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MilitiaMan, Petra and KTFA Members Monday PM 3-29-2021


PDids:  Is there a particular reason as why our 2 primary news analyzers in reference to MM and Petra have been so very silent for at least the last 7-10 days on any overviews of any articles and especially with all of news during this time and especially today's budget news ? 

PompeyPete:  If you take and absorb Frank and WS information you know we must be very close....forget the ‘dog & pony show’ which is their budget vote ...if the budget vote is now Sun 4/4, you’ve been taught on or before budget rate/CBI makes a show...31/3 is Wednesday last day of the quarter...I know both MM & Petra are watching this time period very, very optimistically. I will give them both the heads up on this post during our review and I will ask them to correct me in here if I’ve got it wrong....The Budget needs the RATE remember, how are the white paper reforms going to be activated on a PR? Who is going to invest in a country which doesn’t have freedom of currency movement? or international recognition for it’s money? We know 1190 got them into trouble before and any longer at 1450 and the citizens will go even more crazy then before, inflation is rising, the lack of cash dollars is taking its toll ....hang on dear chaps, we’re nearly there!.....in my opinion.

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MilitiaMan:  Thank you for the back up PompeyPete, your postive view and the reality to our outlook is spot on. The facts and information that is outside the hype does point conclusively to the reforms are coming to a head with an exchange rate change on the top of the list. The clarity that is out there in respect to the 2021 budget has been a dog a pony show be sure. They have to have the rate change ioo first as you state. And no, they will not get into the private sector ioo with a program rate. Thus, with the amount of confidence there is out there I have been like you say, put my nose to the grind stone with emphasis on family and work while the sunshine's and the grass is greener.. lol I like where we are and we may see even more good news in the very short term. The first quarter is coming to a close in a couple of days. Lets see what thee great news hounds both Samson and Don961 bring us.. I can imagine they will be just as interested as us all to what unfolds!!! ~ imo ~ MM

Petra:  Yes MM, I too want to thank PompeyPete for his perspective on our realities.  Are we excited on where we are at??? ABSOLUTELY!!!  We do mine the articles for validation of accuracy and continued process towards the RI and there have been many for sure. 

The key for everybody to understand is the need for DISCERNMENT as to what is real...and what, as Peter appropriately calls it...the Dog and Pony show.  So accurate a metaphor for where we are right now as we await the CBI to make the change. 

Let me ask this question: How many contrary articles have you seen in the last 7-10 days.  I would say..a lot!!  And they are not only confusing to many but to the fair citizens of Iraq as well who, as you can see by SADR's comments yesterday have had enough.

Please don't take our lack of commentaries as that of "disinterest" but on the contrary to that, we are most excited but see what the media is doing in Iraq because that just tells us they are looking for headlines while the real "minds and hearts" of Iraq are focused on getting to the end game of the RI for the country known as Iraq.

So, chin up...the game is definitely afoot and I am excited to see what the "near proximal" future has to show us as we await the CBI, AND ONLY, the CBI to make their move.  Thank you all for understanding!!  PETRA


Don961:  A breakthrough in the budget approval file.” A deputy expects the date of the vote and confirms: We have reached the final stage of understandings - urgent

78 Policy 2021/03/29 21:02     Baghdad Today - Follow-up 

Today, Monday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Muhammad al-Shabki, spoke about a breakthrough in the file of passing the country's fiscal budget for the year 2021, and while he indicated that the political blocs had reached the final stages of understandings, he expected a date to vote on approving the budget.

Muhammad al-Shabaki said, in a televised interview, followed by (Baghdad Today), that "there has been an agreement on the text of Article 11 concerning the share of Kurdistan between political forces, and it stipulates that what exceeds the export of 460 thousand barrels per day, excluding the costs of production, transportation, operation, domestic consumption and the dollar percentage What increases the value of the oil produced goes to the federal government. "

Al-Shabaki added, "It was also agreed on a method for financial settlement from 2004-2020, while the necessity for Kurdistan to pay its obligations on a monthly basis was confirmed, provided that the government hand over the rights of the region monthly."

He continued, "It was agreed to hand over half of the imports of the border crossings and the rest of the non-oil revenues monthly to the Iraqi Ministry of Finance."

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee pointed out that "the dialogues approached the understandings and solved the problem of foreign loans after the blocks objected to the loans being followed up by the Ministry of Finance and the abolition of the objection to the text of the loans and obtained flexibility."

Al-Shabky emphasized, "We passed the stage of agreements and consensuses to the stage of final understandings, and we have come a long way, and the budget may be ready for voting within days," suggesting that the budget will be voted on "before the end of this week."

And Mohamed Al-Shabky stated, "The budget included financial allocations for all contracts and wages covered by Resolution 315, and the lecturers, in its final version."

The House of Representatives was supposed to hold its session to vote on the draft federal budget law for the current year, on Sunday, but the persistent differences between the political blocs pushed it to postpone and leave the parliament room.

A parliamentary source inside the House of Representatives stated that the Presidency of Parliament officially informed the MPs to postpone the session to vote on the budget without setting a specific date, after the failure of the dialogues and negotiations on the disputed paragraphs, including the exchange rate.   LINK  

MilitaMan:  Then they'll need the CBI to spill the beans before the end of this week.. lol imo !~ MM

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Don961:  The US State Department officially announces the strategic dialogue with Iraq on April 7, and identifies 4 files

465 Policy 2021/03/29 18:56   Baghdad Today - Follow-up

Today, Monday, the US State Department officially announced the holding of a strategic dialogue with Iraq on April 7, while 4 files were identified.

The US State Department said in a statement, "It has been decided to hold a strategic dialogue with Iraq on April 7."

She added, "The strategic dialogue with Iraq will include security, combating terrorism, economy and energy."    LINK

MilitaMan:  Interesting the dialogue will be after the vote that is to be before this week ends, therefore, they'll need the CBI to spill those beans and pronto.. lol imo ~ MM


Samson:  The foreign ministers of Iraq, Jordan and Egypt discuss the crises of four Arab countries

29th March, 2021

The foreign ministers of Iraq, Fouad Hussein, Jordan Ayman Safadi and Egypt, Sameh Shukry, held a meeting on Monday in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

In a brief statement received by Shafaq News, the spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, said, "The ministers discussed economic, regional and international issues of common concern, and developments in the region, including the Palestinian issue, the Syrian crisis, the war on terrorism, and developments." The Yemeni and Libyan crisis."

Yesterday, Sunday, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the foreign ministers of Egypt and Jordan will arrive in Iraq tomorrow to discuss arrangements for the tripartite summit between Iraq and both countries.

The tripartite summit was scheduled to be held between Iraq, Egypt and Jordan, but Prime Minister Mostafa Al-Kazemi announced last Friday that the summit would be postponed indefinitely due to the two trains collision in Egypt, which caused dozens of deaths and injuries.

Last Saturday, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein of Jordan stressed the importance of holding the tripartite summit as soon as possible, while they discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries. The Media Office of the Prime Minister said in a statement received by Shafaq News that Al-Kazemi received a phone call from the Jordanian king, during which they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, issues and files of common interest, as well as ways to enhance cooperation between Baghdad and Amman at various levels and levels. LINK


Samson:  The Suez Canal Authority announces the success of the operation to float the delinquent ship and return to navigation

29th March, 2021

The Suez Canal Authority announced, on Monday, that the operation to float the stranded ship and return to navigation in the canal was successful.

"The delinquent ship in the Suez Canal is moving, using engines, towards the Bitter Lakes region," the Egyptian TV confirmed, in urgent news that was followed by Shafaq News.

Reuters also confirmed the return of navigation in the Suez Canal to normal activity.

A little while ago, Reuters reported that the delinquent ship in the Suez Canal had returned to its width as the width of the canal due to strong winds.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi announced that the Egyptians succeeded today in ending the crisis of the delinquent ship in the Suez Canal.

Egypt had announced that the delinquent ship floated in the Suez Canal, and was directed to the Lakes region for examination, in a process that could last 48 hours.  

The head of the Suez Canal Authority suggested resuming navigation in the canal on Monday at noon. LIN

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