued, “These procedures come as a continuation of the electronic work practiced by the Border Ports Authority, through the electronic platform in place at the main gates of the ports,” stressing that “these electronic procedures will contribute to preventing fraud, manipulation of fees or distortion in the description of goods.”

He pointed out that “the authority is proceeding in coordination with all operating departments, in order to tighten control over the border crossings and prevent smuggling attempts or waste of public money.”


The ports are activating the electronic customs and tax receipt verification program  LINK



Anbar Announces The Opening Of The Trade Exchange Square With Jordan



Muqtada al-Sadr informs Qaani of the end of Maliki’s opportunities

10th February, 2022

Informed political sources revealed that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, informed the Iranian general, Ismail Qaani, during the last meeting that brought them together in Al-Hanana, that the opportunities of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had ended after he took his share of the ruling for eight years.

According to the sources, al-Sadr advised al-Maliki through Qaani to go to the opposition, but renewed his welcome to accept the rest of the parties to the coordination framework, and the sources indicate that Tehran may eventually abandon al-Maliki in order to preserve its economic interests after the latter’s hopes of obtaining a sovereign position declined.

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